Card of the Day Guidelines (Please read before posting)

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Aspiring Trainer
Advanced Member
Card of the Day Guidelines

The Card of the Day section is designed for members to give their opinions on various cards. Some are very popular, while some are completely overlooked cards with a small amount of potential. A few will inevitably be boring, just because there aren't enough interesting cards to review one every day.

In order to make these reviews look as professional as possible, and in order to make them as helpful to others as possible, there are a few rules and guidelines you have to follow.

1) All PB rules apply. I probably don't even need to say this.

2) Don't argue others' reviews and the opinions expressed in them. This is not the place to do that. If you strongly disagree with something a member says, feel free to PM them and argue it there. However, we want this section to look clean and easy to read. Adding a debate in the middle of a bunch of reviews ruins that look.

3) Place-holders like "First!" are not allowed. If you are caught doing this, you will receive a warning under custom reason, even if you go back and edit your post later. Those types of posts spam up the reviews, and it's common sense not to make them. It is, however, acceptable to edit your post with such a place-holder after posting a full review.

4) Do not complain about what cards are chosen. Similarly to rule number three, these posts spam up the reviews. If you have an issue with or question about the cards being chosen, feel free to PM [smod]Vulpix Yolk[/smod].

There are some guiding questions for this section's reviews. They are explained in detail below. Note that they are only listed here for reference; they are not required, and you do not need to use them in your card reviews.

1. How does this card stand on its own (analyze the HP, attacks, Abilities, etc. of the card)?
As it says above, analyze the card's stats. Compare its HP and such to the average card's HP. Point out what it does best (draw power, support, attack, disruption, etc.) Also point out what its weak points are (heavy drawback of attack, low HP, etc.) Explain why the card is good or bad on its own.

2. What cards, if any, does this card combo with?
Restate the weak points of the card. Then, explain what cards you can combine it with to remove those weak points. If the potential combinations don't cover the card's weak points, explain why you think they are good combinations. Remember that you can go out on a limb here. Even if it's not an established metagame combination and it might not work as one, feel free to post some fun or crazy ones.

3. What role does/could this card have in the metagame?
Explain what decks the card is good against, and explain what decks it's bad against. Explain how these matchups play out, and why they play out that way. Explain more specifically what role it could have - could it be part of a BDIF, could it be a Tier 1 deck, could it be a dark horse deck, or could it be something completely different? If you don't think it has any potential in the metagame, explain why it doesn't.

4. Give it a rating (out of 10), and explain why you have given it that rating.
10 is the highest possible rating. This means it's one of the best cards in the format; basically a staple or the foundation of one of the best decks around. A great example of this can be found here. A one (or zero) means that the card has absolutely no use, and has absolutely no chance of ever being part of a deck. A great example of this can be found here. This part of your review should also be used to summarize the first three sections of your review (as part of explaining why you gave it the rating you did.)

Remember that you can expand on these guiding questions, or not follow them at all. They are not required by any means; they are just there to create better posts.

Thanks for your interest in this section, and thanks for reading the rules before posting. Have fun!
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