RE: PokéBeach Fakemon Contest #3 - ENTER NOW. Ghost/Fighting
Here is mine

Type: Ghost & Fighting
Level up Moves: Scratch Lv 1, Growl Lv1, Bite Lv 5, nasty plot Lv 5, Faint attack Lv 6, Dark pulse Lv 9, Wake up slap Lv 13, Double kick Lv 16, Fire punch Lv 20 (Male only), Thunder punch Lv20 (Female only), Brick break Lv 25, Hidden power Lv 27, Meow Lv 30 (Same thing as Roar), Crunch Lv 33, Shadow ball Lv 37, Wing attack Lv 45, Ariel ace Lv 50,
TM & HM Moves: Fly, Flamethrower (Male only), Thunder (Female only), Rock Smash, Shadow ball, Giga Impact.
Evolutions: Undiscovered
Title: The Angel Cat Pokemon
Pokedex entry: Do not be fooled by its cuteness, MR Kitz is very deadly! It always keeps its one good arm's claws out in case of an attack. An interesting fact is that like totodile it loves to scratch and bite things! Even there trainers have to be careful! Legend has it that if you hear there cry you will turn into a MR Kitz! It's legs are very weak because it never walks, it has been known to always fly.
Mostly found: They can be seen wandering grave yards.
Catch rate: 40% Out of 100%
What region is he found?: He is found in the sepiec region. (I made that region up.)