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Expanded My LonZoroark List

Chicken Nugget Master

I had the munchies when I came up with my username
So I am a big fan of the popular LonZoroark deck that is taking the expanded format by storm, especially at Dallas. But I am a little sceptical about Alolan Muk, because I have faced several mirror matches where we have both had an Alolan Muk out and I would have preferred a Pokémon that only affected my opponents side of the field, instead of both. That's where Barbaracle comes in.

4 Zorua
4 Zoroark GX
2 Tapu Lele GX (I would play more but I am on a budget)
2 Shaymin EX
2 Exeggcute
1 Seismitoad EX
1 Binacle (Roaring Skies)
1 Barbaracle (Fates Collide)
1 Sudowoodo

2 Brigette
2 Colress
1 Karen
1 N
1 Hex Maniac
1 Pokémon Ranger
1 Guzma
1 Acerola
1 Ghetsis
1 Mallow

4 Ultra Ball
4 Puzzle Of Time
4 Vs Seeker
2 Choice Band
2 Float Stone
2 Field Blower
1 Computer Search
1 Battle Compressor
1 Acro Bike
1 Red Card

4 Sky Field

4 Double Colorless Energy

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I actually really love this list. However, I don’t believe that a 1-1 Lycanroc-GX line is particularly efficient or useful so I would cut it in favour of one copy of Zoroark BKT and one copy of Oricorio GRI with the Supernatural Dance attack to wipe out the board state of any Night March or Vespi player. Also as a result the Strong and Fighting Energy are no longer useful. The Barbaracle is very useful and I believe you are right to play it instead of Alolan Muk.
Yeah makes sense, I'll cut all 4 of them, they were fairly tricky to get out anyway. I'm not sure about the Oricorio as I already play Karen/Toad which really hurts the night March. Vespi isn't really that much of a threat to me, but it helps against that as well. I'm thinking about adding a Red Card and a Ghetsis so that frees up space for them. I tried both BKT and BLW Zoroark, but neither of them really worked for me. I might try playing a Mallow and Acro bike as I've found they work quite well together. I'll update the list now.
Karen Toad doesn't stop Night March anymore, it plays heavy Zoroark and Ranger now, and Oricorio takes less space. Play BKT Zoro. It beats the mirror. If they Hex then bench their Eggs, you Mind Jack for KO.