Silhouette Gloom of the Sundown Lands
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Having just come off designing 350ish cards for our DP format in Lackey, I am still in the middle of a long break from faking. I hadn't planned on entering, but after realizing that I'd had been sitting on an unfinished SM set based on Pokemon Battle Revolution, and that all the Pokemon are going to be Owner's Pokemon, I could throw something together and get people's opinions on it.
Full disclosure: this set is still relatively early in planning, and only a handful of Trainers even have text spoilers at this point. While Sashay's Lopunny does appear in the set, the spoiler for it was created specifically for this contest.
My take on Owner's Pokemon is similar to the ones found in Gym Heroes and Gym Challenge. The owner is part of the Pokemon's name, which makes them not play nicely with existing versions of the cards (you could not evolve Sashay's Lopunny from a card named Buneary
As an incentive to play these cards, and to recognize their having been trained, these Pokemon feature a slight HP boost.
Sashay is a dancer, and her personality is reflected in her cards. She thinks very highly of herself and expects nothing less than perfection in everything; if the opponent is stumbling around like an idiot, Sashay's Lopunny will get a massive damage boost out of sheer anger.
Step in Time has a conditional confusion effect that not only incentivizes players to use other Owner's Pokemon (with the assumption this card comes from a set that is full of them and has viable cards), but also reflects Sashay's vainness; any untrained Pokemon clearly lacks the skill to keep up with Sashay's Lopunny, and gets Confused as a result, which only serves to make Sashay's Lopunny angry.
Since Sashay's Lopunny evolves from Sashay's Buneary, it is important to know what it does to give Sashay's Lopunny's power a better frame of reference. I haven't made the spoiler for one, but there is, however, a Supporter card that is meant to help Sashay decks that has some relevance for this card:
Trainer - Supporter
Search your deck for 2 Pokémon with maximum HP of 60 or less, reveal them, and put them into your hand. Then, shuffle your deck. Flip a coin for each Sashay's Pokémon you put into your hand in this way. If any of them are heads, your opponent's Active Pokémon is now Confused.
Sashay's Buneary will be searchable with this card, which is the extent of its ability to affect the strength of Sashay's Lopunny.
Visually, the card is pretty simple, which is like 90% my preference and 10% my inability to do crazy visual effects like the rest of you. The old Owner's Pokemon looked nearly identical to other cards of the era; the only difference was the owner's portrait being featured on the card, which by necessity featured a redesigned bottom section to make room for it.
That's good enough for me, so I've opted for the more modern Platinum-style owner's portrait with a custom Sashay image drawn by Gamez n' Gainz#5930 in our Discord (a great place to find people to help you with all your faking needs, including CaC, in real time). If I'd known that SP portraits were mostly head shots, I might have had him draw her in a different pose, but if there's one thing I've learned from faking in the DP era, it's that it's consistently inconsistent; Argenta's arm is sticking out, Roark's hand is in sort of an awkward position, Byron's whole-ass neck is on display rather than just a headshot... there are no rules, the whole era is a lawless wasteland, so I'm not too concerned by having Sashay's arms visible (especially since it would look weirder for them not to be).
I also added in the Poketopia symbol to the center of the card to make the card stand out just a little bit while not being super obnoxious.
See you all in the winner's circle.