In SM12a Tag All Stars, Kouichi Ooyama illustrated a few alt art cards of some staple Trainer cards. They didn't all get English prints, but the Yellow A Pokémon Communication, Pokégear 3.0, and Reset Stamp come from some of these cards. Ooyama was one of the original TCG game designers and has made occasional artwork contributions to the series. The earliest card he illustrated that most English players would be familiar with is the 'bilingual Exeggutor', which got a reprint in Evolutions.
I don't know if this Ameliacart card is a one-off or we'll have more like it, but since S12a is conceptually "SM12a but SWSH", I assume it's revisiting the same idea. In that regard, nothing against Amelicart, but it doesn't seem nearly as interesting as the Ooyama cards. Right off the bat – who is Amelicart? I don't think they've even shown up in the English TCG yet, so their artwork for S12a might be their debut.
I think it's weird to follow up a legacy nod (if not nostalgiabaiting) with an unknown you're only just introducing. As much as I like all the new artists the TCG has introduced, it's brought in too many, too quickly, and it's hard to get attached to any one artist or even get familiar with their style. Particularly since so many of them are digital artists – at the end of the day, a lot of their styles blend together.