City Championship South East UK - Any interest?


Aspiring Trainer
Hey guys, I am new to the forum after lurking for a while.
For a long time I have played pokemon in paper and online.
I attend a tcg club in the south east of england named CokerGaming, they have just started up again and are looking to grow!
I have been playing Magic:the Gathering there for a few weeks now and the small community is great!

I want to get back into competitive Pokemon, so I have spoken with the owner of the club and he is extremely interested in running sanctioned events and growing the pokemon scene in our area.

He has been in contact with Pokemon and has asked me to find out whether there is enough interest for a City Championship! I of course said I will try my hardest to find people so here I am.

The dates Pokemon have given him for a potential City Champs are from:
December 14 2013 - February 23rd 2014

Can anyone interested please post here and try and get as many people interested as possible. It has been a bad time the last year or two when I have very few people to play with/attend events with!

This is the clubs website so you know where it is!

Thanks so much for reading and I hope we can get some hype going!
Please let me know if you are interested because it will NOT run unless 24 players attend.

P.S. If there is anywhere better for me to post this please let me know :) !!!