odds in pokemon packs. . .


twitch. . .what's with the pizza?
okay, so i'm thinking of getting a boosterbox (mainly for commons/uncommons)
but i'm just curious. . .what are the odds to pulling holos and or reverse holos in the newer sets?
and whats the odds in pulling a holo in older sets (pre ex pokemon) out of a single booster pack?
Nah...u can get an error pack like me...Walrein ex, Dustox ex (or Banette, I can't remember) and Gengar in the same LM pack.
RE:  odds in pokemon packs. . .

Lord9511 said:
Nah...u can get an error pack like me...Walrein ex, Dustox ex (or Banette, I can't remember) and Gengar in the same LM pack.
ok we get it you got an error pack. but remember they're rare, just think of all the packs you got before that. but anyway i only know about new packs and it's like thisV

1 Rare/Alternate holo/EX/*
1 Holo
3 Uncommon
4 common
So in each pack I get 4 commons , 3 uncommons and two raraes if not one of them is EX/* ?
alright thanks guys.
i think it's cool your given a holo (at least a reverse) in each pack. . .most other tcg's i've played with holos in the game. . are more like 8:1, or 9:1 (only 1 in 8 or 9 packs will have a holo).
nice to know.
RE:  odds in pokemon packs. . .

(TYranitarFReak) said:
i though the cards are 5 common, 2 uncommon, 1 rare, 1 reverse ?
Yes, THIS PERSON IS RIGHT!!!! The rare can be a rare, rare holo, EX, or *. (Just to clear things up for everyone....)
oh, i screwed up with what i said :p

well i hope you get something good. btw what Box are you going to get?

so again its
5 common
2 uncommon
1 rare/ex/*/rare holo
1 reverse

my bad on screwing it up.

Arcanine out.