
Hello, all you 'Beachers. This is Scizorliscious, and, acknowledging the lull between Worlds and BRs with no rotation and only seven sets in format, thought it might be better to write an article on something other than topics that have been recycled around these past few weeks and, no doubt, will continue to be in the upcoming ones. I have just recently finished my testing with the newest (and possibly greatest) Unlimited deck known as PoryDonk, and now is the perfect time to write an article on it. So without further ado, I bring you...
PoryDonk- The Unlimited Deck with No Limits: an Overview
This deck is a relatively new one - with one of the necessary cards, Seeker from Triumphant, only coming out November of 2010. Since then, it has gathered much popularity with anyone who plays Unlimited, and has become arguably the best deck out-of-format. Its ability to donk nearly any opponent setup is unparalleled within the world of Pokémon, which is what makes it such a formidable deck.
PoryDonk operates on a standard Unlimited engine- Uxie, Professor Oak, Poké Drawer +, etc. are used for drawing through most, if not all, of the deck (scroll down to decklist for scans). PoryDonk's way of donking is to set up Porygon2 GE (with Broken Time-Space) and using its PokéPower, Download, to use Seeker repeatedly. One Seekers up the Porygon2 with Download and plays it back down again, ready for another Seeker to be used with its Power. Once the opponent's benched Pokémon have all returned to the opponent's hand, Drifblim UD can be used with Boost Energy to Take Away the opponent's Active Pokémon. Once that all has been completed, one's opponent will have no Pokémon in play, thus losing him or her the match. And remember, this is all done on the first turn.
The Skeleton
Pokémon (7):
1-1 Drifblim UD
1-1 Porygon2 GE
2x Uxie LA
1x Azelf LA
T/S/S (25):
2x Professor Oak
2x Erika
4x Computer Search
4x Poké Drawer +
1x Luxury Ball
4x Item Finder
2x Scoop Up
1x Switch
4x Seeker
1x Broken Time-Space
Energy (1):
1x Boost Energy
Extra Spaces: 27
This is a fairly thin skeleton, as this deck has options with which it can work. It is necessary that one play either multiples of the necessary non-Pokémon cards (that is, Boost Energy and Broken Time-Space), Rotom UD, or both. Otherwise, they will get stuck in the prizes more often than one would like, which can lead to severe problems.
I will include scans and details of cards later on, so those resources are there if you would like to check what a card does or why it's included in the skeleton.
The List
Note that this is my personal list, and caters to my own preferences. It is fairly standard, but I'll come back to that in a bit.
Pokémon (20):
1x Drifloon MD
1x Drifblim UD
2x Porygon TR
2x Porygon2 GE
3x Uxie LA
2x Azelf LA
1x Rotom UD
4x Sableye SF
4x Unown R LA
T/S/S (38):
3x Professor Oak
3x Erika
4x Computer Search
4x Poké Drawer +
4x Pokémon Communication
2x Dual Ball
1x Luxury Ball
4x Item Finder
3x Scoop Up
1x Pokémon Retriever
1x VS Seeker
1x Switch
1x Warp Point
4x Seeker
2x Broken Time-Space
Energy (2):
2x Boost Energy
The Pokémon
I chose to play a 1-1 Drifblim line. This is fairly standard, as any prized Drifloon or Drifblim can be taken care of with Azelf, and Drifblim isn't truly necessary until the end of the game. As for my choice of Drifloon, the one from Majestic Dawn can attack if need be, but honestly, the Drifloon will most likely never matter.
This is played in a 2-2 line, only because it needs to be out fairly early so that all the Seekers in-hand can be used up to lower the hand size for Uxie or Professor Oak. The choice of Porygon, again, doesn't really matter all that much. GE is probably the most desirable (as it has a better weakness overall), but that will only matter if you're against a Fighting-type that can attack for exactly 30 damage (besides Tyrogue, which doesn't count Weakness) AND you have a Porygon active. Since this is pretty unlikely, I didn't waste my time or money on getting Porygon from GE, and if you have ones from TR (or any set for that matter), they should work just as well.
This card is the best source of searchable drawpower in the game. The problem is that it does take up a useful bench spot, so including four would probably be overkill. Three tends to be a safe number, so that even if one is prized, you don't have to waste an Azelf (and a bench spot) on getting it out again.
This is simply the best card for getting Pokémon out of your prizes (and checking them at the same time). If a Drifblim is stuck in there, Azelf will do the job. I play two only because of the 1-1 line of Drifblim. With 1 Azelf, the risk of both an Azelf and a Drifblim or Drifloon being prized would actually be fairly great.
This is for those rare scenarios where two Broken Time-Spaces or Boost Energies are stuck in the prizes. It takes up a bench space, so it can be a pain (especially because you'll want to use Azelf to check your prizes first as well), but it's worth it.
People have given me grief about this card, but I swear by it. It is the preferred starter for this deck, so it's run in a count of four. Its Overeager PokéBody lets you go first automatically, so in mirror match (or most matches against other Unlimited decks), this can give you the win.
Unown R
This is pretty standard for donk decks. Run with four, this card is simply placed down and discarded so that you can draw an extra card. It's very deck-thinning card, which makes it useful. It's not entirely necessary for the deck, but it helps a lot.
The T/S/S
The Drawpower
Professor Oak
This card can be pretty useful, but it's a double-edged sword. It's run in a count of three because, while it does provide great drawpower, discarding a Drifblim, Seeker, Item Finder, or Computer Search is never fun.
What can I say? It's a Trainer that lets you draw three cards. It's great. Running four even wouldn't be a bad idea.
The Searchpower
Computer Search
This is a great card. Discarding two cards to search for any one card is great, especially later in the game, where you'll run into dead draws such as Sableye, Boost Energy, and Broken Time-Space.
Poké Drawer +
Even without being able to play two at once, this card is fine. Just play it to draw a card. But if you happen to have a hand with two Drawers in it, play them both to get any two cards from your deck. That's why you run four. And remember - it's not a bad idea to use a Computer Search to get a Poké Drawer + if you already have one. It both thins your deck and lets you search for another card.
Pokémon Communication
Yeah, this card doesn't have to be run at all. But I play four. Part of it is that with 20 Pokémon, it can almost function as a Luxury Ball at times. The other part is that it can be oh-so-useful for getting a Drifblim or Porygon2 that can't be played yet into your deck so you're free to use a Professor Oak.
Dual Ball
If you need an Uxie, this can help. Just be sure not to get double-tails. An all-around good card to search out Basics, which this deck has plenty of.
Luxury Ball
One is standard, but more is unnecessary. Just getting any Pokémon is really useful in any situation.
The Recovery
Item Finder
This is a very useful card. Its best uses are on Seeker (since it was created before the T/S/S split, it can be used on Supporters), Erika, Poké Drawer +, and Scoop Up. Four are played just because it's so handy in any situation.
Scoop Up
Uxie loves this card. And it's great. You might even consider running four.
Pokémon Retriever
If you go second and happen to have a Drifloon or something KO'd, not to worry. Pokémon Retriever is here. no need to play more than one.
VS Seeker
Just another way to get Seeker back (and without discarding cards, like Item Finder). You'll really only need one - with this and four Item Finder, Seeker can usually be played about seven or eight times on average.
Switch/Warp Point
These cards are for getting your Drifblim Active. Switch for if there's a Spiritomb or anything else you don't want Active on the Bench, Warp Point for something Active you want Benched, such as something with Cessation Crystal. A 1/1 split should work fine, it's doubtful you'll be in either of those positions ever.
The S/S
It would be hard to have PoryDonk without Seeker. This is what makes it all come together.
Broken Time-Space
In order to achieve a T1 Porygon2 and Drifblim, you'll need this. Two is a good number: enough so that it won't get stuck in prizes, but not so much that it clogs up your hand later.
The Energy
Boost Energy
You'll need this to attack with Drifblim. As with Broken Time-Space, two is a good number. Just remember that you have to attach it after evolving to Drifblim, and not before.
That should give a pretty extensive overview of the deck. Now, here's some cards you might want to consider adding instead of some of the less-important cards here:
Regice LA
This is a tech for Spiritomb. I don't play it because it's rare you'll draw into it before the Spiritomb goes away, but it does give you a good chance with it.
Special Darkness Energy
Obviously, this is only useful if you play Sableye. If there's a Pokémon Sableye can OHKO, you don't even need to set up Drifblim. Could work well with Pokémon Catcher/Gust of Wind to make sure you get a Pokémon Sableye can KO in the Active spot.
Tips for playing
-Remember to always have an Uxie or Professor Oak in your hand. Once you get this, you should be good.
-If you have Computer Search and Poké Drawer + in your hand, you can use Computer Search to get another Poké Drawer +, and then play both at the same time to search for two cards.
-Make sure you stick with your ultimate goal, rather than just trying to draw your deck. That is, make sure you donk (don't waste bench spots to draw a couple cards with Uxie, don't waste Item Finders, etc).
-The first time you search your deck, look for a full Porygon2 line, a full Drifblim line, Boost Energy, Broken Time-Space, and Switch/Warp Point (if necessary). If one of them isn't there, make a mental note and get it out of your prizes later.
-Remember to get stuff out in the right order: Broken Time-Space and Porygon, then Porygon2, then Drifloon, then Drifblim, then Boost energy. Make sure cards don't get stuck in your hand because you can't play them yet.
Alright, so that concludes this article on PoryDonk. I hope it was fun and informative. If I get generally positive feedback, I may write another article sometime. C&C are very welcome and appreciated.
Until next time...