Philly Regionals Deck Report


Aspiring Trainer
So we (my brother Erik and I) left our house in Baltimore area around 5:40 AM on Saturday and headed towards Philly. We get there and park (33 bucks!) and then head towards the convention center. We walk a full square around before finally running into some friends and then get there. We fill out Pre-Reg cards and walk in to get our wrist band and promo code. We get through the line, get our decks sleeves checked (they are freakin NAZI'S with marks) and then turn in deck lists shortly after. We run into some friends and I meet several players from Massachusetts. My group (mostly from Rockville Maryland) is Me, Erik, Jamal, Amani, Francis, Earrick, Antonius, Nicholena, Andrew and a couple others. My play is BB/Garbador but some of my friends played Verizion/Mewtwo/Tornadus and my brother played Straight Darkrai (life dew Acespec).

So after waiting around with what seems like forever and after 4-5 hours sleep tops, I get started in the tournament. Matches are best 2 of 3. If you win game 1 and don't lose game two you take the series. 50 minute timed rounds. You need to COMPLETELY finish a round for it to count.

Match 1 vs Veronica C? (I know it's not Veronica but it started with a V)
She was playing Weavile/Eggs. I saw that early and started with Landy and really went to town on Weavile. That and electrode were dropped pretty early and I went to town.

Game 2: She actually took the lead on me. I turned it around with a mid-game Landy and was consistently one-shotting Weaviles.


I was happy to pick up a win but knew it was going to be tougher from that point forward.

Match 2 vs Ray C from New Hampshire (blastoise)

This guy writes articles on 6 Prizes website and was REALLY good. He ran blastoise.

Game 1: I FINALLY get going mid-way through and was able to limit the damage. I got the Garbodor early and was KOing two squirtles in 1 turn with the hammerhead from Landy. I reach the end and finish the game with a X ball from Mewtwo onto Black K EX.

Game 2: DID NOT get started one little bit and he tore me up early. That Black Ballista is no joke!

Game 3: Very similar to game 1, I get Garby going, his scrappers were prized and I shut him down before he could do anything. I won it with a HUGE X Ball for like 120 + Laserbank.


This is where it gets a little fuzzy, I am confident at this point but that only gets you so far.

Match 3 vs Geoffrey Sauk with Verizion/Mewtwo/Tornadus

This guy is 18, from Lansdowne, PA and is REALLY good. His dad is a judge there and he was VERY difficult.

Game 1: BLOWOUT: He got Mime, Verizion going to power up Tornadus and blew through my line up.

Game 2: Very much of the same. I made a mistake by not putting Float Stone on Garby before lasering Verizion and that cost me getting a Mewtwo set up. Lost.


Match 4 Mirror Match vs Rudy from PA as well

Game 1: If I learn nothing else, it's to always have a max potion. I needed it here and Rudy quickly ran up the score with Tornadus. He won this one.

Game 2: He starts with a lone trubbish vs my Mewtwo with DCE. Donk!

Game 3: Back and forth but he wins with a late game hammerhead onto bench landy mime was prized and I DIDN'T play Max Potion. :-(


Match 5 vs Mirror (Not nice guy Hector from Bronx, NY).

Game 1: I should have gone first, this moron had a problem with my dice but everyone else around me knew it was clear. We agree to reroll and of course this dic* wins the flip. Blowout, no max potion, he went to town with Tornadus EX

Game 2 For some reason he put trubbish on the bench and never really did anything with em. Very similar to game 1. Blowout with Tornadus. Flipped 8 HEADS IN A ROW with his dice, tell me that's not messed up!


VERY discouraged at this point, I REALLY could have taken match 4 but match 5 was too tough. MAX POTION FTW!!!

Match 6 vs Casey from Philadelphia (blastoise)

Game 1: I knew the blastoise matchup already and had to get going early. Unfortunately, he did and it did me in.

Game 2: I roared back and beat him, Garby hurt him a bit and I was able to put him away with Buffalant and Mewtwo.

Game 3. Very close but AGAIN: MAX POTION did me in, I needed it and didn't get it. Very back and forth but he took it with a late game catcher.

2-4 I PROMISE I do NOT suck this badly, bad luck and lack of computer search and max potion did me in. (I ran Dowsing as my Acespec).

Match 7 vs Tyler Harrington with Darkrai (FINALLY)

Game 1: Donk vs some pokemon weak to psychic. Mewtwo, DCE, game (was over in 5 seconds.)

Game 2 went a little longer. Darkrai and absol made an appearance, I got sleep haxx on him with virbank and landy and it was GG before he knew it.

The tides have turned?? 3-4

Match 8 vs Thomas Knowles from Connecticut (Plasma)


Game 1: I went to town with mewtwo and set Garby up to destroy any chances of him winning. He won the gym battle (Frozen City stayed out) but I clobbered Kyurems and Deoxys to take game 1.

Game 2, much of the same. I got started later than I wanted, but still was shredding Kyurems. 1 plasma was prized and it did him in.


Match 9 was supposed to be against some guy named Zach Brumsdale (No-Show)


So I played some other people near me.

Game 1 vs Patrick from Springfield, Mass with Mirror.
I blew him away with Mewtwo, Tornadus never got going and I tore him apart. Game lasted like 10 minutes tops. 6-0

Game 2 vs Alex from Montreal, Quebec.

Alex came a long way (9 hours) and he was playing a Plasma Deck. I was a rough opponent to have because my Mewtwo TORE UP his kyurems and he kept getting dead draws. After Kyurems were gone, I went after Deoxys and blew him away 6-0.

Overall, I'm not sure where I finished but it was probably top 100. There were 377 Masters and to get top 100 isn't awful. Next big tournament i'll be more prepared and refined in my decisions. No prizes or packs, but I picked up the 3 play points that I came for. Lots of fun and thank you all for reading this.


Erik (my little brother) for driving/tolls/gas, I owe you some money
Everyone with a 3DS, I needed to get through the FIND MII on the 3 DS and should be able to now.
All my friends Amani, Jamal and Francis for Top Cutting!!!
Alex and his group that were coming in from Montreal!!!
Lots of pretty girls

Cheaters (many were kicked out)
Match play (not a fan!)
Not winning a door prize (almost everyone else did)
Hector from Match 5

Thanks everyone! Happy gaming!!!

Nick Seitler