

Was once Boddy903
The way I envision the world today, I imagine it looking something like this:


Before you go about spreading your lies about how the earth is a spherical sphere, I just want to let you know that I'm not going to let you shove your ideals down my throat. This is what the earth looks like, and we are all the pimples and blackheads that thrive on top. We are born, but then, after much pressure, we pop, and die.

Now, on this troll-shaped Earth, there are two groups of people. Those who do, and those who don't. There is also a third group, but they are so controlling of everything that even giving them a name would cause severe and direct punishment. So, I'll just call them "Those in Top Percentage."

I'll begin with Those Who Don't. Those Who Don't make up a majority of this world's population. They are easily identified, much more than Those Who Do, but more on that later. Those Who Don't are tasked with finding every imperfection in the world that is humanly possible. Is that blade of grass lighter than the rest? Complain about it, and Someone Who Does will fix it immediately.

They are also identifiable by one other clear characteristic. They are prone to irrational fear. They can see things, where there are none. Tell them that there is some almighty being with 1000 arms, and then created time, space, and some freaky alternate dimension, and by Arceus they'll pray to it. Now, keep in mind, while they are in fact doing something, this action is not actually defined as "Doing Something"

Next, there are Those Who Do. These are often prided as the heroes, or, as I'd like to call them, the Janitorial Staff. There are very few people who live in this realm. Few examples include those such as Brendan, Ethan, and Red. They are tasked with fixing the messes seen by Those Who Don't, but in a much larger sense.

The messes that are noticed by Those Who Don't are extrapolated heavily by Those in Top Percentage. Those in Top Percentage make up the smallest population, but are crafty and intelligent. They can take the irrational fears of Those Who Don't, and twist it, until it finally serves them in some method.

Consider the following example: Those Who Don't are lazy. But, that's ok, because they pride themselves in the idea that complaining is hard work. So, Those in Top Percentage created an invention known as the PC. This PC allows Those Who Don't to keep track of Pokemon Boxes, Item Storage, and Internet all at the comfort of their homes.

At first, this was an extraordinary breakthrough, and Those Who Do recognized the benefits of such machines. However, their purpose was quickly switched. Those in Top Percentage would daily send out hordes of viruses known as "Bad Eggs." These Bad Eggs would destroy the PC within an instant. They were anonymously sent, so Those Who Don't kept on blaming things around them, and did not dare to accuse Those in Top Percentage. Then, naturally, Those in Top Percentage came out with even better PC's where you could actually see the Pokemon in your Boxes. These sold quickly too, and Those in Top Percentage made a modest living.

However, Those Who Do quickly saw the ruse, and attempted to end it. So, a group of people, individually named Bill, Lanette, Anita, and Bebe, created a Box System where the PC was safe from harm. Those in Top Percentage saw that this would undermine their operations, so they dealt with them accordingly. Bebe and Anita managed to escape their wrath, but Bill was turned into a Clefairy, and Lanette was stripped of all of her technology, and was banished to a small house on the outskirts of Fallorbor Town.

But, basically, there is one thing this Earth revolves around, and it is EXP, or this world's form of currency. The more EXP you have, the more power and strength you have over the Troll-faced world. At first, it was a handy commodity. EXP helped the modern Traders get the things they needed out life. However, this also came around the time that Those in Top Percentage came into being. Naturally, they saw the superficial necessity of EXP, and formulated a plan as to how they could form a society around it. The answer was simple.

On Earth, there is an energy that runs through the people on it. Let's call it Aura. It is basically the spirit that channels their drive. Those in Top Percentage began to stimulate this Aura by any means necessary. They took advantage of the laziness of Those Who Don't by creating competition between them. Those with more EXP could have more luxuries and stronger Pokemon. This quickly caused conflicts, the Aura was now conditioned to believe that EXP meant happiness.

Now flip this view into your view.

See the difference? See that cat? See the cradle?
