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Leaferade (Leafeon-Roserade) (Seniors, BR) PLEASE POST!!!!!


Begone Lost World...
Hiya! I Just put this together and played a couple times, it worked pretty well but i don't know? Is it any good for BR or should i use my other deck? (I will post that also) All criticisim is welcomed!!

Pokemon- 22
4-3 Leafeon (Main Attcacker) (Undaunted Leafeon, 2 RR Eevee, 2 Ud Eevee)
1-1 Shaymin X (Tech) (It has the Poke-Body Thankfulness)(126/127 Platinum) (Platinum Shaymin 14/127 Aroma Flower)
3-1-3 Beedrill (2nd attacker and Tech) ( 2 Unleashed, 1 Rising Rivals)
2-2 Roserade (Tech) (Unleashed)
2 Uxie (Tech) (Legends Awakened)

1 Luxuary Ball
2 Pokemon Collectors
2 Expert Belt
4 Bebe's Search
2 Pokemon Rescue (thinking about taking it out for switch, another uxie or Good rod)
2 Pokemon Communication
2 Fisherman
2 Interviewers Question
3 Rare Candy
(I would love BTS but i don't have it and can't afford to get it right now! So please don't say BTS)

Energies- 17
3 Rainbow Energies {C}{G}{W}{L}{F}{R}{P}{M}{D}
2 DCE {C}{C}
9 Grass Energies {G}
3 Psychic Energies

Strategy- Start out with a basic pokemon (doesn't really matter) get out Leafeon, Roserade and Shaymin X as fast as possible! attach a Expert belt to Leafeon and attach a Rainbow or different energy to Roserade to be hitting with 70 or 100 HP!!! Shaymin X for 40+ HP and Beedrill RR to search for pokemon i need! Tell me what you think!!!! Thanks :D (should i switch out pokemon rescue with 2 Switch, 1 Uxie (and something else) or Good rod?)
RE: Leaferade (Leafeon-Roserade) (Seniors, BR) PLEASE POST!!

-3 rare candy
-3-1-3 beedrill (you dont need him)
-3 psychic energy
-2 DCE
-2 fisherman
-2 pokemon rescue
-4 grass energy
total = -23

+2-2 sunflora (replaces the beedrill line, much faster)
+1 rainbow energy
+3 or 4 call energy
+1 collector
+1 communication
+1 Palmer's contribution
+1 leafeon lv x or another leafeon UD or maybe an espeon MD tech for more HP
+1 azelf LA in case your shaymin is prized
+4 energy exchange unit (really usefull to get the important rainbow energies your missing)
+4 super scoop up to get back the rainbows on roserade or heal leafeon
+3 BTS would be a big help too... but u cant get it so nvm
total = +23

now u could also try to find room for a 1-1-1 blaziken fb line tech for more special conditions for leafeon, or a 1-1 houndoom prime tech which is similar to blaziken but faster and it's flippy
RE: Leaferade (Leafeon-Roserade) (Seniors, BR) PLEASE POST!!

Thanks for replying! Here is what I probably can get and afford
2-2 Sunflora
1 Rainbow Energy
1 Palmers
2 Energy Exchanger
1+ Communication
1+ Leafeon
2 Blaziken PL
I Dont want to add to much searching things because then I would have nothing to search for but I am not getting rid of the energies because I need DCE for Shaymins attack and I need psychic energies for Roserade to a least make the active pokemon poisoned . I would love times 10 for BTS because all of my pokemon except Blaziken only have a Stage 1 but they are about 10 dollars each and my league is Saturday but this week is battle roads so I can't trade to get it =( so yeah those cards I can get for cheaper
thanks again
RE: Leaferade (Leafeon-Roserade) (Seniors, BR) PLEASE POST!!

okay I see... then if u want to use shaymin's attack then u could try adding in a unown return to get roserades energies back into your hand to powerup shaymin's attack ^^
RE: Leaferade (Leafeon-Roserade) (Seniors, BR) PLEASE POST!!

If those rainbow energies are for roserade, roserades pokepower says grass energy CARD. Have you ever considered Dustox PT? It's second attack and it's pokebody would be pretty useful in a special condition deck
RE: Leaferade (Leafeon-Roserade) (Seniors, BR) PLEASE POST!!

you auto lose to steelix prime (perfect metal pokebody (no special conditions)) If you take out roserade completely and add magmartor (for ability and stellix counter) you will dominate! and super scoop ups for magmartor! hypno every turn flip a coin if heads oppenets active is asleep!
-3-1-3 beedrill
-2-2 roserade
-4 grass energies
-2 rainbow energies
-3 psychic energies
-2 interviewers questions
-2 fisherman
+4 ssu
+8 fire energies
+4-4 magmartor SV
+2-2 hypno HS
tyrannitar trainer said:
you auto lose to steelix prime (perfect metal pokebody (no special conditions)) If you take out roserade completely and add magmartor (for ability and stellix counter) you will dominate! and super scoop ups for magmartor! hypno every turn flip a coin if heads oppenets active is asleep!
-3-1-3 beedrill
-2-2 roserade
-4 grass energies
-2 rainbow energies
-3 psychic energies
-2 interviewers questions
-2 fisherman
+4 ssu
+8 fire energies
+4-4 magmartor SV
+2-2 hypno HS
There's several problems with that. For one, you turn this deck into a deck that relies on coin flips. Secondly, there's an easier solution, which I'll outline below.

As for my deck change suggestions:
-1 Leafeon UD (see Leafeon Lv X addition below)
-2 Eevee RR (You only need Leafeon's, so searching it out with Eevee RR isn't really worth it when you can instead Call for Family a Roselia to your bench.)
-1 Shaymin PT (See Shaymin addition below)
-3-1-3 Beedrill line (no need for them here, as there are easier ways to search your buddies out)
-2 Fisherman (Even wehn your lose your Leafeon, you're not losing enough energy to make this worthy of taking deck space, especially with Interviewer's backing you up)
-3 Rare Candies (No use.)
-2 DCE (You shouldn't be attacking with Thankfullness Shaymin Lv X to begin with. It's a support pokemon, not an attacker.)
-3 Grass energy (Relying too much on Rainbow Energy will kill this deck. See energy changes below.)

+2 Leafeon Lv X (Your solution to the deck's two biggest problems, energy acceleration if you fail to get a Rainbow Energy, and an alternative attack against Steelix Prime in the form of Verdent Dance, which doesn't require special conditions. The extra HP is just a bonus. Having two provides greater consistency when you find yourself without a Roserade.)
+2 Eevee UD Call for Family (See Eevee RR above.)
+2-1 Shaymin UL and Shaymin Lv X w/ Revenge Seed (Many people overlook this, but seeing as this is a grass deck, Revenge Seed Shaymin Lv X is an ideal, easy-to access revenge killer, as well as an energy manipulater, which Shaymin UL also does with its power. It's an excellent way to recover after losing Roserade or Leafeon. I have personally play-tested this in my own Leafeon/Roserade deck, and it works wonders. Shaymin UL is also nice for activating Roserade's power, then dropping Shaymin UL down to move the energy to Leafeon UD during early game.)
+1 Azelf (Lets' face it. Our vital crap ALWAYS seems to get prized in a few games here and there. This will tip the odds in your favor.)
+2 Pokemon Collector (Any deck that need to get pokemon out ASAP, just like any other deck, needs to have their poke-searchers close to maxed-out.)
+1 Pokemon Communication (Same concept as Collector, but this also works well in combination with Collector, too.)
+3 PONT (Max this. You'll need a way to refresh a dead hand, and 1 just won't cut it.)
+1 Flower Shop Girl / Palmer's Contribution (Recovery of pokemon in the discard is always a must in most/all decks.)
+1 Rainbow Energy (Gotta gotta GOTTA max these for obvious reasons.)
+2 Psychic Energies (Rainbow Energy won't always be with you, and in many cases, activating Roserade's Poison effect will prove far more useful than Confusion. Roserade + Psychic energy is essentially this deck's form of a Plus Power, which is never a bad thing.
+4 Pokemon Reversal (Having these will provide you with the upper hand in dragging out any of your oppoent's benched pokemon of your choosing. 4 copies ensures that you'll eventually get a heads. Great for knocking out a pokemon that they're trying to power up on the bench.)

A decklist with the above changes should look something like this:

Pokemon - 18
-4x Eevee UD (Call for Family)
-2x Leafeon UD
-2x Leafeon Lv X
-2x Shaymin UL
-1x Shaymin Lv X (Thankfullness)
-1x Shaymin Lv X (Revenge See)
-2x Roselia UL
-2x Roserade UL
-2x Uxie
-1x Azelf

Trainers/Supporters - 27
-1x Luxuary Ball
-4x PONT
-4x Pokemon Collector
-2x Expert Belt
-4x Bebe's Search
-2x Pokemon Rescue
-3x Pokemon Communication
-2x Interviewers Question
-1x Palmer's Contribution / Flower Shop Girl
-4x Pokemon Reversal

Energies - 15
-4x Rainbow Energies
-6x Grass Energies
-5x Psychic Energies

The mass number of pokemon and 4 copies of Pokemon Collector in the deck justifies the above average number of Pokemon Communications present.

Here's some other options that you may wish to consider:
- Uxie Lv X (I would've said that this is a must if its price wasn't so danged high.)
- Bronzong SF (Cycler is a useful poke-power that allows you to place one card in your hand on top of your deck, then search out two basic energies and add them to your hand. This is ideal for Leafeon Lv X w/ Roserade when you lack a Rainbow Energy. This also helps in Gengar/Vileplume matchups by slowly clearing your hand of locked trainers, thus keeping Poltergiest's damage in check.)
- Mismagius SF (I haven't playtested this yet, but with so many players filling up their bench spaces, this could be ideal for providing some disruption against the opponent (bye bye, Vileplume?). Also may frustrate SP decks by discarding their precious Energy Gains.)

If you have any questions about anything in this post, feel free to ask. I run the same deck archetype.