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Luxchomp (city championships, senior)

Dialga G L.X or Blaziken FB L.X as tech?

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Don't count on Vilegar players not to have a warp energy in have most vilegar players run both warp and rescue well i do at least. Also i would leave in ERL because thunder fall will be wonderful late game and it helps against GDos. I know you may say that is the reason you have lucario. But remeber if the Gdos is belted then it will take thrash bolt and a crobat drop to ko the GDos. I think you should take the Autoloss if anyone techs in Mewtwo LV x. Thats just my opinion. 1 more thing 4 or none on call energy if you take them out then think about putting in Energy Exchanger.
-1 Pokemon Communication
+1 Luxury Ball

Obvious I would say....
I like the rest of the list. :)
Tiftonhotchild- Yes, Vilegar players have Warp Energy, I know, but they won't have it all the time, I think. Now I remember all the matches I have with GDos, and if I used ERL I would take five prizes with one attack (most times). Definitely I will put Drifblim UD, but I will take out Lucario GL and Aaron's Collection. So with ERL I would win easily agains't GDos (probably) and with Drifblim I will win to Mewtwo to! Thanks!:D

Jake007- I will not take out one Pokémon Communication for one Luxury Ball because it can't search L.X, and that L.X search already have won me games, but thanks for the positive comment about the deck!

PS: Decklist edit DONE!
Woops, yeah youve got a good point there....
Anyway, I really don't think you're going to like the Gyarados matchup without Lucario.
Don't forget that when Gyarados attacks ERL afterwards, they take two prizes.
Often times they have a Sableye there which means you grab 4 prizes (with a Crobat G drop on Regice)
And once word gets around you play ERL, they won't be playing there Crobat G's and Uxies without having a seeker or poketurn ready.
Then you will have to rely on Luxray again, which will fail because there is no Lucario GL....
You can get around Mewtwo without Drifblim, just snipe it with Garchomp before it levels up, or snipe things around it, or grab things around it with Bright Look.
I have realized that lucario is needed, so I will take out promocroak, because against mirror I can easily find another way to win. I will just use ERL to take advantage and after that I will just do the basic strategy of Luxchomp with Blaziken.
^Might as well change the Psychic energy into the fourth call then, or is your format Donphan heavy?
Three calls is enough, I have them when I need them and many times are dead draws. Also I will counter Mewtwo and Machamp with Drifblim with it's first attack, not with the second! Some people use donphan, but not much. I don't worry with donphan because I can attack the bench and I can pokéturn the damaged pokémon.
^Update your decklist.
Test against things, and does Entei/Raikou really help you or just hinder the deck. (have you tested this out?)
And well I think your matchup with Vilegar is really going to be troublesome, but I have no idea besides Dialga G what will help you out there, yes you could kill the Vileplume and what not but you first need the right things to do that in the first place and without trainers that's going to be horrible....
I have tested against many versions of vilegar, and I have won to all of them 2-0. And they are good vilegar, 1 of them was second place in the European Cup, I think that is the name, the other was first place in masters battle road, and the other was first place in the other BR from another place, so this deck is good against vilegar, you only have to do the right choices and be wisely in is his use.
Okay, no problem there then I guess.
You could try a Drifblim SF, if you don't need the UD one for the match the SF one can really work wonders in an SP deck.
As to what to take out then, I would say 1 Crobat G, how many times really have you used 2.
if I am going to put the SF, I will take out the other one, because I will lose consistency. I can't take 1 Crobat G, there are many times when I am going to donk, that I use Collector and I have to search for 2 Crobats G to donk. But I will try with that, maybe it's a good option, thanks!