pidgeots gale force

dvd killer

Aspiring Trainer
pidgeot       120 hp

poke-body gale force
if you have used the attacks whirlwind and sonicboom you can send all cards on yours and your opponet field to there respitive hand accept for the the accept for the active pokemon.

(c)(c)whirlwind 30
after doing damage your opponet switches their active pokemon.

(c)(c)(c)sonicboom 50
this attack isn't affected by resistance
Sorry, but Gale Force is too broken. The attacks are very nice though. Too much HP try 100 and put it's Weakness, Resistance and Retreat Cost.

{C} Pidgeot 100HP

Poké-BODY: Gale Force
Once during your turn, if Pidgeot is your Active Pokémon and has a Whirlwind Counter and a Sonicboom Counter on it, you may use this power. Remove a Whirlwind Counter and a Sonicboom Counter from Pidgeot, then [insert Crawdaunt ex's grammar here, I can't find a scan].

{C}{C} Whirlwind 30
Your opponent switches the Defending Pokemon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokemon.

{C}{C}{C} Sonicboom 50
This attack's damage isn't affected by Resistance.

Weakness: {L}
Resistance: {F} -30
Retreat Cost: {C} [I wouldn't give it 0, it makes the power too convenient]

Either way, the power's broken.. :/
ya i see what you mean but it would make it harder for your opponet to get his stratigy out and running if you know what i mean