Ruling Question About Ex Unseen Forces List


Aspiring Trainer
Ok well I have quite a few of the EX Useen forces cards, And anways I came here As usual to see which ones I need to complete my deck, or which ones are rare and ones to watch out for (I Mainly buy Collections an then sell them off one by one in my store, Which by the way if you have dupes or want to sell a collection PLEASE do contact me as I am always on the prowl for cards) Anyway, The list for the "Ex Unseen Forces" Pokemon Deck lists 117 cards in the set, yet at the bottom of my cards in the very little writing in the right corner it says for example: Murkrow 30/115, not 117, and on the list on this site MurKrow matches up with number 30 in the list and the symbol in the bottom corner matches for unseen forces. So I do not know if this is the right thread to post it on, I am going to post it in the general section too because I need an answer soon. I normally dont have problems Identifying decks but I have a large amount of the the older first release cards (Like Base set, Base set 2, and the Jungle and Fossil additions). Me and my business partner just bough over 3000 cards so ill probably be back with more questions :p

This belongs in the TCG Questions forum. Now moving...

There are 117 standard cards in the set. There are two secret cards in the set. The first of them, Rocket's Persian-ex, is a boxtopper, and is listed as 116/115. Celebi-ex is a hidden "secret" card that is occasionally opened, and it is 117/115. There are also 28 Unown cards in the set, so that would mean that there are actually 145 cards in the set. The Unown are listed by their letter. For example, Unown E would be listed as E/115, and Unown ? would be listed as ?/115.
There are indeed 115 cards in EX: Unseen Forces; there are two secret rares that are not counted normally in the set - if you'll look at Rocket's Persian ex, the boxtopper, you will see that it is numbered 116/115.


The other secret rare, Celebi ex, is 117/115. Those are your two missing cards.
srry for the newb question. . .and i'm not really helping this thread out. . .
but what is a box topper?
it is a card on top of the packs of the booster box,it can also be bought buy buying singles.
no,there is no way that you can get a boxtopper in booster packs and do you know how do get secret cards such as Celebi Ex from UF???cause i know.
RE:  Question About Ex Unseen Forces List

Metagross88 said:
no,there is no way that you can get a boxtopper in booster packs and do you know how do get secret cards such as Celebi Ex from UF???cause i know.
Ooh, keep your precious little secret to yourself. See if we care.
Celebi ex comes in booster packs, everyone. Basically, any secret card that ain't a boxtopper comes in a booster... but it's VERY rare.