DPPt/HGSS My Player - Eevee Master Kenni

Eevee Master Kenni

Aspiring Trainer
My Friend Code: 3479 9105 3569
MSN: [email protected]
Contact Time: anytime


POKEMON FOR TRADE====================

What you need

POKEMON I WANT=======================

Eevee (female) any level

ITEMS FOR TRADE======================

Willing to trade a rare candy for a female eevee any level

ITEMS I WANT=========================

RE: My Player

I have An Eevee level five female (Freshly hatched:D)for a Arceus if you have one if not a manaphy please??
RE: My Player

not much I'm afraid,
I got the 3 legendarys from this game and the dimond legendary
are there any items your intrested in, rare candies in place of a pokemon?
RE: My Player

well dont get your hopes up because i do not get the game until the 21st of june so you might have to wait is this ok!?and i would like (do u have any shinys>??)
RE: My Player

I just got the 3 legendarys tonight
I'll keep working on it,
for my final team I'm going for 6 Eeveelutions so I need them
any shiny's I find will go up for trade
What nature is your Dialga?