Ruling DS Mightyena...


PokeBeach's Yu-Gi-Oh enthusiast. I guess.
I'm confused about the Gang Up attack. If I have 5 benched pokemon that are metal and dark type, will I do 120 damage with Gang Up? Or 60? Thanks in advance.
RE:  DS Mightyena...

But it says that it does 10 damage times the number of dark pokemon AND metal pokemon you have in play. Because mightyena is a dark/metal type, shouldn't it do 120 damage with a bench full of dark/metal type pokemon?
Think of it this way.

Take a look at each of your Pokémon. Are they Dark and/or Metal? If so, add 10 damage.

A lot more people would be playing Mightyena δ if it was doubled for Dark/Metal guys.
Compendium said:
== GANG UP (Mightyena - EX: Delta Species)

Q. If a Pokémon is more than one type, does Mightyena's "Gang Up" attack add 20 damage when counting that Pokémon (+10 for each type)?
A. No. It looks at all of your Pokémon in play - is it either Metal and/or Dark? Great, +10 more damage for that Pokémon. (EX: Delta Species FAQ; Nov 3, 2005 PUI Rules Team)
It's in the Compendium. It's gonna stay that way so there is no point of arguing it on even more, just accept the answer.