Discussion How to Work With Swampert PRC?


Aspiring Trainer
Hi guys,

A few months ago I started trying to make a new Archie's Ace In the Hole draw engine for XY-on, and the first thing to come to mind was Swampert PRC. I thought it could be the new Empoleon. Sadly, I actually ended up misunderstanding it's ability. I thought that it allowed you to search your deck for any card and put it into your hand, not just put it on the top of your deck. Just this little problem ended up messing up the engine, and i'm just finally just giving it a second chance now. I came up with a few additional cards to make Swampert work. Here's my list:

-Slurpuff PHF
One of my first pairings for Swampert, Slurpuff can get you that card you searched for with ease, at the cost of making the whole system a bit clunky. Not only do you need to Archie's into a Swampert, but you need to evolve into Slurpuff for things to get into motion.

-Acro Bike
Acro Bike is a much less clunky, yet much less consistent way of going about things. You must have an Acro at all times to use Swampert, which makes things complicated.

The list is pretty short, and for good reason: Swampert might just not be all that playable. I need help, since I want to use Swampert, but I'm not sure how. Anyone got any ideas?

Tierno is also an option, though it makes you use your Supporter for a turn. One card you need plus two extra ones isn't SO bad, though.

Also Shiftry FLF with Leaf Draw. If Shiftry decks take off with Giant Plant Forest, Swampert could be a useful bench-sitter if you can Archie him out.

And on a less-competitive note, I'm using him in a fun Swampert-EX deck to stack an energy on the top of my deck and guaranteeing 80-100 damage with Mud Flood.
Unown from Acnient Origins is a possibility. It's a Basic, meaning it can fit into a deck easily, and its Ability lets you discard it uf ut;s on your Bench and draw a card. So you could use it in tandem with Swampert to search for a card and then get it right into your hand. Unlike Acro Bike, Unown won't risk throwing away important resourses, and you can just let it sit on your Bench until you're ready to use Diving Search. Unlike Slurpuff it's only good once before it discards itself, but it will be less clunky. I guess it's a medium in between Slurpuff and Acro Bike.
I would agree with unknown, plus acro bike, and revive, that's twelve search and draws you can get out. Effectively once you have swamper set up this will let you play almost with twelve less cards in your deck because these twelve will become any other card you need, which can be a massive advantage of course. Sacred ash for when you run out of revives.

And with Archies draw ability you are statistically quite likely to draw into at least one of these cards. Which becomes any other card in your deck.

The question is really what kind of cards would you run it with? Maybe a tool box style deck, with a little bit of denial for every eventuality?
I play an agro Swampert/Miltank/Slurpuff/Archies deck. It's full of what I like to call "Burn" cards, or cards which you can burn at any point, such as maintenence, ultra ball, battle compressor, and professor's letter.

It's actually pretty consistant, but when you don't get archie, you lose.

Anyway, just some thoughts. PM for my list.
Lately on PTCGO, I've just been using Swampert to control my draw for every turn. There really isn't a whole lot that can stop you from drawing it the next turn.