Finished Kingdoms V

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Ice Espeon has declared war on Brave Vesperia!
Brave Vesperia has declared war on Vom!
Vom has declared war on Ice Espeon!

And the day has been extended to 11/3 at 10 PM (MST). I know you guys really wanted to fight each other more, and wanted the weekend to do it.
I know, I'm so kind.
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Night 5
Oscuro Mork Castle
<Keeper> Do you realize that was supposed to be the end of the war?
<Keeper> Can't you guys even kill each other properly?
<Vom> Well, we're still missing tutor moves-
<Keeper> Fine fine! Have your moves.
<Keeper> But it'll be your last chance for that.
<Ice Espeon> At least we can finish on a normal day, yes?
<Keeper> ...Sure, sure.

Oscuro Mork Marketplace

All TMs (ORAS list): 100 Coins

Tutor/Bank/Event Exclusive Moves: 200 Coins

100 Coins:
Air Balloon (unlimited uses)
Type Plates
Red Card
Eject Button
Gems (unlimited uses)
Toxic/Flame Orb

200 Coins:
Evolution Stones
Trade Evolution Items
Expert Belt
Assault Vest

300 Coins:
Life Orb
Focus Sash
Choice Items

100 Coins:
+1 Rank

100 Coins:
"Get Out of Jail Free" Card
(Freely decline one challenge)

500 Coins:
Mega Stone (choice)
Night 4 ends November 6th at 10 PM (MST).
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Day 6
Final Day
<Keeper> Final day! Week didn't even end, you guys work fast.
<Keeper> Or, actually, rather slowly. I was hoping to have this just be Five Nights at Kingdoms but...
<Keeper> Anything to say?
<Ice Espeon> Better not make us do any weird battles today.
<Vom> Yeah. :v
<Keeper> So, you want interesting battles instead?
<Keeper> I can do that.
<Ice Espeon> No, wait-!
<Keeper> KA-BOOSHKY!
<Brave Vesperia> ?
<Keeper> Ah, smell that inverse battle field.
<Ice Espeon> ...
<Vom> ...
<Brave Vesperia> *sniffsniff*
<Brave Vesperia> Smells like frosting.
<Keeper> Although, it is MY field, so I don't think it'll help you much... Unless more than land was on the line.
<Keeper> Anyway, have fun!

Day Rules
  • Each player has unlimited challenges to use today. Last phase. No question marks this time.
  • When challenging a player, you may challenge them normally OR challenge them to an inverse match. In an inverse match, no land is lost, but two Pokemon are taken instead of one, and twice as many ranks are earned on both sides. There's no limit to how many times you can challenge a player to an inverse match, but if the same player were to challenge you twice, the match may be freely declined at no cost. (Declining an inverse match the first time costs the same penalty of two land.)
  • Day 6 ends... Whenever a winner is decided. I'll randomly throw out challenges for you guys if you decide to stay idle for too long, so chop-chop!
Updates will be sent out in about an hour.
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I challenge Vom to a normal battle.
I challenge Brave Vesperia to a normal battle.
I, Brave Vesperia, challenge Vom to an Inverse Battle!

I, Brave Vesperia, challenge Vom to a normal battle!
It's been over a week and almost nothing has been done.
Twice as long as any other day phase with NOTHING done!

There will be a penalty for those not actively trying to accomplish their matches, and it will be coming up shortly.
Get to it.
*Keeper fires a rocket from his rocket launcher as he soars over IE's kingdom in his epic blimp.
*IE's land has exploded into a colorful pink cloud!
*IE has lost 1 land!

*Keeper fires a rocket from his rocket launcher as he soars over Vom's kingdom in his epic blimp.
*Vom's land has exploded into a colorful purple cloud!
*Vom has lost 1 land!

BV is literally the only one who is trying to get these done. This will continue periodically until a winner is decided.
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