So, at first, I wanted to do a card based on Golurk, the idea of spirits trapped in it trying to get out, and somehow make it interact with Spiritomb (since that has 108 spirits trapped inside too). But as I mentioned earlier, Golurk was not tall enough.
Instead, I went with one of my favourite groups of legendaries, Regis. At first, I started making a Regigigas V card, but quickly realised it would be too wordy to do what I wanted it to, so I scrapped that. I went with an Amazing Pokémon idea instead.
This is where the fun began; I wanted Regigigas to be a powerful titan, combined with the other 3 Regis. That’s right, 3 Regis. Then I remembered the dumb, disgraceful additions to the Regi family from Crown Tundra. Again, the wording is going to be repetitive and well, wordy, due to the amount of Regis I now had to include due to my completionist brain. I tried my best to check the wording to make it up to scratch with SwSh wording, but I’m sure there will be a mistake or few… My main concern being the name clause from the attack, due to the fact that as far as I’m aware, there has not been a card before which refers to a part of a word in a Pokémon’s name; all of them refer to the whole word, for example Falinks, and sometimes they don’t even include the quotation marks (Alolan Marowak TEU64). So, we’ll see what you think.
As with most of my previous CaC entries, I like to bring in real world stuff and/or game mechanics into the TCG in one way or another. My Regigigas V card was going to try to use Slow Start, however the card I ended up doing actually focusses on the “real world” aspect. I love Greek mythology, and I think Titans were pretty cool. Titanomachy actually refers to a war, where Zeus teamed up with other Olympians and creatures wronged by the Titans, against the Titans, who were eliminated or imprisoned. Regigigas in this case, teams up with the rest of the Titans, in order to be stronger. However, the cost of war is so severe, that you must discard some of the Titans during each attack.
It actually pained me slightly to have to word the ability as it is; not only is it repetitive, I also had to do the order of the Regis by type rather than Dex number (following advice from a previous CaC). As previously mentioned, I forgot about Regieleki and Regidrago until after I included the original 3. I vaguely followed type archetypes to decide which Regi did what; While Regirock was usually associated with increase in attack, I think Rock types are more suitable for Defence. Registeel could have also been Defence, as it is a Metal type, but I decided to go with HP as that is kind of a defensive skill too (and recently, Rusted Shield increased HP for a Metal Pokémon instead of reducing damage, as the previous tools in recent years). Regice in turn provided extra damage, as I thought at the time that it had a high Sp. Att. stat in the games… however, when I looked it up, it turned out that it actually has high Sp. Def. Ah well. What’s done is done. Regieleki did the whole retreat thing, as Lightning mons tend to mess around with that (for example Zeraora-GX or Jolteon). Finally, Regidrago removes weakness, as Dragon types in the games have a very small number of weaknesses (especially prior to Fairies).
I kind of already touched on the attack, and why it does what it does, but I thought I’d talk about the attack cost. So far, all Amazing Pokémon used a maximum of 3 types in the attack costs, excluding colourless. While that is fair enough, it just made sense to me, for this card to use 4 types (in addition to colourless), as they all represent a Regi (including Regidrago with colourless being the potential type for Dragons in TCG as of SwSh). I tried to balance the attack with the usual tricks, can’t attack, discard mons and even Confusion (the idea of Amazing Wrath makes me think of something like Outrage from the video games). Looking at other Amazing Pokémon, Yveltal full on Knocks Out a Pokemon for 5 energy (2 colourless) and Reshiram does 270 for just 3 Energy (and of course Zacian has potential to do 300 to a VMAX). Therefore, I decided 280 is just right, due to the cost and drawbacks, plus potential to do extra damage with Regice and Powerful Energy.
So, at the end of the day, this Regigigas has the potential of doing 310+ damage, habing 240 HP and taking less damage… however, in a typical TPCi fashion, the Energy cost is so outlandish, that it would most likely see no play. Therefore, I am ready for the punishment in the playability score, however, I do believe that the believability should make up for it. Maybe, perhaps, the Regis on the Bench could somehow aid in Energy attachment? You never know. Anyways, sorry for the ramble, and thanks in advance!