Chien-Pao ex Quarterly Report and a Look Towards Twilight Masquerade


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Hey PokeBeach readers and Chien-Pao Inc. Shareholders, Ciaran here to give you a shivery update on Chien-Pao ex! Last time I wrote about Chien-Pao ex was before EUIC, but a lot has happened since then for my favourite ice cat. I have a strong understanding of where the deck currently sits and want to share some more in-depth matchup guides, discuss how to build your ideal 60, and a look ahead to how the deck will fare once Twilight Masquerade comes out!

Chien-Pao ex got off to a shaky start in this format, failing to make Top 8 at EUIC, even though the deck was well represented on the second day of competition. Two did make top cut at the Orlando Regional Championships the following weekend, however, and at the...

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