• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

Standard Competing with only first 151 (with exceptions)


25+ years....still tryina catch 'em all...
...and Togepi/Togetic/Togekiss/Lugia plus Mimiku*. Basically 151 from Jhoto League plus Legendaries Ho-Oh and Lugia from Pokémon The Movie 2000 (right around when I fell off the bandwagon)

What's up everyone?! So I'm a Gen 1er, got my first base set with a holographic Machamp that I still haven't opened, and didn't pay much mind to Pokémon for a decade or two until I heard that Ingress was being used as a base for a new IRL Pokémon game! Cue: Pokémon GO! Jeez I remember that first week...
Remember all those spawn websites? I would be in the car with my friends and he'd say "HOLY S**T THERE'S A HITMONLEE IN LONG BEACH!!!" and we'd drive like crazy to this random street corner and learn about curveballs, critical catches, quick catches, and the rest is history.
Then my nephew was born, so naturally when he was 4 I introduced him to Pokémon and he lapped it up like a puppy. He knows the names, he knows the moves, he's probably got more cards than I do (he's nine now!).
So I got him the battle academy, and after having played TCG: Live a few years back and remembering I had a knack for it, I thought I'd teach him (and myself) how to play for real. We both have a good gaming strategy, even without letting the other person win or lose!
So that got me thinking...why not compete yourself with people your age that actually exist for real prizes!!!!!

But how do I compete with these Masters of the trade? Practice, practice, and PSYCHIC!
So here's my strategy and rough sketch for a deck:
1x Mewtwo VMax
1x Mewtwo V
1x Lugia
1x Ho-Oh
2x Mew with Genome Hacking
3x Eevee with Whiny Voice
2x Sylveon
3x Abra
2x Kadabra
1x Alakazam Ex with Dimensional Hand (Promo)
3x Mimiku with Ability: No damage from V or Ex Pokémon
2x Snorlax
2x Ditto
2x Togepi
1x Togetic
1x Togekiss

3x Jet energy
3x V-guard
2x Double Colorless
1x Radiant Energy
Fill the rest with Psychic

Lucky Helmet

The psychic stadium card

Anything that shuffles cards back into my deck
1x Boss's Orders (I'm not that much of a d*ck)
A "swap both player's pokemon" card
Lucy (4 Psychic energy)
The supporter that takes your active Pokémon and puts it and all cards back in your hand
Healing Cart in lieu of switch (plus I'll have Jet energy)
Restaurant (the one that heals 70 damage)

So I know my count probably is under or over 60 cards, but that's the idea.
My tactic is, in my experience, most people are obsessed with playing their Ex or V cards because they're so powerful and whatnot. So as I build up my Alakazam to use Dimensional hand from the bench, Whiny voice to toss some of the opponent's cards back out of their hand, and Mimiku* (he's pretending to be Pikachu...kind of....so I give him a pass...plus it's crucial to my strategy) takes the stage and resists all V and Ex damage (until the opponent catches on and uses a regular card) But it'll have Lucky Helmet so at least I'll get some extra cards if it gets hit. Meanwhile I'm also building up my Mew for Genome Hacking, then I use a switch cart or wait for a sacrificial loss to use your own V or Ex attacks against you (against Mew lol).
I've tried this on TCG online and it's pretty effective! I can't say I win every time but I enjoy the frustration people must feel when they can't attack this little Mimiku and then SMACK in the face with Genome Hack or Dimensional hand from the bench.

Anybody see any faults in my stars? Other than facing a slew of Dark type Pokémon, I think I should be able to hold my own (I'd rather not have someone else hold my own if you know what I mean :.D ). I am due to get neck surgery soon so I have time to rethink stuff before I actually compete. My alt deck would be all about Charizard and Radiant Charizard that's ma mans lol. But that's for another post.

This is my first deck build so please be kind! I'm open to critiques and comments, be nice with criticism as you would want done to you, and don't be crass. This is Pokémon not the stock market. We're here to support each other and have fun! RIGHT?


p.s. if you have a moment, as I said I'm due to get neck surgery soon, and because of that I had to take a two-year voluntary medical withdrawal from Film School at New York Film Academy in Manhattan. If y'all wouldn't mind subscribing to my youtube page it would mean the world to me. I'm stuck around 70 subscribers and gotta get to 500 to start advertising and stuff. Every watch helps! https://www.youtube.com/@directedbyjamison or search "PixelPanic Productions" or "Film History Marvel Midterm Jamison" and the video that looks like the Marvel logo is my, well, my Film History Midterm that impressed the President of the school enough to change the assignment. just saying....

Edit: just did a rough count, if you add 5 into-deck supporters or items, 2 healing carts, 2 swap both players active pokemon cards, I'll have at least 8 or 9 psychic energy, or can add/remove some mons