Finished Convicted 3 - (Murder/Mystery Roleplaying Game)

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No school =/= Free time 24/7 >:L

___________________________________________________________you'd be surprised at how much I still have to write. Take that as you will ;o

Well... Pokebeach is not like your job or anything so I guess you don't have to spend like 3+ hours on it if you don't want to :eek:

But this game has gone on for a really long time and it would be nice for you to finish what you started :p

The Final Chapter!
“W-what just happened!? What was that voice!?” asked a terrified Gardevoir, not even shocked by the death itself. She, and everyone, for that matter, had become used to it.

“I have no idea, but whatever it was, it sure was powerful to be able to take down Big Boss just like that.”

Suddenly, a tremor shook the house, and they heard a very loud noise.

“That sound like collapsed walls to anyone?” asked Electivire, making an effort to not show how freaked he was.

“Sure did to me,” said Hedron, whose presence everyone had ignored for some reason. “Due to the quantum physics of this mad house, and the wind speed, and based on the relative humidity and age of these walls, I’d say a wall fell upstairs.”

“Thanks, mole, my ears could never have done that,” said Seir, annoyed. But almost immediately after saying this, something clicked in his head. “Wait a second there, mole. You’re a ground type, correct?”

“Yes, yes I am. Ground and steel, in fact. However, due to the paradox that this house-”

“Thank you. So you could’ve caused that tremor just now, right?”

“I suppose I could’ve, yes. But I’d never kill anyone. I just wanna have fu-un,” said Hedron cheerfully.

“He. Curious that you mention the murders, I never said anything of the sort,” replied Seir, satisfied. “You know what I’m thinking? I’m thinking you killed them. All of them. Remember Vileplume’s murder in the train? Your claws were bloody. I remember you from the ring. Someone snitched on you, didn’t they? And you couldn’t let that go. Once you heard Vileplume, Big Boss and I were in the train, you had to come get your revenge. You had motive, means and opportunity.”

“That’s right, Hedron,” said Gardevoir. “Now that I think about it, you could’ve poisoned the drink that killed my friend Gertrude before we even got onto the train. Being the engineer, you had access to the train 24/7.”

“No, you got it all wrong!” protested the Subterrene Pokémon. “That was paint, I was doing some drawings. As for Gertrude, we’re not even sure of what killed her!”

“Oh, we’re sure of it alright. Seir here kindly provided us with cause of death before storing the body in Vileplume’s compartment,” affirmed Electivire, sure that he was about to put an end to this mess.

“That’s it! The bodies! They’re all still in Vileplume’s room! If we could just take a look at them and the degree of decomposition, I’m sure we could tell if Gertrude died of poisoning or not,” suggested Hedron, a glimpse of hope in his eyes.

“Right, but we should check out that collapsed wall before we do anything,” suggested Gardevoir. “We don’t want any surprises.”

The Pokémon went up the stairs, but when they reached the 90-degree turn, Hedron fell and started to shake alarmingly. His eyes were white. Gardevoir tried to restrain him, but Seir stopped her.

“He could break his arms and back if you try to stop his convulsions. It’s best to remain calm in this kind of situations.”

When Hedron stopped shaking, Seir looked for a pulse. He didn’t find anything.

“He’s gone,” he declared.

“But how?” asked the Motor Drive Pokémon. “We were all with him all this time, and we haven’t even eaten yet. He couldn’t have been poisoned, yet the way he shook indicates poisoning…and a quick one at that.”

“S-so you’re saying…one of us killed him!?” asked Gardevoir, starting to panic on the inside.

“That’s what he’s implying. But I don’t see how any of us could’ve done it…it was dark, sure, but we’d have noticed if someone tried to inject Hedron with something,” said Seir, thoughtful.

A long silence followed, with everyone completely still.

“Well, you two can have trust issues all you want, I’ll go check out that collapsed wall.”

“Wait, Seir, it’s safer to stick together!” exclaimed Electivire.

“After finding out one of us three is the killer? No thanks!” said Gardevoir.

With these words, both Seir and Gardevoir ran off in separate ways, getting as far from Electivire as they possibly could.

Frustrated, Electivire decided to look for that collapsed wall too. After all, he was bound to find either of them eventually. And then he’d be alone with whoever he found.

She went upstairs. She knew Seir was upstairs too, but he had gone the other way, and Electivire was downstairs. She felt relatively safe.

“Aulus! Aulus, are you here!?” she started yelling. She thought that, since Aulus didn’t know who the killer was, she could get him to trust and perhaps even help her.

But only the silence of the night answered her calls for the Dialga.

Hm, weird. Perhaps…Hedron had a great plan. The key lies within the bodies…damn it! I have to get to them before the other two!

She ran down the stairs, and before anyone could see her, she went out of the house and headed for the train.

Electivire was still downstairs, thinking of what to do.

Gardevoir and Seir are both upstairs…I don’t wanna be with both of them at the same time. If only I could find Gardevoir alone…whatever, it’s worth a shot. If I do find both of them, it’s not a big deal. I’m sure one of them would help me to save themselves.

And so, Electivire went upstairs too, into the darkness of the endless halls. He felt a presence with him.

“Who’s there?” he asked, his voice cracking despite his attempts at sounding sure of himself. “Show yourself!”

But nothing happened. Or so he thought, but then he heard a familiar voice…

“She’s in the train. I wonder what she could be doing there. Hehe…”

Oh, no! The bodies! How stupid of me! Gardevoir went there for the bodies…I can’t allow it! I won’t let her do it…

Man, this house is one piece of work, Seir thought, as he walked downstairs. Turned the whole floor upside down…but nothing! Didn’t find a damn thing! Ugh.

“Electivire! Gardevoir! Where are you!? I need to talk to you!”

But, obviously, there was no answer.

They’re not here…they went for the train? Damn, I should’ve thought of it. That only means one thing…

Despite the darkness surrounding it, Gardevoir managed to find the train. She used Psychic to rip the door apart, leaving marks that mimicked claw marks perfectly. She then did the same thing for the door in Vileplume’s door, but what she saw…

The bodies…they’re all here!? Aulus, Lilligant, Togepi, Mewostic…but…that’s impossible…I don’t…

Suddenly, she heard a loud thud from outside. She had her Psychic ready just in case, and then she took a peek. She saw Electivire, knife in hand, bleeding on one shoulder, having what looked like a bite mark.

“G-Gardevoir…h-help me…Seir…he…he bit me…tried to k-kill me…I wasable to fend off with his knife…h-help…” said Electivire, who looked in shock.

“W-what!? Seir? What are you talking about, that’s impossible!”

It was at this moment that Seir appeared, wounded.

“Gardevoir! Help! He had the jump on me and attacked me with my own knife…I had to defend-”

“You lying, murderous scum!” yelled Electivire, jumping at Seir with the knife in hand. However, Seir managed to dodge the attack and stab Electivire in the throat with the point of his tail.

“Argh!” was all Electivire managed to say, before suffocating to death.

“W-what…what just happened!?” asked a very confused Gardevoir.

“It’s all over now Gardevoir,” said Seir, smiling. “He tried to silence me…but I had to escape and warn you. You can rest easy now.”

With these words, and overjoyed, she ran up to Seir and hugged him tightly…only to then feel a deep pain in the back of her neck…right before everything turned to white.

Death(s): Everyone :O

Accused: Welp, by now we all know who the murderer was ;o

Congratulations @Vracken ! You win! :D
Aaaaand this concludes the third installment of Convicted 3! :D I really really hope you all enjoyed the game even though it did take forever (sorry : <) and I'm not really the best writer out there. Feedback is appreciated. ^.^

EDIT: Google Polls wasn't so hard after all. Here it is. Anyone is free to answer it, not just players.
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Welp its been such a long time :)P) that I totally forgot who was playing who!!! Anyways thanks for the great game :D (I know its a murder mystery but its too bad that everyone had to die at the end :eek:)
Welp its been such a long time :)P) that I totally forgot who was playing who!!! Anyways thanks for the great game :D (I know its a murder mystery but its too bad that everyone had to die at the end :eek:)
Haha sorry about that lol, but school and irl thingies kept me busy for a while. I was able to sneak in a bit of writing from time to time though. :p

Everyone died because there were like no guesses and the game had to be ended. : <
Also if you did the poll (even if you didn't play) it'd be very appreciated. : <
You all deserved it, except Lil. I would have liked to keep her around for flavour reasons.
I could try writing convicted 4 eventually. I've got an idea for it (hehehe)...

Of course, I am the slowest active writer (at least going by TROA standards), so this might not be the best idea.
I would, but I am not a very good writer, so it probably wouldn't end up being a fun game.
Unfortunately Hedron was made to die, and who even was Ouyuki again, not some minor character that had death written all over them right? ^w^
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