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Dialga Chomp for BR's and maybe Cities. (Masters)


"Crimson Dance, Yugetsu!"
Being an SP hatter, its hard for me to get back into the SP field, but Donphan just isnt quite working the way I want it too. Or rather my luck is not. lol

With Vileplume being so popular, Dialga Chomp seemed like the best option for me.


3-1 Dialga G Lv X
2-2 Garchomp C Lv X
1-1 Mismagius GL Lv X
2 Crobat G
1 Bronzong G
1 Dragonite FB
3 Uxie (I lack the Lv X)
1 Unown Q
1 Azelf


4 Cyrus Conspiracy
4 TGI Poke Turn
3 TGI SP Radar
2 TGI Energy Gain
2 TGI Power Spray
2 Expert Belt
2 Bebe Search
1 Luxury Ball
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Energy Exchanger
1 Aarons Collection
1 Palmers Contribution
2 Warp Point


2 Psychic
1 Basic Metal
3 Special Metal
2 Warp Energy

Well, I would assume to use the normal Dialga Chomp based strategy. Tank with dialga and use warp energy, healing breath, bronzong combo when needed. I have low experience with SP decks so Im not totally sure on everything.

I have the Mismagius for a couple reasons;
1. T1 defean via Energy gain is great, but then mid game, Defean with Ebelt is better. Magius allows me to do that. Plus, that power cant be sprayed.
2. I can use Mismagius's attack to KO Gengar and completely avoid fainting spell.

Crobat G can be used for donphan counter as can Dragonite fb.

Comments would be appreciated.
What do you mean by sp metal and i would say take out one energy exchange and put in another mismaguis. And yes mismaguis power can be sprayed but your oppoent must be doing to get rid of a card in there hand haha.