Wi-Fi Trades Jessie Mulay's Trades: 5 IVPokes & Shinies

Jessie Mulay

Aspiring Trainer
Friend Code: 4399-0179-3036
Time Zone: PST/GMT-8
Times Available: 1:30PM - 5:00PM+ on Weekdays, 10:00AM-8:00PM on Weekends. Times subject to change.

5IV with Appropriate Spreads
In Stock:
-Durant (M) - Jolly: Hustle x3
-Durant (F) - Jolly: Swarm x2
-Sneasel (F) - Jolly:pickpocket x1
-Squirtle (M) - Modest:Torrent; Egg Moves - Dragon Pulse/AuraSphere x2
- Karrablast (M) - Adamant:Swarm; Egg Moves - Megahorn/Counter/Pursuit x3
Can Breed:
Above^ &
-Slowpoke - Calm/Bold:Regenerator
-Kangskhan - Jolly:Scrappy
-Torchic - Adamant:Speed Boost
-Lotad - Modest:Swift Swim
-Meditite - Adamant:pure Power; Egg Moves: Bullet Punch/Fake Out/Psycho Cut/Drain Punch
-Mawile - Adamant:Intimidate
-Sableye - Impish:prankster; Egg Moves: Recover
-Electrike Timid:Lightning Rod
-Shuppet - Adamant:Insomnia/Frisk; Egg Moves: Destiny Bond/Phantom Force
-Trapinch - Jolly:Arena Trap/Hyper Cutter
-Joltik - Timid:Unnerve
-Dwebble -Adamant:Sturdy/Shell Armor
-Vullaby - Impish:Overcoat; Egg Moves: Roost/Foul Play/Knock Off
-Riolu - Timid/Jolly:Steadfast; Egg Moves: Blaze Kick/Crunch/Bullet Punch/Vacuum Wave
-Larvesta - Modest:Flame Body
-Chespin - Impish:Bulletproof; Egg Moves: Spikes
-Fennekin - Modest:Magician; Egg Moves: Wish/Hypnosis
-Bunnelby Adamant:Huge Power
-Litleo - Timid:Unnerve
-Swirlix - Jolly:Unburden; Egg Moves: Belly Drum
-Amaura - Modest:Refrigerate; Egg Moves: Discharge/Mirror Coat

Shinies (not nicknamable)
-Bunnelby - Adamant:Cheek Pounch
-Litleo - Timid:Unnerve 31/x/x/31/31/31
-Karrablast - Adamant:Swarm 31/31/31/x/31/x
-Chespin - Impish:Bulletproof; Egg Move: Spikes 31/x/31/x/31/31

-Shelmet (F) - Modest/Timid in Net/Dive Ball
-Murkrow (F) - Adamant:prankster; Egg Move: Brave Bird in a Dusk Ball
-Scraggy (F) - Adamant:Shed Skin/Moxie; Egg Moves: Drain Punch/Dragon Dance/Ice Punch in a Dusk Ball
-Sigilyph (F) - Bold:Magic Guard in a Luxury Ball
-Starly (F) - Adamant/Jolly:Reckless in a Premier/Pokeball
-Shuppet - Nicknamed "Casper" - Adamant/Brave; Egg Moves: Destiny Bond/Phantom Force31/31/31/x/31/31 or 31/31/31/x/31/x in a Dusk Ball
-Gligar - Nicknamed "Batman" - Impish:Immuinty 31/31/31/x/31/31 in a Net/Dusk/Pokeball
-Shelmet/Accelgor - Nicknamed "Ninja" Modest/Timid 31/x/31/31/31/31 in a Net/Dive Ball
Keeper of Night said:
I'd be interested in a 5 IV Bold Slowpoke if anything on my list interests you.

I like the Vulpix, Calm. I'd have to breed the Slowpoke though and I'd probably have it tomorrow
Can you get me a female 5 ivs timid riolu with vaccum wave and inside a luxury ball? Check my thread and tell me if you are interested in something :), also i have scyther and gligar 5ivs...

I'm interested in the shiny Vullaby, what is the Sp Def IV for it? Either way, check my thread for it.
I would be in interested in the Vullaby (Shiny), I can offer a 31/x/31/x/31/x Shiny Gligar if you would want it.
Phoenix29 said:
Can you get me a female 5 ivs timid riolu with vaccum wave and inside a luxury ball? Check my thread and tell me if you are interested in something :), also i have scyther and gligar 5ivs...


Don't think I could do that because of the Gender Ratio, but their in Premier Balls now if you want.

Ka$h Money said:
I'm interested in the shiny Vullaby, what is the Sp Def IV for it? Either way, check my thread for it.

Don't know exact number. I'm interested in the Shiny Ralts or Fletchlinder. What balls are they in?

PokeChimpo said:
What EVs does shiny Bunnelby have? I'm interested in Shiny 5IV Karr a blast as well.

It has HP/Def/SDef, but it's Cheek Pouch so I don't think it matters. Already traded the 5 IV one :( only have the 4 IV left.

Hegafire said:
I would be in interested in the Vullaby (Shiny), I can offer a 31/x/31/x/31/x Shiny Gligar if you would want it.

Hmm.. is it nicknamable & what ball is it in? I may do it if the guy declines his offer.
Jessie Mulay said:
Ka$h Money said:
I'm interested in the shiny Vullaby, what is the Sp Def IV for it? Either way, check my thread for it.

Don't know exact number. I'm interested in the Shiny Ralts or Fletchlinder. What balls are they in?

The Ralts is in a pokeball and Fletchling is in a premier ball (also female).
Interested In:
Lotad - Swift Swim/Modest
2. Vullaby - Overcoat/Impish

Joltik - Compound Eyes/Timid (31/x/31/31/31/31); Females I have only have Unnerve.
2. Honedge - No Guard/Brave (31/31/31/31/31/x)
Ka$h Money said:
Jessie Mulay said:
Don't know exact number. I'm interested in the Shiny Ralts or Fletchlinder. What balls are they in?

The Ralts is in a pokeball and Fletchling is in a premier ball (also female).

Alright. I'll take the Ralts if that's fine.

akaFila said:
Interested In:
Lotad - Swift Swim/Modest
2. Vullaby - Overcoat/Impish

Joltik - Compound Eyes/Timid (31/x/31/31/31/31); Females I have only have Unnerve.
2. Honedge - No Guard/Brave (31/31/31/31/31/x)

Have both of those :/ sorry. I don't know why I forgot to list Joltik.
CML for the shiny 4 IV Chespin and Litleo.
I have 2 unlisted shinies too, Wingull and Scraggy (Lax with Moxie)
Spartansn1p3r said:
I'm interested in the shiny vullaby and chespin, CML

lucariopulse333 said:
CML for the shiny 4 IV Chespin and Litleo.
I have 2 unlisted shinies too, Wingull and Scraggy (Lax with Moxie)

Not really interested in anything for both in your lists. Sorry.

Also traded the Shiny Vullaby to Ka$h Money for his Shiny Ralts.
I would like a bold slowpoke with regenerator and female if possible
Look at my thread and let me know of we can work something out.