• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Aspiring Trainer
Advanced Member
4-3 Yanmega
3-2-3 Kingdra
1 cleffa
1 tyrogue
1 jirachi

3 pokemon collector
3 copycat
3 judge
4 junk arm
4 pokemon communication
3 pokemon catcher
1 bianca
1 professor juniper
1 flower shop lady
4 rare candy
2 pont
1 max potion

5 water
4 rescue
3 {P}

i feel this deck needs some help so all suggestions are welcome. i would like it to be faster but in the format i dont really know how to make a deck faster so please help.
RE: Master: Kingdra/yanmega

I suggest to run more PONT and rare candy for consistancy
Jirachi is also an often used tech for leveling down pokemon to get easier prizes.
i suggest these changes:
-2 Proffesor Elm's
+2 Pokemon Communication
-2 Grass
+2 Rare Candy
-3 Pluspower
-1 Water
+1 Jirachi
+3 Psychic
-1 Cleffa
+1 Yanma
-1 Flower Shop Lady
+1 Proffesor Oak's new Theory.
-1 Bianca
-4 rescue
+1 catcher
+3 max potion
-1 flower shop lady
+1 yanmega

Thats my idea (might not be the best but thats how i would've played it;))