Writing ~Metroid Genesis~ Great fanfic!


Yes. This is a custom title... I think..
As the first topic in the new forum, you must worship it! This is a story about the Samus Aran, the Chozo, Space Pirates, and...

Please read.

Banner by Kawaii_Mew

Prologue: Chozos’ Return

A bright orange spaceship flew through the starry sky. Past the wide green window sat a small Caucasian woman. Her long blond hair was tied behind her head, giving her a girlish look. Her sleek blue bodysuit, usually underneath her spacesuit, defined her body. The small cockpit she was sitting was covered in electronic displays, one of which displayed a rotating picture of a figure within a spacesuit with orange resembling that of the ship. A neon green visor was covering the eyes and a hollow cylinder was on the right arm. Odd holographic characters were hovering around the display. Underneath the picture, in apparently stenciled letters, was a name. Samus Aran.

The gunship soared through the expanse of space and came upon a large grey ship. It was a Galactic Federation vessel, massive and impressive. A crackling voice came over the radio, “Samus, please enter your ID code." Samus punched a few buttons with her left hand. “Very good,” the voice said, “You may enter docking bay four.” Samus’s ship swerved beneath the Federation ship, passing through an airtight energy shield. She landed upon the metal floor and hopped out of her ship, fully in suit. Clack, clack. She glanced around the hangar and her eyes fell upon a tall man in a navy blue uniform. His hat had the Galactic Federation logo on it and his expression seemed to emanate calmness.

“Why is it that you called me here, commander?” Samus inquired of him.

The newest commander of the Galactic Federation spoke slowly, choosing his words very carefully. “Well you see... We have found, or rather, believe we have found a planet that may be of interest to you.”

“How so, commander?”

“Well, we are not trying to get your hopes up, but we think it may be a Chozian planet.”

“What?! Really? How is it possible?” She couldn’t hide her excitement from the commander.

“We’ll brief you on it soon. I know your trip was long, you may go rest up in room 93.” He felt a wave of dread.

Galactic History Archive: Sec. 90X7a

In the years before the Galactic Federation, the Chozo were the dominant life-form in the galaxy. They lived on many planets and influenced many others. They were a peaceful people, with long legs, a hunched back, and a curious ability to roll into a sphere. Their technology used their ability as a security feature, not making is useable by other species. The technology at their disposal was far more advanced than any other species’ to date. Although they never were at war, they had defense technology that could raise an impenetrable energy field around an entire planet. The Chozians helped many life-forms reach a higher potential. Unfortunately, this led to their demise. Near the end of their reign, they came upon a struggling race of primitives. That race had no name and was a crude, winner-take-all society. The Chozians helped them attain space travel and within a few hundred years that race became feared pirates. Eventually, the aptly dubbed ‘Space Pirates’ set their sights upon the Chozo race. In a fearsome onslaught, they were destroyed on every planet they called home. By now, the Space Pirates were the most powerful entity in the known galaxy, plus, a mysterious creature emerged from the site of the final fight. It absorbs life energy from a victim, not stopping until the victim is dead. This creature has been named ‘Metroid’. The Galactic Federation was formed [see sec. 9124b] but it was hard to be optimistic. But, the Chozo people left a beacon of hope in the form of a human. Samus Aran was a human child they found from a planet destroyed by the Space Pirates. She was raised as a fighter and her Power Suit has the same odd ability the Chozo had. She is a bounty hunter, out for revenge against the Pirates…
Section end. Continue? Y N

Chapter One: Briefing

“Samus are you ready for the briefing?” a young male voice echoed from the hallway. Samus’ eyes snapped open quickly. She was still dizzy from her restless sleep.

“Man, that was a crazy dream,” Samus said to herself while getting up. “I’ll be there in a minute. Could you upload the coordinates to me on my Power Suit? The code is Xeng, Poht, Lok, Manj.” Samus was busying herself getting dressed. “Who are you, anyways? You sound a little young to be with the Federation.”

“That’s because I am,” he replied. “I’m only 16 in Earth years,” the boy went on, “I’m actually a freelance hunter doing a job for the Federation.”

“What?” She nearly fell down laughing. “Are you serious? What kind of training did you have?”

“None,” the boy said in a matter-of-fact voice. Samus knew by his tone that the conversation was over. Suddenly, she realized that she still didn’t have the directions to the briefing room.

Samus, after putting on her Power Suit quickly, rushed outside. “Wait!” she called to the boy. “What are you thinking?! You know that if I don’t get there I’m not going to be the only one taking the fall for it.” They started to move down the empty metal corridors of the ship.

“Right, like I can’t handle myself down on the surface,” the boy said sarcastically.

They walked in silence for a few minutes until they reached the bridge. Samus stepped forward to one of the higher ranking members; he had a large gash on his head, it crossed over his left eye which had become a dull grey color. “Captain,” she began, “we are heading to the briefing room and I just wanted to know if you were heading down to the surface with us.”

“No, I’m afraid I can’t make it. Quite a lot of business up here, you know?” he replied to Samus.

“Ah, I see. I guess some scars take a long time to heal.” She sauntered off smugly with the boy in pursuit.

They eventually found their way to a set of large doors. The boy reached forward and grabbed the handle; he pulled it back, twisted it then set it in place. There was a hissing sound as the airtight room began to open. Ever so slowly the door moved back, clearing the way for Samus and the other hunter. The commander greeted them then glanced at his watch. “A bit late for my tastes, but okay. Let’s get right to it,” he began. “The planet we are going to land on is in Sector Y Gamma, the fifth planet. It has no name that we know of. In fact, it was barely even know to exist. The reason we believe there to be Chozian life on this planet is because, in tracking the Space Pirates, we picked up a faint reading. The technology that this reading implies is far greater than anything the Space Pirates could achieve. You of course know that the only race with technology greater than that of the Space Pirates is the Chozo species.

“There has been no recorded space travel from or too this planet in Galactic Federation or Chozian records, meaning that any travel happened either long, long ago or between the time the Chozo were thought to be wiped out and the time when the Galactic Federation was established. The time span between the two events was relatively short, so they must have left quickly.

“Now, about your mission: Samus we chose you because you are the best there is, plus we feel you may have a personal connection to this. Asu, you were chosen because of your fighting skills and because you are smart; smart enough to stay out of trouble. We need you two to gather information on the planet, and record as much as you can.”

“Why exactly do you need us?” asked Samus. “The Chozo are a peaceful race, they would never fight us.” She felt that they were keeping something from her and the boy.

“Well, as I said, there is no recorded space travel so it might be a different race, a race that has never left their home planet. There is likelihood that it could be a race that never saw another organism and attacks because of fear or ignorance,” the commander replied promptly. “Any further information will be given over your headset.”

Remembrance [Samus' Dream]: Home

A throbbing pain in my arm. I instinctively pull back. Oh god, they’re all around me, now. What the hell am I gonna do? This is it. I’m done for. Unless… Yes, the suit! I run back to my room. Oh crap, my room is trashed! They’re really going to get it now! With my experimental suit I crash through the blockade of Pirates. The pulsating energy from my right arm gives me a high. What have I been missing? This is so great. Perhaps it is the heat of the moment, or the sweet vengeance for my mentor, but killing these despicable creatures is fun. Actually fun. I find myself smiling underneath my visor. A warning light blinks on. Oh no! A ship is coming down.

A pirate reaches out and grabs me. I’m being hauled through the air, and suddenly, I’m in the ship. They stuff me in a prison cell. The cuffs are crushing my wrist. I look through the small window to my right; the planet I’ve called home for so long seems so distant as I fade into space. A bright blue light builds in the corner of my eye. I spin and see the mother ship. A laser pointed straight at my home. Then as suddenly as it was there, it was gone. Disintegrated! “NO!!!!!” I yell. I pull my cuffs until they break. My right arm is directed at the door and the same light builds in a cannon. It breaks down the door and through a dirty Pirate. I finally commandeer the ship and raced toward the largest ship, determined to end it right here. Those vile creatures used my family’s creations to destroy my family. I flew the ship into the hull of the mother ship. The resounding explosion knocks the wind out of me, but I am up on my feet quickly. My blaster is aimed straight at the chair in front of me. A dragon slowly gets up and speaks.

“Hello, you must be one of the Chozo,” he says. “I’ve never heard that you were so violent. Go ahead, kill me.”

My blaster already fired three shots in quick succession. He falls to the ground. “Way ahead of you,” I say smiling.

One of the pirates fires a hole in the air shield that rose when my ship crashed. They can survive in a vacuum. I, however, cannot and am sucked out into the cold space. It is over. Soon I will be dead. At least I wiped out their leader. Darkness overwhelms me and I fall asleep...

Chapter Two: The Planet

“C’mon kid! If you’re going to weigh me down, be faster.” Samus briskly sauntered up to her gunship; she flipped open a case on her blaster. A touch sreen revealed, Samus began to tap out a code. A whir of gears resounded in the hollow hangar; a soft blue light peeked out as a cylindrical platform fell to the ground. “Get in,” Samus said shortly. Asu stepped onto the platform as Samus typed out another code. The platform rose, bringing Asu into the ship. Once Samus had entered by the same way, she started talking again, “What kind of name is Asu? It is probably the oddest name I’ve ever heard.” Samus sat down in the control seat and spun to the front.

“Well,” Asu began, “its short for Asuran.” He fiddled with the blaster at his side.

“Oh, a short-name! It must be from the ancient language.”*

Asuran started to answer, “Yeah, I come from one of the-”

“Samus, are you ready to leave? We are exiting hyperspace right now and in about three minutes, we’ll be close enough to the planet,” a voice over the intercom said, interrupting Asuran.

“Okay kid,” Samus said flipping off the intercom,” you’re about to see how I fly.” Soon, the hangar bay doors started opening. Samus turned her gunship’s secondary thrusters on. A blue light emanated from the back as the ship slowly rose above the ground. As she engaged the primary thrusters, the ship sped out of the hangar.

The newest commander stood on the bridge, watching as Samus shot towards the planet.
“Commander, there is something strange about the radar.” The bridge was filled with computers calculating every aspect of the ship.

“Yes, private? What is it?”

“Well, there is an energy reading that is moving much too fast.”

“Obviously it is in hyperspace.”

“But, sir, that’s the thing, if they were in hyperspace, then they would be coming far too close. As far as I can tell, if the reading is real, they’ll exit about twenty leagues further from the planet, and their momentum would crash them into the planet.”

“Not if it is a small ship. A small ship would be able to stop quickly enough.”

“The energy reading is about twice ours.”

“What?! That’s impossible! There is no way to stop quick enough without Chozian.. reverse… thrusters… No. Could it be? How could they find this place so fast?” The commander had a worried look on his face.

“What should I do?” the privet asked. “Sound the alarm?”

“Yes, sound alarm five.”

“Look, Samus! See the magnectic fields? Look at the pattern they make.” Asuran was looking out the cockpit window at the planet; the magnetic poles pulled debris into a spiraling pattern of rainbow dust. “It almost looks like a shield protecting the planet.”

“Well, I think that may be exactly what it is. The magnetic field must have been what deterred our finding it until now; it will also toss the ship around a bit as we enter the atmosphere. Look, see how it spins much faster than the planet? That will move us off course,” Samus said.

“Oh. Well when you put it that way it doesn’t seem so special.”

They were silently drifting through space for a bit when the intercom came on; the bridges computer overrode the off switch. “Samus, get out of there now,” the commander’s voice said. “Space Pirates are exiting hyperspace right now.”

Samus switched it off again and turn the volume on minimum. She turned to face a swirling dust cloud. A gigantic ship hurtled through it and had reverse thrusters at full power. Samus’s eyes clouded with anger as she turned and raced towards the ship.

“Wait! Aren’t you being a bit rash?!?!” cried Asuran. His face was contorted with fear as the Space Pirate ship loomed over them. A hundred needles shot out of it and swerved around towards Samus. As they got closer, they were revealed to be gunships; Samus took a handle on her left, pulled it out, and twisted it to the right. The handle clicked into place and the lights dimmed to a red then to ultraviolet. The lasers on the side rose and turn to the front entirely.

Samus was about to fire when a beam of red light came from behind and hit one of the gunships. She spun around in surprise, to find a fleet of Galactic Federation gunships at the ready. “Go on ahead, Samus, we’ll take it from here.” Asuran and Samus smiled and started towards the planet.

Galactic Holovision [News frequency]: Court Case, Space Pirate [Audio only]

"Here we are, at the court where, following the attack on the Chozos, a Space Pirate is being tried for the first time ever. I'm Darsi, come with me as we get a front row seat at this sure to be epic trial."

"All rise, the honorable Judge Cuthal presiding."