Minor Notices & Staff Changes Thread

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RE: Minor Notices & Staff Changes (Latest Announcement: Post #37)

Nigel said:
I don't see why it's hard to read- the text is even clearer than the member userbar. Not that it matters or anything, just pointing that out.
I agree; I think the text is marvelously clear.

This was [smod]Shining Raikou[/smod]'s birthday present to us- make sure to tell him thanks and happy birthday over a profile comment! :]
<3 !
RE: Minor Notices & Staff Changes (Latest Announcement: Post #37)

/me thanks SR many, many times

This is a pretty awesome announcement I must say. It's nice to see all usergroups easily identified now. Although, I do have one question.

...Where's my verified seller userbar? :'[
RE: Minor Notices & Staff Changes (Latest Announcement: Post #37)

Afro-G said:
...Where's my verified seller userbar? :'[

Not all members have verified seller userbars/contributor userbars yet. They are sloowly getting them. Later (tonight or tomorrow, probably) Afro, you should see it.
RE: Minor Notices & Staff Changes (Latest Announcement: Post #37)

You might need to go and change your primary group in the group subscriptions page. Which is an option in your User CP.

That might be it.
RE: Minor Notices & Staff Changes (Latest Announcement: Post #37)

Nigel said:
Not all members have verified seller userbars/contributor userbars yet. They are sloowly getting them. Later (tonight or tomorrow, probably) Afro, you should see it.
RE: Minor Notices & Staff Changes (Latest Announcement: Post #37)

Nengeni said:
You might need to go and change your group subscriptions. Which is an option in your User CP.

That might be it.

That has nothing to do with it. It has to do with what your display group is set as.
RE: Minor Notices & Staff Changes (Latest Announcement: Post #37)

Very nice to see Xous's Seller bar not completely wasted months later.

Thanks for these, guys!

dmaster out.
RE: Minor Notices & Staff Changes (Latest Announcement: Post #37)

What determines primary usergroup? Like, which groups have "priority" over others?

(If someone was say, both a professor and a contributor, which bar would they get)
RE: Minor Notices & Staff Changes (Latest Announcement: Post #37)

I'd really say that Professor, Verified Seller, and Contributor are equal. However, the Contributor userbar doesn't grant forum permissions like the other two. The userbar for Verified Seller is helpful for the TC to quickly identify someone that is a verified seller. The one for Professors is helpful so if a member has a follow up question they know who to contact.
RE: Minor Notices & Staff Changes (Latest Announcement: Post #37)

So it's done manually by what yourself and the other mods feel most important?
RE: Minor Notices & Staff Changes (Latest Announcement: Post #37)

Permissions determine primary user group. It basically goes

- Admin
- Super mod
- Mod
- Professor
- Contributor
- Verified Seller
- Member
RE: Minor Notices & Staff Changes (Latest Announcement: Post #37)

^That's what I was looking for. Thanks :)
RE: Minor Notices & Staff Changes (Latest Announcement: Post #37)

Yes! Finally a Seller userbar. :')
RE: Minor Notices & Staff Changes (Latest Announcement: Post #37)

Very cool to finally see the other userbars being put to use, thanks guys.
RE: Minor Notices & Staff Changes (Latest Announcement: Post #37)

PMJ said:
Permissions determine primary user group. It basically goes

- Admin
- Super mod
- Mod
- Professor
- Contributor
- Verified Seller
- Member
This is probably about the level of importance each group has as well, though Professor and Contributor could be said to be similar.
However, I do agree that Professor would be higher, since they're basically the go-to guys/authority for TCG matters.
RE: Minor Notices & Staff Changes (Latest Announcement: Post #37)

I'd just like to say, that the new usebars look really good. I hopw I can get my hands on one one day :p
RE: Minor Notices & Staff Changes (Latest Announcement: Post #37)

Sometimes, in the case of a member being a part of two groups, they request which display group they would like over another. This rarely happens though. The last time I think it happened was when I was both Trade Council & Clan Council (Loooong time ago). I wanted to make sure people could approach me with trade issues, so I requested that userbar be shown as my primary display group. Mods and Super Mods don't get to request this though, they can only have the Mod and Super Mod userbar respectively.
RE: Minor Notices & Staff Changes (Latest Announcement: Post #37)

Why not make it easy and use badges?


*edit* lol clan council. Good times.
RE: Minor Notices & Staff Changes (Latest Announcement: Post #37)

That sounds easy, but it's actually a lot more complicated and time consuming (Both in implementing and maintaining). For right now people will have to settle for userbars.
RE: Minor Notices & Staff Changes (Latest Announcement: Post #37)

Celebi23 has resigned from being a Super Moderator.
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