Northern California Regional Championships: Pleasanton

RE: Northern California Regional Championships

^ hey man, don't be a hater. Maybe he likes the way the deck plays or maybe he deals comfortable with the deck. This isn't a place where we condescend on other peoples deck choices. This is just open and unless you have any better advice than,"I never liked the idea," please don't hate. Thank you.
RE: Northern California Regional Championships

Gistica said:
^ hey man, don't be a hater. Maybe he likes the way the deck plays or maybe he deals comfortable with the deck. This isn't a place where we condescend on other peoples deck choices. This is just open and unless you have any better advice than,"I never liked the idea," please don't hate. Thank you.

Ok then.


Run all 30 HP Tynamo. you get the benefit of the free retreat. 40 HP ones still get KOd by Mewtwo and almost everything else.
Split your zekrom line as both have their benefits.
Tech Tornadus to counter Terrakion and Revive so you can recover easily.

Apologies if i hurt anyone.
RE: Northern California Regional Championships

There was an article on regionals in the tri-valley's paper today. there is some info in there so i am putting it in the beginning.
Also the pokebus has been canceled for those of you who cared.
RE: Northern California Regional Championships

blargh257 said:
There was an article on regionals in the tri-valley's paper today. there is some info in there so i am putting it in the beginning.
Also the pokebus has been canceled for those of you who cared.
For the people who were relying on that bus to go up to Norcal...that would suck.
RE: Northern California Regional Championships

I might be going up there.... have to convince my parents to let me catch a ride with the carpool from my league.
And as for my deck... Leafeon/Amoonguss :D
RE: Northern California Regional Championships

Puff said:
I might be going up there.... have to convince my parents to let me catch a ride with the carpool from my league.
And as for my deck... Leafeon/Amoonguss :D
My friend in Masters (who I'm carpooling with) is running the same thing, trololololol
RE: Northern California Regional Championships

Puff said:
I might be going up there.... have to convince my parents to let me catch a ride with the carpool from my league.
And as for my deck... Leafeon/Amoonguss :D
First, Ultimate respect for your deck choice.
Second, If you are in seniors I hope to play you
Now for some deck advice, if it doesn't mess up your list too much I would recommend Houndoom Prime for 150 damage instead of 100.
BTW, which league do you go to?
Tomorrow is the day of the event and i am very excited. I hope that all of you do well!
Just reassuring you all that I will be there. DNA.... WE CAN FINALLY MEET.
Hey guys, guess where I am right now?
I'm in Pleasanton right now, learning how to use my 3DS's browser. It's actually really nice.
So, uh.... Anyone feel like lending me two Mewtwo EX? :x
RE: Northern California Regional Championships

Gistica said:
First, Ultimate respect for your deck choice.
Second, If you are in seniors I hope to play you
Now for some deck advice, if it doesn't mess up your list too much I would recommend Houndoom Prime for 150 damage instead of 100.
BTW, which league do you go to?

I go to the league at Seth's Games and Anime in Ventura.

Yes, I'm in Seniors
I have houndoom prime in my deck. Leafeon isn't really valid if it can't OHKO those EXes
And sadly, it looks like I won't be going D:
Would anyone be willing to trade me an Air Balloon and/or Focus Sash on Saturday? I need them for a VGC team.
Have you guys heard that they will be giving away special EV trained pokemon like Salamance and Metagross at the Tournament. They also will be providing decks for VG players who wouldn't normally play. I found this really cool even though I don't know what EV's are :p
Actually scratch that, I got someone to lend me Mewtwos already. :) Also, to anyone curious I'm most likely not participating in the VGC tournament.
Gistica said:
Have you guys heard that they will be giving away special EV trained pokemon like Salamance and Metagross at the Tournament. They also will be providing decks for VG players who wouldn't normally play. I found this really cool even though I don't know what EV's are :p

Proof, please =P