After a brief holiday hiatus, PokéBeach's Fan Art of the Week competition is back with a vengeance!
For this round, I think we'll go without a theme. There will be no limits on the media used -- it can be digital, tradiational, whatever! As long as it's Pokémon-related, feel free to enter it.
Each artist will be limited to 1 entry, so choose your submission carefully! Remember: the winning entry will feature on the PokéBeach portal page for every member to see!
How will this competition work?
Past Winners
Anticipated Participants:
For this round, I think we'll go without a theme. There will be no limits on the media used -- it can be digital, tradiational, whatever! As long as it's Pokémon-related, feel free to enter it.
Each artist will be limited to 1 entry, so choose your submission carefully! Remember: the winning entry will feature on the PokéBeach portal page for every member to see!
Deadline: Wednesday, January 18th
- Art submission.
You can submit your own work into this contest, or others can submit work on your behalf. In such a situation, the original artist will be contacted for approval.
--- - You may have only one piece of artwork submitted each week.
This includes work you submit for yourself, and work others submit for you.
--- - Constructive comments only.
We all want this to be a fun event, so if you have something to say, make sure it's for the benefit of the artist.
--- - Allowable art.
Signatures, pictures, wallpapers, and drawings are all allowed. As long as it fits the Pokémon-related theme, there's not much of a limit, so let's see what you can do!
How will this competition work?
- Entries will be collected...
For a fun, competitive contest, we need entries! Not only will there be more competition with more entries, but it will also be another way to showcase the artistic talent of PokéBeach members! Please PM entries to myself with the title "FAotW #2." Exactly that, not "Fan Art of the Week #2" or "Fan Art Submission." FAotW #2.
--- - ...and pooled together for a community vote
Voting community-style will give every artist an opportunity to win.
Past Winners
- SuperSleuth
Anticipated Participants:
[*]Nekoban Ryo
[*]Non Sequitur
[*]Flame Claw

Good luck to all!