XY Pokémon X / Y Egg Moves "Update!"


Spikey shield!
I've decided to showcase some generation VI Pokemons egg move list. My acquaintances were experimenting breeding Pokemons from past generations, with the new Pokemons of this new generation, to see what moves can be passed to the offspring. My acquaintances have confirmed some moves, and I'll post them in this thread. Please do note that this thread focuses not only on Gen 6 Pokemons egg move list, likewise Pokemons from previous generations that can learn new moves when bred in Gen 6. So, I'll post them here. This thread will be ammended, and updated so keep an eye on it.​

Generation VI Pokemons egg move list:

#650 Chespin: Belly drum, Curse, Defense curl, Quick Guard, Spikes, Synthesis
#653 Fennekin: Heat wave, Hypnosis, Magic coat, Wish
#656 Froakie: Bestow, Camouflage, Mind reader, Mud sport, Toxic spikes, Water sport
#659 Bunnelby: Defense curl, Rollout, Spikes
#661 Fletchling: Quick guard, Snatch, Tailwind
#664 Scatterbug: Rage powder
#667 Litleo: Attract, Entrainment, Fire spin, Snatch, Yawn
#669 Flabébé: Camouflage, Captivate, Copycat
#672 Skiddo: Defense curl, Rollout
#674 Pancham: Foul play, Quick guard, Me first, Ally switch
#676 Furfrou: Mimic, Captivate, Refresh, Work up
#677 Espurr: Trick, Yawn, Assist, Barrier,
#679 Honedge: Destiny bond, Metal sound, Wide guard
#682 Spritzee: Refresh, Wish, Captivate, Disable
#684 Swirlix: Belly drum, Yawn, Copycat, After you
#686 Inkay: Comouflage, Destiny bond, Power split, Simple beam
#688 Binacle: Helping hand, Switcheroo, Tickle, Water sport
#690 Skrelp: Acid armor, Haze, Rough play, Toxic spikes, Venom drench
#692 Clauncher: Aqua jet, Crabhammer, Endure, Entrainment, Helping hand
#694 Helioptile: Agility, Camouflage, Electric Terrian, Glare
#696 Tyrunt: Thunder fang, Ice fang, Fire fang, Poison fang, Dragon dance, Curse, Rock polish
#698 Amaura: Barrier, Discharge, Haze, Magnet rise, Mirror coat
#701 Hawlucha: Agility, Ally switch, Baton pass, Entrainment, Me first, Mud sport, Quick guard
#702 Dedenne: Covet, Helping hand
#704 Goomy: Acid armor, Counter, Curse, Endure, Iron tail, Poison tail
#707 Klefki: Iron defense, Lock on, Switcheroo, Thief
#708 Phantump: Bestow, Grudge, Imprison, Venom drench
#710 Pumpkaboo: Bestow, Destiny bond, Disable
#712 Bergmite: Barrier, Mirror coat, Mist, Recover
#714 Noibat: Dark pulse, Outrage, Snatch, Switcheroo, Tailwind

Current list of old Pokemon with newly discovered egg moves.

Archen - Switcheroo
Meditite - Quick Guard
Anorith - Aqua Jet
Absol - Rough play
Surskit - Power Split, Fell Stinger,
Spinarak - Megahorn,
Swinub - Freeze-Dry,
Shuppet - Phantom Force,
Wooper - Eerie Impulse,
Shellos - Acid Armor,
Snorlax - Belch,
Carvanha - Destiny Bond,
Heatmor - Belch,
Mawile - Seismic Toss, Misty Terrain,
Cubchoo - Rough play,
Phanpy - Rough play,
Rhyhorn - Metal Burst, Rototiller,
Stunky - Rough Play,
Scraggy - Quick Guard,
Squirtle - Dragon Pulse, Aura Sphere,
Audino - Draining Kiss,
Exeggcute - Grassy Terrain,
Remoraid - Entrainment,
Houndour - Destiny Bond,
Delibird - Freeze-Dry, Destiny Bond, Spikes,
Timburr - Cross Chop,
Nidoran(F) - Venom Drench,
Nidoran(M) - Venom Drench,
Sneasel - Icicle Crash,
Seel - Entrainment, Belch,
Paras - Fell Stinger,
Cleffa - Misty Terrain,
Pichu - Disarming Voice,
Teddiursa - Rough Play,
Bulbasaur - Grassy Terrain,
Igglybuff - Misty Terrain,
Corphish - Switcheroo, Aqua Jet,
Heracross - Rock Blast,
Chatot - Boomburst,
Lickitung - Belch,
Poochyena - Rough Play,
Bellsprout - Belch,
Stunfisk - Eerie Impulse,
Pidove - Night Slash,
Marill - Camouflage,
Munna - Healing Wish,
Mareep - Eerie Impulse, Electric Terrain,
Slowpoke - Belch,
Electrike - Eerie Impulse,
Chansey - Seismic Toss,
Lapras - Freeze-Dry,
Ducklett - Mud Sport,
RE: Pokémon X / Y Egg Moves

This has been an invaluable breeding list, thank you for posting it as many sites still dont have any egg moves available. I have been running down the list breeding egg moves onto all the new pokemon to keep in my stables "just in case" and i have a question. Do you or anyone know how to get flatter on Inkay?
RE: Pokémon X / Y Egg Moves

Yes you can. I know Hippowdon learns it, but not sure if Aron is in the same egg group.
RE: Pokémon X / Y Egg Moves

King Arceus said:
Yes you can. I know Hippowdon learns it, but not sure if Aron is in the same egg group.

I gonna Try! Because Aron with Eadavore + Shell Bell = Full Power
RE: Pokémon X / Y Egg Moves

Mentiras said:
This has been an invaluable breeding list, thank you for posting it as many sites still dont have any egg moves available. I have been running down the list breeding egg moves onto all the new pokemon to keep in my stables "just in case" and i have a question. Do you or anyone know how to get flatter on Inkay?

You're most welcome! Thanks, I thought no one was interested in my thread therefore I forgot about it, I didn't knew that there were other people interested in my thread like you. I'm glad it was helpful for you. As for how to get Inkay with the egg move flatter, I made a mistake, for typing flatter as the egg move for Inkay. Apparently it is not an egg move for Inkay, I'm so sorry. :(

ShinyVincent said:
King Arceus said:
Yes you can. I know Hippowdon learns it, but not sure if Aron is in the same egg group.

I gonna Try! Because Aron with Eadavore + Shell Bell = Full Power

If you're planning to get an Aron with with the egg move "Endeavor". Try breeding a male Ramparados that has learned the move "Endeavor" at level 30, with a female Aron. Ramparados, and Aron are on the same egg group.
Awesome. Thanks for posting this so much.

Btw - you might wanna fix some move names, for example Play Rough. (instead of Rough Play.)
Pineapple X said:
Awesome. Thanks for posting this so much.

Btw - you might wanna fix some move names, for example Play Rough. (instead of Rough Play.)

Hahaha! Thanks for reminding me! I fixed the name of the move "Rough play". LOL XD!!
FoxFire said:
Squirtle learns WHAT?!

it's so Mega Blastoise can effectively utilize Mega Launcher

(speaking of that, I got a Modest Squirtle with those 2 moves through Wonder Trade :])
P.DelSlayer said:
FoxFire said:
Squirtle learns WHAT?!

it's so Mega Blastoise can effectively utilize Mega Launcher

(speaking of that, I got a Modest Squirtle with those 2 moves through Wonder Trade :])

Oh, okay. That makes perfect sense then. (Edit: Never Mind, figured it out.)
- Squirte gets a Dragon move through Breeding.
- Mareep doesn't.

Something wrong here.

Is it just me, or do the new Pokémon have not that many Egg Moves?
Blob55 said:
- Squirte gets a Dragon move through Breeding.
- Mareep doesn't.

Something wrong here.

Ampharos does get Dragon Pulse through move relearner; it may be possible for 2 Ampharos to pass it onto a Mareep (but I don't know if that's been checked).
An Egg Move is a move that is passed down to a bred Pokémon from its parents. These are often moves the bred Pokémon could not normally learn otherwise.
If there's an Egg Move you want a baby to learn, make sure the parent (so long as you're in Gen 6, it doesn't matter if it's the mother or father) has that move when breeding and it should pass down.
The parent in that case would have to be a Qwilfish, who learns Destiny Bond at level 53.