

Aspiring Trainer
I'm just getting back into the game after several years, and I've been playing a Psychic deck around Espeon (UD 2/90), Muk (UD 31/90), and Scolipede (EP 40).

4-3 Espeon
3-3-3 Scolipede
2-2 Muk

4 Pokemon Communication
4 Great Ball
2 Energy Retrieval
2 Revive
2 Switch

2 Interviewer's Questions
2 Sage's Training
2 Professor Juniper
2 Team Rocket's Trickery
2 Bianca

16 Psychic Energy

Now, obviously this isn't a broken, T1, "OMGWTFBBQ" deck. I just figured I would try to get back into the game with something simple. Of course, now that I'm comfortable with the game again, I have NO idea how to fix this to make it actually work! I mean, every once in a while I manage to get something going and knock a few prizes off, but I never manage to actually keep it consistent to the end. I really like the idea behind this deck, but I'm just not getting it. Any help would be much appreciated!