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Darkrai-Hydreigon deck for Cities in 9.5 hours! (not-so "Secret" Tech included!)


TCG Professor, League Owner
Here's the Darkrai-Hydreigon deck I'm going to be running at Cities in 9 1/2 hours. Comments and suggestions welcome!

Pokémon: 15
3 Deino (NVI 77/101)
1 Zweilous (DRX 95/124) can OHKO Hydreigon, Garchomp, mini Rayquaza
3x Hydreigon (DRX 97/124) Dark Trance
3x Darkrai EX
2x Sableye (DEX 62/108)
1x Terrakion (NVI 99/101) Great for Eels
1x Cresselia EX (DEX 67/149) Great for Mewtwos, can stand against Landorus EX and Tornadus EX :)
1x Keldeo EX (BCR 49/149) Great for Landorus EX, also good to "Rush In" then free retreat back to clear paralysis/sleep

Trainers: 34
4x N
4x Juniper
3x Bianca
1x Computer Search (Ace Spec)
3x Ultra Ball
2x Level Ball
2x Eviolite
1x Dark Claw
1x Tool Scrapper
4x Max Potion
3x Catcher
3x Rare Candy
3x Dark Patch

Energy: 11
2x Blend GRPD
2x Prism (can be Tranced while on a basic, used for Terrakion, Cresselia, and can count as water for Keldeo to OHKO Landorus EX)
7x Dark basic

I want to scrap one Bianca for a Super Rod but I'm not sure I need it. Thoughts?
I hope I'm in time to help you!

How much do you think Terrakion helps you? I tested out Hydreigon with Terrakion, and personally it was just too inconsistent for me, but I know people who have had a lot of success with it. I actually really like how you also have Keldeo in, that must really help against Landorus so long as you have 2 Prism on the field. I think you definitely need at least 2-3 Random Receiver. Along with the fact that right now your only running 11 Supporters, RR is amazing in decks with Sableye. Dark Claw could be taken out, I have never really liked it because I just think Eviolite is a better tool to have attached to your Darkrai.

One of your Max Potions could be taken out. 3 Max Potion always seems fine for me, and you really need to find space for more Supporters.

Your two Eviolites should also probably go. Even though they can be very helpful, you need more energy. You should have at least 8 Dark if you want to get them in the discard when you need them, and another Prism would probably be useful so that you could still be able to use Heavy Impact or Sacred Sword for 90 even if something happens to one of your Prisms.

Here's the condensed version:
-1 Bianca
-1 Dark Claw
-2 Eviolite
-1 Max Potion
+3 Random Receiver
+1 Prism
+1 Dark

I hope this helps :)
Your advice is very very solid, so I thank you for replying in a timely manner with some great stuff! :D

Unfortunately I made no changes (didn't fully have the time by the time I got to this message) and just went with what I wrote above. Here's how I did:

Round 1 - WIN vs Manectric (DRX44)/Dragonite (DRV5)
The guy only had out an Electrike and a Dratini. In my fourth turn I double KO'd them. I felt bad because his deck was barely anything more than precon-level.

Round 2 - LOSS vs Rayquaza & Rayquaza EX/Eelektrik
I could have utterly destroyed this guy, but my deck failed to produce any solid draws for the first, I don't know, 10 turns. I was pretty upset.

Round 3 - WIN vs Darkrai EX/Landorus EX
This guy was a complete douchebag. I beat him in a close game but he couldn't draw a card that would have swung the game drastically into his favor (energy switch to give Landorus EX the third energy to be able to do 300 damage to my Darkrai EX). He was upset and whining about how my deck was trash and it shouldn't have beat his. Lolzors.

Round 4 - WIN vs Darkrai EX/normal Terrakion
To compensate for round 2, I got perfect draws and annihilated everything.

Round 5 - LOSS vs Landorus EX/Mewtwo EX
My opponent started with Mewtwo EX and a Double Colorless Energy against my Deino. FML.

Round 6 - LOSS vs Eelektric Toolbox (Mewtwo EX/Tornadus EX/Rayquaza EX/Terrakion)
In an absolutely epic last game, my opponent and I went to time on this game. We had a blast, playing N on each other at the worst possible times, building up our Pokémon, and using some pretty solid tricks and tactics. I only lost because my 3rd Pokémon Catcher was my last prize, so my opponent took his last one in his next turn.

After the tournament, after seeing Skyla played to great effect and not having that Catcher in the last game, I made some changes that I'm still not sure necessarily help (-Bianca, +Skyla, +1 Catcher, -Cresselia EX, +Mewtwo EX, +1 Dark Energy, -some other stuff). The unfortunate reality is that my Round 3 opponent was partially correct. Decks with evolutions simply aren't fast enough it seems like, or at least Hydreigon isn't. I saw a 4x Sigilyph deck go 6-0 to get seed 1 in top 8, and the rest of the decks that got into top 8 were Darkrai/Terrakion or Darkrai/Landorus (or some other variations to include Mewtwos) and I think a Ray/Eels deck got in too. I'm still not convinced that Darkrai/Hydreigon is done, but I do think that it will have to be put on hold until Plasma Gale comes out so I can put in 4x Colress (I think it's a fantastic card). N, Juniper, and Colress will be an amazing supporter setup for any deck, and I think it will help evolution decks filter through the deck to get the stuff they need. Like I said though, in the mean time I'm not sure what to do to get this on the right track again.

PS: Terrakion got me two prizes in Round 3, I used Terrakion to knock out a Darkrai after he killed a benched Sableye (he didn't know I had a Prism energy in my hand). Otherwise it was a dead bench slot. :(
It's not done, when the deck is set up it eats EVERYTHING. If it gets a T2 Night Spear w/ Hydreigon the guy who's facing the deck should just scoop. The only problem with the deck is it is actually one that requires a very good build, I found that with 3 Catcher that I never had it at the end where kt would win me the game. But there's space for a 4th. The deck is about finding the build for your style. The only reason I'd drop it is if your area has a lot of Terrakion (which mine does :( )
Right now decks with evolutions are about the same speed as others because everything costs so much to attack, exception being landorus. Thats also saying you get a turn 2 hydreigon. I basically play the same deck deck but with klinklang.. I personally think its better because the attack is not that bad and it doesn’t have a dragon weakness. with the way i run it, i get klinklang turn 2 about 8-9 times out of 10. if you want my list just PM me. I would rather not have it out there for the public to see