News 'Gym Badge' Promos to be Released in English

Eh well. It just depends on luck. When I first started collecting Pokémon cards, I got the Magikarp from Dragons Exalted and I thought it was the most OP thing ever XD

Funny story about that. I was at a prerelease for Dragons Exalted (my first official Pokemon event, btw), and a guy KO'd a Wailord with that Magikarp. And the Wailord had a Giant Cape attached. xD.
These are actually rather interesting if you can get 4, since they can really help with draw power. 50% to draw 1, 25% to draw 2, 12.5% to draw 3, ect... that's not too bad, since their Item cards. I definitely want that Misty one... :3
200+ XY promos?? Man, iirc the promos in my binder only go up to 170-something so far, how many more are there?!

A little irritated that these are league promos AND Black Star promos. I don't know how it works in the US, but here in the UK league promos arrive WAY late, so we probably won't see these until 3 months after we're supposed to.