Writing PMD: Explorers of Time - PokéBeach Edition! Final Chapter! Help Me Decide The Next One!

I guess I have a higher tolerance for repetition than you. :p I honestly don't mind exploring all the locations within a dungeon in hopes of finding cool items or a shop, especially since said dungeons are really the only form of gameplay there is. If I end up with a bunch of junk filling my bags, then I can swap it out for a better item when I come across one, and then just sell stuff when I get back to town.

I actually do find myself selling a lot of things, especially orbs, (non-healing) berries, and seeds. Status effects get healed when you go up stairs which doesn't require an item. The seeds and orbs that are meant to be thrown I always forget about so they just take up space. I've used a couple orbs (weather ones for when I went back to the desert, a foe-hold orb in a monster house), and I do usually keep a heal seed or two on me just in case, as well as oran berries and the like, but otherwise, eh. I seem to be hoarding TMs, though, since I have a bunch in storage, and most of them seem kind of not very useful. Maybe I should start selling those, especially the ones that I don't think I'll be using.
Chapter 16: In which Keeper and Athena go through a bunch of non-filler dungeons in decreasing difficulty

Keeper and I made use of the magical save/storage Kangaskhan statue, which somehow had all of our items from the past; I guess the storage center must still be functioning somewhere in this weird future world. When we were ready, we shouldered our packs and made our way into the Future Dungeon.

This dungeon certainly appeared different from the ones we were familiar with right from the beginning. To start with, there were no walls anywhere, just platforms with corridors between them. In the void between platofrms, rocks and boalders floated in the air. There were still items and gold to be found on the ground, though, and also plenty of Pokémon enemies, including Drifloon that explode when KOed and giant Onix!

We finally made our way all the way through the dungeon to.... some other dreary place that wasn't really much better, but at least wasn't procedurally generated and had no enemies.

<Keeper> Think our lead is long enough now?
<Athena> Probably. We seem to be over-leveled for this point in the game, so I imagine those Sableye will have a much rougher time getting through the dungeon than we did.
<Keeper> Oh, good, that means we have enough time for a break. I'm beat. I'm going to go grab a drink from that waterfall over there.
<Athena> Oooh, water, good idea.
<Keeper> Oh, wait, duh, everything's frozen in time, so the water's no good.
<Athena> Huh. Those apples we picked up in the dungeon were fine. I guess total world paralysis is kind of picky on what it chooses to affect.
<Keeper> Man, this place sucks. *kicks wall* Why did TT bring us here, anyway? He was so kind and smart and wonderful and sexy... *sigh* Do you think maybe you could use your special powers to maybe figure it out?
<Athena> What, you think I can just touch the frozen water and magically get a vision about TT's motives?
<Keeper> Well, it can't hurt, can it? Even if you don't learn about TT, you might learn something useful. We'll need to use every advantage we have to get out of this mess.
<Athena> Alright, fine. *touches water*
<Keeper> Anything?
<Athena> ... ... ...
<Keeper> Well?
<Athena> Nope, no good. No vision at all.
<Keeper> Ah, damn. Well, there's another one of those magic statues. Let's get ready and move on to the next dungeon.​

The next dungeon was a bit more "normal" in the sense that it at least had walls... but this time it was filled with ghosts. Annoying ghosts that would attack you from walls and steal your PP. :< Keeper and I beat them up and trudged onwards, eventually exiting out to another non-dungeon area that was just as boring and lifeless as the last.

<Keeper> If I see one more set of stairs, I swear I'm gonna kill someone.
<Athena> Well, still no sign of the Sableye, so we can sit around and enjoy this creepy view for a bit at least.
<Keeper> You're right, it really is creepy... *shudder*
<Athena> Those lights in the distance are kind of pretty.
<Keeper> Until you realize that that's probably the stockade where we were almost mauled to death.
<Athena> Point.
<Keeper> Man, I still can't get over TT betraying us like that. I really looked up to him, you know.
<Athena> Yeah, I know, a lot of people at the guild did.
<Keeper> I don't even know what to do now, or how we're supposed to get back... Boy, do I miss everyone... I hope they're okay... *sobs pitifully*
<Athena> *pat pat* There, there.
<Keeper> *sniffle* ;~;
<Athena> Well, uh, how about... we go find TGK?
<Keeper> Why would you want to go find that loser?
<Athena> Well, he did travel back in time to our world once, maybe we can help us do it again.
<Keeper> Maybe so, but he's still an evil jerk who came to our world to thieve our Time Gears. I don't trust him one bit, even if he did save our lives.
<Athena> Well, I trust him.
<Keeper> Well, I don't. So there! *stick tongue out*
<Athena> It's not like we have much of a choice. He's the only one in this entire future that doesn't seem to want us dead.
<Keeper> ... *sigh* I guess you're right. Doesn't mean I have to like it, though.
<Athena> Sometimes that's what doing the right thing feels like.
<Keeper> Thanks for being here with me, Athena. Let's get back to our world, together. <3
<Athena> <3
<Keeper> Since there's really only one path to follow, I guess we just keep headed the same way and eventually we'll catch up to TGK, right?
<Athena> Once again, we don't really have a choice. Onward!​

The next dungeon felt even more normal than the last, with regular, physical Pokémon instead of spirits and plain, rocky walls. We went through steadily, killing enemies as we went, and came upon a magic save statue after several floors.

<Keeper> Oh boy, do you think this means there's a boss up ahead?
<Athena> Either that or it's just a super long dungeon, so, uh, stay prepared no matter what.​

Meanwhile, someplace very dark...

<TGK> Welp, pretty sure I'm almost there... wherever "there" is...
<TGK> Oh, yeah, right, duh. It's the forest. I'm heading to the forest.
<TGK> Gotta keep it together, man.
<TGK> I wonder how those other kids are doing.
<TGK> Not like I, you know, care or anything. My own stuff takes priority, obvs.
<TGK> Anyway, I should probably stop talking to myself and get out of here...
<???> You think we're just going to let you leave?
<TGK> Wait, what? Someone there?
<???> You barge in here and wake us up...
<???> ... and then leave without even apologizing?
<???> So rude.
<TGK> Seriously, dude, who's there?
<???> Don't you take that tone of voice with us, young whippersnapper.
<TGK> Quit hiding and come out! >:|
<Palutena> Hehehehehe, we're not hiding, we're right here.... we're Professors Palutena...
<Light> ... and Light.
<Palutena> And we show no mercy.... >:3
<TGK> Ack! >.>​

Meanwhile, someplace back in the dungeon...

<Keeper> Welp, it looks like more procedurally generated dungeon, so I guess no boss for us.
<Athena> At least not yet. I have a funny feeling one is coming, though.​

And so we dived into more dungeoning. After a few more floors, we came upon a special area, and also our target, TGK. He seemed to be immobilized in some way on the floor of the room.

<Keeper> Hey, it's TGK! You okay, bro?
<TGK> Yes, I'm perfectly fine. I'm just lying in this uncomfortable position bound by some kind of magic forces because it's fashionable. *sigh*
<Keeper> Are you sure you're okay? Maybe I can help if I--
<TGK> No! Be careful. Some weird asshole enemy is around.
<Keeper> I don't see anyone... >.>
<TGK> It's right next to you, numbskull.
<Keeper> Huh? There's just this rock... *pokes rock*
<rock> *jiggles*
<Keeper> Ahhh! *jumps back*
<TGK> *sigh*
<Palutena & Light> *giggles*
<Palutena> We won't forgive anyone who trespasses on our turf.
<Athena> Ohboy, it's the Luxray all over again...
<Keeper> Wh-Wh-Who are you?
<Light> You're asking us?
<Palutena> We're Professors Palutena...
<Light> ... and Light. The manifestation of a fusion of spirits...
<Palutena> ... formed into a Spiritomb!​

Suddenly, with a flash of light, a swirly green and purple spirit popped out of the rock-thing. It was, indeed, a Spiritomb.

<Light> There are 108 of us, actually.
<Palutena> But we're the best ones.
<TGK> Careful, you guys, that's one tough boss. I couldn't take it down myself, and that's why I'm trapped here.
<Athena> Well, considering how easily we beat you when you were a boss, that doesn't rally say much...
<TGK> Yeah, well I still beat you that time!
<Athena> Only because plot!
<Light> All of you, stop talking!
<Palutena> It's time for you to have your punishment!​

And thus the boss fight was on! As usual, I smokescreened it (them?) as soon as I was able to get close enough, and Keeper and I pummeled it until it could no longer move.

<Light> Oooh, ouch, that hurt!
<Palutena> Totally not cool.
<Light> Time to flee!​

With a rumble and a wobble, Palutena and Light zipped back into its (their?) rock, rolled off, and were gone. The light bonds trapping TGK was also removed, and he was able to stand up and move his limbs.

<Keeper> What the $%*# just happened? o_o;
<TGK> Seems to me like they just ran away.
<Athena> Told you we could take 'em.
<Keeper> You okay now, TGK?
<TGK> Yeah, I'm cool. *sigh*
<Keeper> What happened to you anyway?
<TGK> The thing flew up my nose and took control of my body. It was.... not entirely unpleasant, but mostly weird. I must have really pissed it off.
<Keeper> It was a bad Pokémon, though, right? I mean, for attacking us all like that....
<TGK> *sigh* Man, you really do just want to paint everything black or white, don't you? It was probably just really scared and fought back out of panic. Most Pokémon in this time are pretty timid and messed up in the head, actually. This paralyzed world... well, it twists you, a lot.
<Keeper> So good Pokémon turn crazy and go bad? Man, that sucks. :<
<TGK> That's... probably about as close as you'll be able to understand it. *sigh* So, have you decided to trust me then?
<Keeper> Well, I still don't trust you, but Athena does, and she says we don't really have a choice, so I'm following her lead on this.
<TGK> Well, suck to be you then, because if you won't trust me even now, then I don't want anything to do with you.
<Keeper> Wait!
<TGK> :|
<Keeper> Look, it's... complicated, alright? Athena trusts you, and I trust her, and I'm trying so hard to trust you.... so please give us a chance? At least help us out a bit here and tell us what you know about this world and why you came to ours?
<TGK> And if I just lie my face off for my own amusement?
<Keeper> *shrugs* I'll decide what to think of what you have to say after you say it.
<TGK> ... fine, whatever. It's nice to talk to someone else instead of myself all the time, anyway. Follow me.​

TGK led us through some area and off to another dead, rock area that looked just the same as the rest. This entire world is just so depressing, really. But, apparently TGK was satisfied that we were safe from any prying eyes here, since he managed to visibly relax for a bit to tell his tale.

<TGK> Good enough. So what do you want to know?
<Keeper> Well, how did the world become paralyzed?
<TGK> It happened back in the past, when the Temporal Tower collapsed. It was governed by the Chaos Jackal.
<Keeper> Chaos Jackal? What an ominous name... who is that?
<TGK> That's the nickname given to the Legendary Pokémon Dialga, master of time. When the Tower collapsed, time started getting out of control, and then eventually.... *waves his arms around* this happened.
<Keeper> Can't CJ fix it? What's going on with him?
<TGK> Well, you see, when time went out of whack, CJ lost control of himself, too. And now that the planet is completely paralyzed, he's completely deranged and ruled by darkness. He's basically an entirely different Pokémon. We now call him.... Primal CJ.
<Keeper> Oh, geez, that doesn't sound good...
<TGK> Primal CJ feels no emotion. He just wants to live forever, which means everything must maintain the status quo. Since I went back in time to your world to try and change history and stop the paralysis from happening, he wants me gone.
<Keeper> So.... you were actually trying to prevent the planet's paralysis?
<TGK> Yep.
<Keeper> But... that's the exact opposite of what we were told! Everyone said you were going to cause the paralysis because you were stealing all the Time Gears!
<TGK> Oh, please. I was stealing the Time Gears because I needed them to prevent the paralysis, not to cause it. By the time I came to your world, the Temporal Tower had already begun its collapse. My goal was to take the Time Gears to the Tower to save it. Once the they were put in place, time would have started going back to normal everywhere, even those places where the Time Gears had been stolen from.
<Keeper> Well, what about all those bad things TT said about you? Like how you're a notorious criminal and you escaped from jail and blew up an orphanage and fled to the past to escape punishment? Was that all just a bunch of lies?
<TGK> Basically, yes. Are you really still going to believe the word of a Pokémon who wants you dead? TT is an agent of Primal CJ. He only wants to get rid of me, and he'll lie and cheat and steal and kill and whatever he needs to in order to complete that task. When Primal CJ learned that I traveled back in time, he sent TT after me.
<Keeper> But.... it can't be... TT is so great and intelligent and perfect... I admired him so much... I just...I can't believe you... *sobs* ;~;
<Athena> *sigh* *pat pat* There, there, Keeper.
<Keeper> *stands up* I'm going to go see TT.
<TGK> *facepalm* Why would you do something so idiotic? >_<
<Keeper> I want to see TT. :< I'm going to ask him if you're telling the truth.
<TGK> Oh, like he'd really give you an honest answer even if he did talk to you instead of just killing you outright. All you're doing is handing yourself over to be slaughtered!
<Keeper> Well, what else am I supposed to do?!
<TGK> Well, you could do what you told me you would be before we started this bloody conversation and actually use that brain of yours for once instead of just parroting what everyone else tells you.
<Keeper> ... :|
<TGK> *sigh* When things are tough, that's when you have to be the strongest. Now is the time for you to think for yourself and then act.
<Keeper> Yeah, well, Mr. Smart Guy, what are you going to do, then?
<TGK> Me? I'm going to head back to the past and try again. And that means, I need to find Mora.
<Keeper> Mora?
<TGK> Yes, she's a Celebi. If you want, you can come with me. Or you can sit here and cry, or go back to TT and commit suicide by Sableye, or whatever. But no matter what, I'm out of here. *flees*
<Keeper> Athena, you've been quiet.... what do you think about all this?
<Athena> Well, no matter whether TGK is lying or truthful, we know for a fact that whatever caused the planet's paralysis happened in the past. And you know what I think about what he said.
<Keeper> You think TGK is right... and I guess I know that, too, deep down...
<Athena> So, shall we?
<Keeper> Yeah, let's go catch up to TGK and go with him...​

Meanwhile, back in Primal CJ's lair...

<Primal CJ> GRRRRR....
<TT> Master. *bows* We're all set and ready to catch the traitors. Though, we may need your help to accomplish it...
<TT> Of course, as you wish. We'll finish our preparations.​

Keeper and I did, indeed, manage to catch up to TGK and followed along with him. Eventually I could tell we were getting close to another dungeon, since one of those magic statues happened to be nearby.

<Keeper> Are we there yet?
<TGK> We're at the entrance to Dusk Forest. Mora should be inside here.
<Keeper> So, how exactly can she help us, anyway?
<TGK> Celebis are Time Travel Pokémon. So Mora has the ability to travel through time. She's a bit odd, but, well, *shrugs* she got me to the past last time, so it should work.
<Keeper> So, Mora can help Athena and I get back to our time too?
<TGK> Theoretically, yes.
<Keeper> Theoretically?
<TGK> Well, you see, since she helped me attempt to change history before....
<Keeper> You think she might be in trouble, too?
<TGK> Oh, look, you can indeed think. Yes, I'm pretty sure she's a target of Primal CJ, too, which means we need to hurry and make sure to get there before anything bad happens to her.
<Athena> Well, just let us save quick and toss some of our junk in storage and we'll be good to go!​

Team Awesome:
Lv. 39 Charmander (Ember, Smokescreen, Scratch, Flamethrower)
Keeper: Lv. 39 Totodile (Ice Fang, Scratch, Aqua Tail, Bite)

Available Teammates: Sandslash (24), Oddish (11), Paras (13), Psyduck (10), Poliwag (9), Machop (6), Geodude (7), Doduo (10), Krabby (12), Spinarak (10), Mareep (21), Hoppip (13), Wooper (11), Phanpy (20), Larvitar (23), Zigzagoon (15), Lotad (11), Nincada (24), Ninjask (27), Mawile (25), Seviper (336), Barboach (1), Shinx (18), Budew (12), Cranidos (26), Shieldon (27), Gastrodon (East Sea) (13), Hippopotas (27), Skorupi (25), Carnivine (24)

Player Notes:

I just need to say.... it really bugs me that they keep using the term "world" when referring to the past where Keeper and Athena are from. That makes it seem like we're actually traveling to different dimensions or something instead of going backward or forward in time in the same dimension and is just really awkward. If the past really were a different "world", then Groyvle wouldn't be able to do anything there that would affect his own future.

The dungeons did give me some problems, which doesn't seem to happen often. There were a couple times when I got trapped in a hallway by getting hit with a Confuse Ray from a Grumpig and I basically had to stand there taking hits. the Drifloon exploding upon death was also annoying. The ghosts didn't really give me too much trouble except when they attacked from walls while I was in a hallway and I had to travel a while before I could lure them out onto the ground, with them sniping at us in the meantime. Curse and Spite were also a pain, but thankfully happened to us rarely. By the time we got to the Steel-type filled Ruins, it was back to super-easy mode.

Ever since it was officially "revealed" that TT was the bad guy it should have been obvious that TGK was going back in time to fix things instead of break them. I suppose Keeper's obstinance is meant to be somewhat empathic towards the player regarding their own surprise and disbelief about the plot twist, but to me it just made him seem childish and willfully ignorant. "Lalala, I can't hear you, I'm going to go back to the guy who tried to kill me because he's the only one who will tell me the truth." I felt like reaching through the screen and bitch-slapping him. I didn't do it in story, though, because it wouldn't have been in character. :p

Kind of feels like an awkward spot to stop, but I didn't expect the plot convo to be as long as it was, so I guess we're just stopping here for the day. Enjoy!
I'd leave Keeper behind with TT, just for the lulz, if I ever had the chance. They'd have fun trolling the s*** out of each other for eternity.

Also, professorlight and Bippa are the best chars in this.

Thinking into boss fights, your Smokescreen seems to also play a role, apart from your level. I lacked such moves and basically most of the fights were me sniping the boss with Energy Ball while leaving the partner to tank.
Yeah, Smokescreen effectively neutralizes bosses. They might get in a hit in the beginning and another hit or two before I cast it again if it wears of quickly, but otherwise, nothing. PP/PL got a single hit on me and that's all.
I must admit it's been a while since I played this, but assigning spiritomb to us was quite an inspired choice. I mean, an entity with multiple personalities that's just a little bit insane and tortures and traps people for its amusement? that is as good a summary of P and I working together as any.

And I agree wholeheartedly about bitchslapping the everliving lights out of that totodile; if you don't want athena doing it, you could bring spiritomb back, and we would do it with pleasure (it could even be a gag; every time keeper (the character, of course) is being a little bitch, just have spiritomb show up and slap him silly).

Seriously now, that's the most annoying thing about these otherwise great games, the characterization is just so... lacking of maturity; I don't mean it's just childish, but it's that the characters are always so cheery, it gets annoying; and the bad guys' is always hurt by this, because as cruel and evil they are, it doesn't really take a mastermind to trick these pokemon into anything.
For an example, Dusknoir could just have asked the main characters to accompany him to the future, and continue the charade. The game would have been over at that moment.

And don't even get me started on gates to infinity; the story was crap. And I definitely didn't tear up at the end.
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Your points are all very sound, and certainly things I've thought to myself at least once. :p That said, I hope to finish the game before I pass final judgment on it. I am, at least, enjoying the game a lot more this time around than I did last time.
Chapter 17: <Everyone> Wait, what?

Another save and storage dump, then Keeper and I were ready to continue. Or at least I was ready to continue. Keeper was still giving TGK the stink eye. I debated taking Light & Palutena's offer to come slap some sense into him as he walked over to confront TGK before entering the forest.

<Keeper> Look.
<TGK> *sigh*
<Keeper> I just want to make it clear that even though I'm going along with this, I still don't fully trust you.
<TGK> What a surprise. My heart is utterly shattered.[/sarcasm]
<Athena> Did you just pronounce the [/sarcasm]?
<TGK> I didn't think Keeper would be smart enough to detect it otherwise.
<Keeper> And when we get back to the past, I'm going to keep my eye on you and figure out what you're really up to. And if you really are doing something bad, I'm going to stop you.
<TGK> Sure, fine, whatever, kid. Can we go now?
<Athena> I'm all ready, that's for sure. Though, I must admit... this place feels weird to me.
<Keeper> Are you sure it not just because of the whole weird paralysis thing?
<Athena> It reminds me of how I felt when we went to find Fogbound Lake for the first time.
<Keeper> Well, clearly that's nothing actually anything meaningful, so let's just go.
<TGK> Finally. Man, do you kids yap a lot.​

Keeper and I followed TGK into the forest dungeon, totally oblivious to the Sableye that had been watching us from the shadows. TGK was a nice NPC to have on our team. Sure, he was just as unpredictable as all the other Pokémon teammates we've been stuck with throughout the game, but at least his high level meant he wasn't constantly at risk of death. I only had to heal him once, and that was only because we all got split up by a warp trap and he had gotten surrounded by enemies. Eventually, we made it through the dungeon bits and to the next scene.

<Keeper> So, this is where we'll meet Mora, yes?
<TGK> Well, yeah, if she's still here. if CJ was onto her she might have fled or been captured, but hopefully she'll still be around. Helloooo? Mora?
<Forest> ... ... ...
<Keeper> Oh geez, I hope she wasn't captured. Now we'll never get home!
<???> Captured? Me? *giggle*​

Suddenly, a pink Celebi popped out from between the trees and flew in a little circle. This must be Mora!

<Keeper> You must be Mora!
<TGK> No, she's definitely a totally different Celebi than the one I specifically came here to find.
<Keeper> Wait, she is? What a coin--
<TGK> No, that was sarcasm. I told you that I need to pronounce the sarcasm tags, Athena.
<Athena> Yeah, you're right.
<Keeper> So... it really is Mora?
<Mora> Yes, I am Mora! :3
<Keeper> Oh.
<Mora> Oh?
<Keeper> I thought you'd be, I dunno, bigger and more awesome? :\
<Mora> How rude. :<
<Keeper> Well, you are this badass time travel Pokémon so I guess I just pictured something more serious and menacing... ._.;
<Mora> Instead you got something cute and awesome like me! :3
<Keeper> I guess that's one way to put it, yeah.
<Mora> Anyway, I know why you're here, and I know TGK is a hurrying worry wart, so don't bother to spend time explaining anything to me. You're all here to use the Passage of Time to go back to the past, so let's hurry up and go!
<Keeper> What's the Passage of Time?
<Mora> The magical doohickey that I use to send people through time, obvs. It's just on the other side of this dungeon up ahead. Come on, let's go!​

It felt weird to have a full party going into a dungeon, but I hope that Mora's high level would mean that she, like TGK, wouldn't be a liability. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Not only were her defenses thinner than cellophane wrap, she had the annoying tendency to go off and do her own thing. By the time we made it through the dungeon, she'd used up both the Reviver Seeds I had in my bag, but we did indeed make it through. The top floor of the dungeon was a plateau, and on the plateau was a tunnel-like-thing made out of blue glowing rings.

<Keeper> So that's the passage of time, huh?
<Mora> Don't forget the caps!
<Keeper> Oh, sorry, Passage of Time, then.
<???> It's a shame you won't be able to use it!
<Everyone> :O!​

With a chuckle, TT emerged from behind the tunnel to stand before us. Before we could react, he summoned a swarm of Sableye to surround us. We were trapped!

<Mora> Oh, Athena, you're narrating wrong again. You think I would actually let myself be trapped?
<TGK> Mora's right. We're not going to go down without a fight. All we need to do is break through and make a dash for the Passage.
<TT> Are you so sure about that? Because, you see, I brought my friend along with me to make sure you all behaved....​

Suddenly, the lights all went out. When my eyes finally adjusted to the dimness, I was able to see the silhouette of an incredibly large Pokémon in front of us, accents on its body glowing orange.

<Athena> What the hell is that?
<TGK> %^&$#. It's Primal Chaos Jackal.
<Keeper> :O!
<TGK> Welp, that's it, I'm done, gg.
<Keeper> You're just going to give up?
<TGK> That's Primal &(%$%^ GJ up there. We don't stand a chance against him.
<TT> Wise of you to give in to your destiny and surrender your hopes, TGK.
<TGK> Oh, I'm not giving up my hopes. You see, when I went back in time before, I didn't go alone. I brought a partner.
<Everyone> :O!
<TGK> This partner is still back in the past. Even though I failed, she'll be able to succeed where I left off. The paralysis will still end.
<TT> Wahahahahahahaha, how amusing. So, you think there's still hope for this partner of yours, do you? Pray tell, what is her name?
<TGK> It's Athena.
<Athena> Wait, what?
<Keeper> Wait, what?
<Athena> But that's my name!
<TGK> Wait, what? But the Athena I knew wasn't a Pokémon. She was a human!
<Athena> Wait, what? But so was I!
<TGK> Wait, what?
<TT> Wait, what, indeed. Oh my, this is just too delicious. TGK, your beloved partner was here all along, and you didn't even know.
<Keeper> Wait, what? You knew Athena was TGK's partner?
<TT> Of course! When I went back in time, my mission was to locate both TGK and Athena, of course, and that is why I grabbed you both and took you with me when I came back here with him. TGK made a target of himself so he was rather easy to locate, but Athena would have been much harder to find... if you two numbskulls hadn't revealed her entire history to me, wahahahahahaha.
<Athena> *facepalm*
<TT> It was but a simple matter to gain your trust and betray you when the moment struck.
<Keeper> TT was lying all along. TGK really was telling the truth...
<TT> And so, TGK really has no hope left after all. After I dispose of you all, everything will be fine.
<Keeper> TT.... >:|
<TT> Well, this is the end for you then.
<Keeper> I refuse! We have to be able to do something.
<TGK> Any bright ideas?
<Keeper> Well, Mora did say earlier that she can teleport through time a little bit even without the passage.
<Athena> She did?
<Keeper> Yeah, it must have gotten cut off in the earlier dialogue. Whoops! Anyway, Mora, think you can get us to the Passage with that power?
<Mora> Maybe... CJ's time controlling powers are a lot more powerful than me so he kind of messes things up a lot.
<TT> Sableye, attack!​

WIth a flash, Mora expended her energy to time travel hop us just a short distance. TT and CJ weren't happy. With a huge ROAR, CJ exposed us in our new location in front of the Passage.

<Athena> But that doesn't make any sense.... that was more of a teleportation rather than time travel.
<Mora> Shhhh, don't question the plot, dear. Now everyone, quick! Go into the Passage!
<Keeper> But Mora, what about you?
<Mora> Oh, don't worry about me. Like I told you before, these guys are no match for me. Good luck in the past! :3
<TGK> Thanks! <3
<TT> Wait, what? Noooooooooooooooooo!!!​

Keeper, TGK and I ran at top speed into the passage and were gone in a flash of blue lights and shiny pretty colours.

<TT> $%*&​

I woke up on the beach, with Keeper and TGK beside me. The waves were crashing on the sand. It was just like before.

<Keeper> Ow, my head.... ohhey, I know this beach! We're back in the past! :D
<Athena> Yep! :D
<TGK> So, we're back.
<Keeper> This is the beach where I met Athena!
<TGK> Last time I arrived in a different area, but I guess she ended up here.
<Keeper> I think we all need to do some talking and planning, but let's go back to the Guild first. It's safe there!
<TGK> You think they'll accept me there? I mean, in this time, I'm a wanted outlaw.
<Keeper> Oh, yeah, damn. Well, I can think of another place for you to hide. Follow me!​

Keeper led us to the area on the left side of Treasure Town that could be accessed before but had no purpose until now. I figured it would come into the plot at some point.

<Keeper> Welcome to Sharpedo Bluff! I think they call it that because it's a bluff and it's very obviously shaped to look like a Sharpedo. This is where I used to live before I entered the guild.
<Athena> What did you sleep in that bush?
<Keeper> Sort of... *removes bush* There's a passage down!​

TGK led the way and we all went down the stairs to a cozy room located inside the Sharpedo's mouth.

<Athena> *whistles* Not a bad place. Certainly nicer than our room at the guild.
<TGK> Yeah, nice view, too.
<Keeper> Everything looks just like it did before I left... I guess that means no one else comes here, so it should be safe.
<TGK> Alright, let's make a fire and chat.​

And so we made a fire and chatted for a bit.

<Keeper> Tell me about you and Athena in the future! :D
<TGK> Not much to tell. We were working together to investigate the paralysis. Her ability came in handy.
<Keeper> The Dimensional Scream, yeah.
<Athena> What a dumb name. *sigh*
<TGK> The Scream is useful, but it can't be used alone. The person who uses it must have a trusted Pokémon partner. That's why we worked together, and used the ability to pinpoint the location of the Time Gears in the past.
<Keeper> Wow, since Athena was able to use it shortly after I met, she must have trusted me pretty early on!
<Athena> What can I say? You're the trustable type.
<Keeper> I guess it was a good thing, too! If you hadn't trusted me, you never would have gotten that vision about King Arceus that led us to saving Porygon-X!
<TGK> Wait, what? In the future, the Scream ability only worked with things related to the Time Gears.
<Keeper> Oh, that's weird. This certainly didn't have anything to do with Time Gears. And there have been other instances of it since then too that weren't related at all.
<TGK> Huh. I guess things are different in this time.
<Athena> I guess that's why the ability didn't work in the future when we tried it, too.
<TGK> Anyway, we worked together and used the Scream to figure out where the Time Gears had been so I could locate them all in the past, then went back in time to find them all. Except... something happened and we got separated. Man, was I pissed. And terrified.
<Athena> And then somehow in all that I got turned into a Pokémon and dumped in a separate spot. Wow, it seems so... unreal.
<TGK> I know it's crazy and a lot to take in, but... you were my best friend. I was so worried about you. Even though you're a Pokémon now and you have no memories, I'm glad you're safe. <3
<Athena> Awww, thanks. <3
<Keeper> *so many jealouses*
<TGK> Anyway, enough backstory. We should probably figure out a plan now. I'm going to go back to stealing the Time Gears again. So, what are you guys going to do?
<Athena> Filler dungeons?
<Keeper> I'm still a bit worried about time stopping in those places where the Gears where when they're stolen...
<TGK> Don't worry. As soon as their put in place in the Temporal Tower, everything will go back to normal.
<Keeper> Well then, why don't we help you out to make sure everything gets better as fast as possible?
<TGK> Alright, we'll go together then. But in the morning. Sleeps for now.
<Athena> Yay, sleeps! \o/​

Team Awesome:
Lv. 41? Charmander (Ember, Smokescreen, Scratch, Flamethrower)
Keeper: Lv. 41? Totodile (Ice Fang, Scratch, Aqua Tail, Bite)

Available Teammates: Sandslash (24), Oddish (11), Paras (13), Psyduck (10), Poliwag (9), Machop (6), Geodude (7), Doduo (10), Krabby (12), Spinarak (10), Mareep (21), Hoppip (13), Wooper (11), Phanpy (20), Larvitar (23), Zigzagoon (15), Lotad (11), Nincada (24), Ninjask (27), Mawile (25), Seviper (336), Barboach (1), Shinx (18), Budew (12), Cranidos (26), Shieldon (27), Gastrodon (East Sea) (13), Hippopotas (27), Skorupi (25), Carnivine (24)

Player Notes:

Ugh, I accidentally a bunch of the playthrough while I was writing. I saw I had a PM so I tried to open it in a new tab, but it accidentally loaded in the tab instead and when I went back, only an old draft was saved. *sigh* So, the parts from the middle~ish bit of meeting Mora up until the end of TT gloating about Athena was all rewritten from memory. It's probably much shorter than the original since I was kind of pissed off, but oh well. Still ended up being a pretty lengthy chapter.

Mora was indeed annoying to cart around because she kept getting into trouble, and I kept getting hit with Sandstorms, too. The dungeon with her was probably the dungeon where I moved to the stairs the fastest.

Otherwise, once again we have a chapter with a whole bunch of plot. The reveal of Athena being TGK's partner was handled pretty well, I must admit. I was already assuming there was some kind of connection, but I enjoyed the reveal nonetheless. The whole Mora Teleportation thing was a total awkward copout, though. That was definitely not time travel.

At least we're back in the present for now. Hope you all enjoyed!
Well, you have to do something when a big angry Dialga wants to eat you. And because you can't do anything, you have to improvise.
I do remember Grovyle being pretty handy, but I remember next to nothing about Celebi. I don't think she was that annoying for me though, it would probablyhave stayed with me if she was.

And don't get confused people. Mora's gender is Robot Shark.
Well, you have to do something when a big angry Dialga wants to eat you. And because you can't do anything, you have to improvise.

The thing is, though, the writers could have done it in a way that actually was time travel. For example, having Mora teleport them back like 10 minutes or so before TT and the Sableyes show up and then have everyone rush for the gate before TT and CJ make their appearance. And if they do want to use magical teleportation powers, there's no reason to insist that it's time travel, either. It was just a very sloppy plot hole and as a writer that kind of thing bothers me because there was no excuse for it.
He's been useful mostly because I don't have to worry about him dying, and I appreciate that in a partner. He seems to try and use Dig a lot, which always fails because I'll have the enemy dead by the time he pops out. :p Dunno what PP Saver does, but I'm guessing it, well, saves PP, though PP hasn't been an issue for Keeper either.
Dunno what PP Saver does, but I'm guessing it, well, saves PP, though PP hasn't been an issue for Keeper either.

Say you use Fire Fang. Sometimes instead of wasting PP for the attack, it will use the attack without wasting PP. So instead of the PP going down by 1, the PP will remain at the same number as before the attack.

Happens to me a lot when I play PMD: Sky. I'll use attacks and often will have PP Saver trigger before the attack gets launched.
Man, why can't *I* get that skill. I attack more than those bozos combined anyway... >.>
Don't worry too much, athena; the universe and mythology of the mystery dungeon games are just so haphazardly thrown together that the laws of Time and Space gave up long ago and went to get drunk with Causality, Logic and Characterization. The clown from It could appear in those games, and I wouldn't bat an eyelash.

For example, there's only one human living in the pokemon world, but everybody (in the past and future) knows what humans are; and then time travel works in three different ways, and athena's ability works this way, but then that way, and then that way, as is most convenient to the plot. It's just hopeless.
Man, why can't *I* get that skill. I attack more than those bozos combined anyway... >.>

Eat Gummis! They're good for you! That's the best way to raise IQ. There are a few other items that can do that, but they are extremely rare compared to Gummis, which can be found in pretty much every dungeon.
Don't worry too much, athena; the universe and mythology of the mystery dungeon games are just so haphazardly thrown together that the laws of Time and Space gave up long ago and went to get drunk with Causality, Logic and Characterization. The clown from It could appear in those games, and I wouldn't bat an eyelash.

For example, there's only one human living in the pokemon world, but everybody (in the past and future) knows what humans are; and then time travel works in three different ways, and athena's ability works this way, but then that way, and then that way, as is most convenient to the plot. It's just hopeless.
Still a better story than most main-series games. [especially BW2, and Hugh's dumb cat being essential to the plot]
<Keeper> So that's the passage of time, huh?
<Mora> Don't forget the caps!
<Keeper> Oh, sorry, Passage of Time, then.
I was half expecting you to use this on me, with my habit of never captializing what I need to over on my fake cards thread. :p