Finished Ready, Aim, Fire! The Winner is...

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Action Phase 2 Update
Following Empoleon_master's... sudden... departure, the contestants were in a panicked state. 3 players made a snap decision to take down one unfortuante user, and decided to launch their attack at the end of the day.

@Yeowie was scared, but not afraid of drawing attention to himself. He clutched his Phonetic Crossbow and ventured into the woods, seeking out his target. As one of the 3 contestants who had found piercing shots yesterday, Yeowie was confident that @PMJ wouldn't be defending himself and instead shooting violently for the win. Sighting his target, Yeowie reverberated soundwaves in PMJ's general direction, hoping to kill him. PMJ, thinking quickly as ever, pulled some earplugs out of his pockets and stuck them in his ears, drowning out the sound. The plan also hadn't been entirely thought through, as the sound echoed off the many trees in the forest and ended up killing their origin.

@simsands, much like everyone else in a 1000-mile radius, heard the noise. Unlike most, who ran from the noise, simsands decided it was time to act. Running towards the cacophony he clutched the weapon he had found in the large chest yesterday. PMJ, though still on the defensive, made the lethal mistake of leaving his earplugs in, so simsands didn't need to take care as he unleashed the huge black hole from its handbag onto PMJ, unsurprisingly immediately killing him.

This leaves 4 players: @Brave Vesperia, @GM DracLord, @randompikachu7 and @thegrovylekid. Brave Vesperia was clutching a wooden rubber band gun and thegrovylekid had the support of all the Pichu in the land, but randompikachu7 and GM DracLord had unidentifiable weaponry. Drawn to the Pichu frolicking around, the other 3 users in question all went to find thegrovylekid. They looked at each other and with a simple glance they understood. randompikachu7 was first to pounce, but TGK was determined not to go down without a fight. With a startling yell, the Pichu playing its Ukulele ceased the beautiful music and instead whacked randompikachu7 around the head with it. randompikachu7 injured TGK enough for GM DracLord to make a move with his incredibly powerful weapon he'd found during searching yesterday, while it was Brave Vesperia who landed the finishing blow, firing a speeding rubber band straight into TGK's heart.

Brave Vesperia
GM DracLord


Action Phase 3 will end on Wednesday the 19th October at 20:30 PM GMT+1
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Action Phase 3 Update
@Brave Vesperia, @GM DracLord and @simsands were all placed in a field staring at each other fearfully. They knew that there was going to be death and with so few options to kill left there was every chance it would be them. GM DracLord stuck with his route of not choosing a weapon and having Celever make do without, while Brave Vesperia grabbed a NES Zapper and simsands had a secret plan.

Brave Vesperia was terrified and extremely paranoid. Seizing his toy gun, he ran around the field scared and hid behind a tree. GM DracLord followed suit, hiding close to him. simsands decided that now was the time to act. He pulled out a bottomless container of Diet Coke and a pack of mints, squeezing the white circles into the bottle and running away. A volcanic stream of liquid shot out directly towards GM DracLord. Brave Vesperia, startled by the noise, shot his NES Zapper, invisible lasers shooting out and forming as comical circles hitting the trees and flying ducks. One of the shots flew into the stream of Diet Coke and was thrown off course, heading back towards its origin and with an 8-bit crashing noise. Brave Vesperia committed suicide, if accidentally.

That left two players standing. The Diet Coke was still headed towards GM DracLord, and he had his weapon poised too. simsands added more mints to his drink, hoping to build up enough pressure to go for the kill. GM DracLord, who had managed to evade the Coke thus far, gave in and thrust his weapon in front of it. The bottle erupted violently, GM DracLord hitting it back towards the cause of the chaos. Simsands slipped on the liquid into his bottomless container and eventually drowned...

Brave Vesperia

The Winner:
GM DracLord!

Congratulations to our winner!
There's also a spreadsheet with all the weapons and actions for you to look through here.
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Congrats GM DracLord!

Wow, that was a crazy final round. I thought shooting myself would save me there since I was almost sure someone would shoot me. :p
Haha, good game!

I was confident that Brave Vesperia would protect himself, but I also thought that GM DracLord would do so, too. I was seriously debating not doing anything at all, but thought that it would feel bad losing that way, so I decided to go with the attack instead. Bad choice!
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