Hello, about TCG game.


Aspiring Trainer
Hello, i like very much pokemons and a few months ago i heard that is a trading card game of pokemon for the pc.I started to search the Pokemon TCG ( trading card game ) for pc , but with no succes. I search it for a few weeks and nothing to find , i found only for GBA (game boy advance) but i don`t like very much on GBA , i saw tutorials with Pokemon TCG on net and i really like it but nowere to find. :(. I search with GOOGLE, on torrents, on oDC and nothing. Pokemons are great and i really like to have and play this game but i can`t find it.
Could someone knows where to find the demo version or full version?
Please help i would appreciate very much any effort.

Sry for my english.

Best regards ;)
okay, so i understand that that is an tutorial, but i want the game, where can i find it?
if you mean playing the card online against other people. You can download apprentice...

if you want cards just go to Walmart or something and buy 'em. or go online to places like


but since you're just beginning i would recommend a starter deck to begin with.

Arcanine out.
So i have the single game, i find it, yupppy , but it has 11 battles or smthg like that so i am bored of it, and about aprentice and the other one, as i see it has no graphics ... it`s text based ... and also i couldn`t connect to the game server , so i`m out, i staying on yu-gi-oh ;)