Politoed ex or Salamence ex.. which should I use in my deck?

Rayquaza Ex said:
kravenace said:
Ardoptres said:
Polistall V2?

3-3-3 Poli ex
2-2 Altaria ex d
2-2 Dugtrio
8 Fossils

Looks awsome to me.

3-3-3 is a no-no
4-3-2 Politoed ex
3-2 Altaria ex DF
3-2 Dugtrio
8 Fossils

Always have more of the lower evolution line. [except for some circumstances that you have to go 4-3-5 or 4-3-4.]

maximum copies of 1 card in your deck is 4...( 8 fossils)

There are 3 kinds of fossils and 1 kind of which is only counted as a trainer.