I think that Infernape is my favourite card from the set

interesting attacks for sure! Probably wouldn't be that difficult to set up initially with Ultra Balls, Fiery Torch, Scorched Earth etc, plus it's first attack. But then once you've used it you've gotta do it all over again; pretty inefficient, but still funny.
I like Talonflame too. It seems pretty OP, actually. 40 damage isn't too bad, and it's effect for 1 energy is pretty ballin'. It's BREAK isn't dreadful either, even less so given that you can have it out on turn two if you start with it. I've been waiting for them to say something like "If your opponent does start with Wobbuffet then you have to discard Talonflame" or something, just because it seems too good to be true. I doubt it warrants a deck in its own right, but I'll definitely be experimenting with it to see what it can do.
Clawitzer is pretty awesome for a lot of decks, I can see that getting some play and breathing life into some less-played mega decks.
I also did wonder if Geomancy Xerneas would get a reprint, I'm pleased it did.
More generally I'm not sure how I feel about the dual-type Pokémon being shinies. Like I'm not sure I understand why that was necessary. I like shiny Pokémon, don't get me wrong, but yeah. For me, the shinies should be reserved for UR cards.