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Leafeon Deck Overview



Hello some of you may know me and others not, i haven't been posting for that long, but have tried to help when i do post. My phone only lets me post 250 or some odd words at a time, if anyone knows why please tell me, and that's why some of my help is confusing and the reason i didn't make this sooner but i have a laptop for 1 night so here we go . Now on to the thread, but first i am deeply sorry for any errors or mistakes i make.
I started playing a month before Undaunted came out, I started with the HGSS starter kit just to see if i liked it. My girlfriend and I liked it so we spent some money and get some more Unleashed cards. Then Undaunted came out and I saw the scans of Leafeon and I had remembered the Roserade I had pulled, then and there O wanted to make this deck. So I slowly got all the cards and have been testing it since. I do believe I am one of the first people to give it serious though and one of the few that continues to run it after testing.
So after i got the base of the deck i went to league and lost 1-2, with a bye. After that it was game time i did as much testing as i could to come up with the info i will present in this article. This is all from expericence and should be take, like everything, with a grain of salt. It is set up for my meta and my personal choices, you will have to test to get the deck you want. Now on to my list.

4-Sableye SF
4-Eevee MD (62/100)
3-Leafeon UD
1-Espeon MD
1-Espeon UD (2/90)
1-Espeon Prime UD (81/90)
1-Umbreon UD (10/90)
2-Roselia UL
2-Roserade UL
1-Unown Q MD
1-Azelf LA
1-Uxie LA
4-Rainbow HGSS
4-Bebe's Search RR
3-Professor Oak's New Theory HGSS
2-Seeker TR
2-Pokemon Collector HGSS
1-Fisherman HGSS
1-Interviewer's Questions UL
2-Energy Exchanger UD
2-Expert Belt AR
2-Pokemon Communication HGSS
2-Pokemon Rescue PL
2-Warp Point MD
1-Luxary Ball SF
2-Broken-Time-Space PL

Ok there that is my (In my mind) almost perfect decklist. Now I will go in-depth with each card and why I run those amounts.

4 Sableye SF - This card is a very nice starter, lucky you don't HAVE to start with this guy to do well. I run 4 because of consistency, but I have been thinking of dropping 1 and adding another Pokemon Rescue or something. Overall This is the best starter you can add to this deck. I would run atleast 3 if you need space if not 4 is prefered.

4 Eevee MD (62/100) - This in my mind is the best Eevee to use, this or the one from RR. I prefer this one because it will get all the Eevee's you need when you Call For Family and is harder to donk. Also the +10 Weakness to fighting helps more than x2. I would run ATLEAST 2, you could split with RR one or the CFF from UD.

3 Leafron UD - I run 3 of the main attacker for a few reasons. First 2 of them is to little and 4 is to much, I could see 2 working but when I run 2 is when i need 3. If you run 2 you should run Espeon Prime and Azelf. Another reason is this is an Eevee deck, you will need other Eeveeloutions and 4 will become clutter. Always try to use Miasma Wind, but don't be afraid of using Soothing Scent to get damage to setup a KO or hold off a turn. I suggest 3, if you really want 4 works but can cause problems.

1 Espeon MD - This card is completely up to you. I run it cause 90 HP is low and will get you knocked out alot. Alot of people suggest Shaymin X, i disagree cause it will slow you down and require more space, this is 20 less health and only takes 1 spot. It's attack is not to amazing but can be used in a tightspot, since you can move a grass to Leafeon to start attacking next turn. A tip I have is if you have to sac something and have a Eevee in hand and Pokemon Rescue, or can get them this is your guy, let him get KOed and bring him back next turn.

1 Espeon UD (2/90) - I lost a game cause i didn't run this. I suggest 1 and only 1, you won't need him all the time but helps alot. I have noticed i will be 10 or 20, somethings 30 or 40 off a KO. They will warp point/retreat and i will be left wishing i had this or Crobat G. The reason why this card is so good is for Solar Suggestion, for 1 Psychic you can move 4 Damage counters from your pokemon to your opponents in anyway you like. Roserade has 1 or 2 damage counters from rainbow most of the time. It's great for KOing that belted machamp with 10 health left for the win. I suggest this to be teched in first.

1 Espeon UD (81/90) - This is the prime, Evolutions Memories lets you use any attack from any pokemon on your bench that evolves from Eevee. This means you can hit Nidoqueen/Machamp/Uxie/ECT for weakness. He can also get up to 140 health. If you have him then have a Leafeon on your bench. His attack Solar Ray isn't amazing, if you have the other Espeon from UD you can just Solar Suggestion. If you run Shaymin X then don't run this, Umbreon MD is better. I suggest running this if there is alot of fire/champ in your meta or if you just need to have that extra Leafeon.

1 Umbreon UD (10/90) - I have considered droping this guy. Really the only match he completely turns in your favor is Scizor/Cherrium and Steelix. Sure their are others but most other decks will have a pokemon that can KO this. I suggest only running this if you NEED to, it's good but doesn't stop sniping on the bench. Also almost never use his second attack unless luck is your only win condition. A tech i suggest serious thought before adding i will most likely drop him.

2 Roselia UD - Honestly I haven't really tested the other one to much. I just like this one to much for it's chance to donk. I have gotten 3 heads with E-belt for win on my first trainer turn. Not much to say, only attack if you can retreat next turn and try to keep it on the bench.

2 Roserade UD - This is a staple (Magmarotar is nice but this is better), Roserade MAKES this deck work so well. I have alot to say on this card so hang tight. First it have 90 HP, which is alright but can still be sniped. Now the biggest thing is it's Poke-Power Energy Signal. When you attach an energy from your hand you can confuse or posion your opponent's active (Grass=Confuse, Pyschic=Posion), that mean Rainbow triggers BOTH. That means that Gengar with 110 health is not so scary. Rainbow to confuse/posion, Miasma Wind for 100+10 from posion, no fainting spell. Now while you are using Energy Signal and attacking with Leafeon you are also charging Power Blow. Power Blow does 20 damage per energy. About mid game you should have 2-6 energies and after all your leafeons are dead bring this guy in to clean up or to revenge KOed. Becareful though he can and will be KOed if active. You HAVE to have 1-1, i suggest 2-2for consistency.

1 Unown Q MD - Sometimes I want 2 of this card but you can't risk the donk and 1 is just fine. I use it mostly for sableye but DON'T be afraid to use it on Eevee/Roserade/Anything. This deck can't wait around to retreat so use this when you need. You can even Pokemon Rescue in very RARE cases to get this back.

1 Azelf LA - I only run 1 cause that's all I need and most decks need. This is a staple cause you have alot of 1 pokemon techs and don't want to lose cause you can't get them. You also run pyschic's meaning you can lock up and stall. Also good for thinnig your hand if played right.

1 Uxie LA - Basic Draw Power, I have tried 2 and found it to much, there are times when I need 2 and times when I don't. Overall it's up to you but I suggest atleast 1. Remeber you don't want to spare to much bench space or you will be behind on prizes/setup.

4 Grass Energy - To attack with Leafeon/Espeon Prime. You can also use this to confuse your opponent to force a retreat or just to hope for tails. You can run 3 of this, fi you do run 5 pyschic. You can also shut off some Poke-Powers/Bodies with this. Your Miasma Wind will hit for 50, 70 With Belt.

4 Pyschic Energy - To attack with Leafeon/Espeon (Yes you can use this to use Miasma Wind) and posion with Roserade. Alot of people over look this. It's good against Donphan because of Exoskeleton and good for setting up KOs, or forcing them to retreat. You can run 5 of this card if you run 3 grass. You can also shut off some Poke Powers/Bodies. Your Miasma Wind will do 50+10=60 or 70+10=80. That means you can kill most basics without belt and SP basics with belt.

4 Rainbow Energy HGSS - This card is made for this deck it lets you do great burst and sometimes out of no where. I don't suggest wasting it to force a retreat or shut off Poke-Powers/Bodies, use this when you want to kill something. If you are short of damage remember you can move damage counters to their bench with Espeon (2/90). Your Miasma Wind will do 100+10=110, 120+10=130 With belt. Don't waste these.

4 Bebe's Search RR - A staple in most all decks and this is no different. I suggest at the very least 3. I run 4 cause I use them more that just to get pokemon. I use them to thin my hand, hide trainers in Vilegar, and to get pokemon. Sableye can impersonate this and if you draw into it you can get that Espeon/Umbreon you need or thin your hand for uxie. You need atleast 3, 4 is better.

3 Professor Oak's New Theory HGSS - This is an ify card, I say this because there are other hand refreshers; Copycat/Judge/Cythiana's Feelings. I like this one cause for the 100% 6 cards. I run 3 because 4 is nice but i needed space, and because 2 is to little. Run whatever hand refresh you want and run the number you want, it's 100% up to you I just like 3 PONT.

2 Seeker TR - This card is both good and bad. I use it to get Uxie/Heal Leafeon/Reuse Roserade and Rainbows. It's great for getting Roserade for that suprise KO, they know you used all 4 Rainbows but this guys give you more. I suggest 2 of these or SSU (4 SSU if you run those). The bad thing is if you are 10 HP from a KO on thier pokemon and they retreat this can heal it. USE THIS WITH CAUTION. You can run 3 or 4 but I only have 2.

2 Pokemon Collector HGSS - This is also a staple in pretty much all decks. I have tested with 4/3/1, 2 is by far the best. If you start with Sableye you NEED 1 to get setup. 2 almost never becomes clutter because later game you can use this to get bait for Pokemon Comm or after a Flower shop Lady/Palmer's. I suggest 2 but you can work 3.

1 Fisherman HGSS - This is a card I keep adding and taking. I think I will keep it this time for the fact that there are to many times I need to retreat but energy is to vauble in this deck. This lets you retreat and get it back. Don't be afriad to use this for 1 energy, it has won me games. All around a good card and gets better the longer you wait. You don't have to run but if you do I suggest only 1, 2 is just to much.

1 Interviewer's Questions UL - This is a card you need in this deck, but only need 1. It's great to use anytime in the game for energy. I prefer to use it later in the game, mid-late game. Not early cause you will be refreshing alot. There are times when I will bring up Sableye mid-game to use this to get back into the game. I suggest 1 of these cards, 2 will not hurt i just needed space.

2 Energy Exchanger UD - This card helps the deck alot. Got a Grass and need a rainbow for a KO? No problem, this card will get you out of sticky places and just make the deck flow alot better. Also good for hiding rainbow for later and getting a grass energy, sounds dumb but sometimes to have 3 rainbows and no grass. Alot of uses for this card, let your mind roam and try them all.

2 Expert Belt AR - This card i'm not 100% sure on i'd say only 87%. That said it's a great card for getting KO's and living that Megaton Tail. I tried 3 and it was to much, you will use these with thought, some games I only use 1. Leafeon has low health i usually use these on Espeon Prime when I have Espeon MD out for a 140 monster. Think before you use this card, better to save it than lose.

2 Pokemon Communication - This card is alright in this deck, pretty good to be honest, but i needed room so i only run 2. I suggest if you can to run 3. It's great to combo with collector and sometimes I use it just to thin my hand. If you can fit in 3 do it, but I think 4 is to much. I prefer Bebe's.

2 Pokemon Rescue PL - This card is a staple in Eevee decks for getting Eevees. I want to run 3 but will need to do alot of testing to find a card to drop, I've considered a Bebe's/Umbreon. If you don't run this deck you will lose games, but if you still don't run it than run Flowershop Lady and more Pokemon Comms. This card is great to let a Eevee die just to bring it back with BTS next run. I have let espeon MD get KOed to stall for a rainbow got it back next turn and won the game.

2 Warp point MD - Almost a staple in this deck and most others. IF you have Espeon Prime active you will most likely have a Leafeon on the bench Warp Point and KO what they bring up with Leafeon. Great for getting your pokemon with E-belt out of active or just to heal with Seeker. This card has many uses just make sure you think before you use it, you can lose if you use it wrong.

1 Luxary Ball SF - Staple in all deck. Not much to say cept you can use it to not get a Pokemon to thin your hand.

2 Broken-Time-Space PL - This stadium is to good to pass up, That Espeon MD get KOed last turn but need 20 health to live the attack you will recive next turn? Pokemon Rescue and lay it down. Has alot of uses and is good for getting donks. I don't suggest running anymore than 2. MAYBE 3 if you really have no other cards to put in. Only stadium I would run.

Very sorry for any mistakes or misimformations. Now on to Variants/Tips and stuff.

Shaymin X - The card you think that would help leafeon the most. It does and it doesn't, the problem is it slow you down to much and takes to much space in the deck, sure having 170 Health is good, but when you are 3 prizes behind it's not good. I would suggest running this deck if you can find a way to speed it up or just want to live longer and tank.

Blazikin PL - Fire breath (Poke-Power) is 100% burn meaning you can hit for 150 without a belt OHKO almost all the meta game. This is a strong card and I suggest running if you have alot of T-Tar/other decks with high HP in your meta. I don't run it cause it slows me down and my meta doesn't call for it.

Houndoom UD - Just like Blaz cept it's fire breath is only 50% (Flip) and is only stage 1, I ran this but it's to flipply to be good. If it was 100% this would be staple. If you want burn run Magmortar/Blazi.

Cherrium - I have tried this with proxies but it takes to much space and in the end will be your down fall, not much to say but don't run this, but you need to bench space to much.

Magmortar - There are 2 ways to run this with Roserade and with Skuntank. If you want to run this run 4 Seeker and 4 SSU. It's more viable now that we have seeker but i like Roserade. I suggest running this and Roserade if you want to run it. You can Attach pyschic, lay this down and go to town. Also a steelix counter which will own this deck without Umbreon or a charged up Roserade, it can take up bench space and sometimes you can't get a seeker/SSU.

Now I guess I should go to match ups, but i won't. I don't see a point this deck isn't predictable to be honest. I play this deck to have an answer to everything my opponent does. I play it fast and aggrestive, so I will go over the rough strat and some tips.

If you start with:

Sableye - Impersonate Collector for 2 Eevee's 1 Roselia. Other options are Unown Q and Uxie/Azelf.

Eevee - CFF For 3 Eevee's if you have MD one, if not get Leafeon/Espeon MD with RR Eevee. And if you run UD Eevee grab a sableye.

Roselia - Attach Grass and attack, Retreat next turn.

Unown Q - Pass and wait to free retreat.

Azelf - Attach Psychic and Lock-Up

Uxie - Attach and Wait till you have another basic (Prefer Sableye) and Psychic Restore.

Hope that helped, Pretty much just try to get your bench to look like 3 Eevees, 1 Roselia, 1 Other (Azelf/Uxie/Sableye). Get 1 Leafeon, 1 Espeon Prime (If needed), and 1 Espeon MD out. Also get Your Roserade and Sableye incase you need impersonate.

Now some tips i learned. Pretty much you want to add as much pressure as you can. Avoid getting KOed with a belt and you can try to time the posion to KO the pokemon AFTER your opponent's turn. If you can always have an extra Leafeon on your bench charged up. Remember that you can only attach once per turn so make sure to get energies on Leafeon early so you can use those rainbows for KOs.

Against fast stage 1 decks you will have to let Sableye's/Espeon MD's Die and hold on to rainbows. You should be able to OHKO most of them but becareful if you can outspeed you have to play defensive like i said, if you out speed use soothing scent when needed to slow them down. Also don't forget to Posion/Confuse to force retreats and make them waste energy.

Against stage 2 decks most of the time you can fully set up, against T-Tar use Leafeon NOT Espeon Prime. In all of these matches use Espeon UD to pick off anything off the bench, Becareful with Seeker as they can heal and your Rainbow will be wasted. Mostly play VERY aggresive and soothing scent thier set up pokemon to slow them down and get KO's. Once they are full force hit and run. Hit them when you can and let posion do work. If you can let posion get them in OHKO range so they don't have time to react.

Against Tank decks you can he them hard enough times before they are ready and make them use resouces. If you don't hit them hard early this will be very hard for you. You all your resouces early for KO's and set them behind. Warp point + Seeker when the only have a Steelix and Blissey will make them cry. Most tank decks you can do fine aagainst but for steelix you need a tech. I suggest Umbreon UD (10/90), it flows with the ddeck and can stall to set up Roserade.

Against SP, most SP run Garchomp C after 1 Rainbow or if they use 1 Crobat G Roserade is in snipe range. I suggest setting up 2 Roserades or running Bench shield. Don't be to aggresive and only attack for OHKO. Try to wait for the Garchomp to come up and Rainbow + Miasma will OHKO with posion. Don't let them retreat and then think you will snipe. They have healing breath. Against Dialga don't use Espeon Prime for 2 Reasons, Resistance and he blocks Poke-Bodies. I suggest either hitting hard with a belted Leafeon and doing 80 damage and Solar Suggestion the rest OR, just Solar Suggestion. If you can get early KO on Dailga you can win.

I didn't really do to many match ups cause it really depends on what your opponent does. Hope this all made sense and helped you guys. If you have any questions or comments then leave them below. I will be checking when i can and answer all questions i can. Also remmeber that this is just a game dont let anyone ruin that for you. Have fun and good luck.
You're going to need the Division and the Event you plan on playing this for in the Title. Thanks.

dmaster out.