Discussion Burning Shadows Prerelease

Mike A

Aspiring Trainer
Hey everyone,
Just got back from my prerelease and was wondering how did everyones turn out? Ended up pulling a Hyper Necrozma so I ended up playing psychic with Necrozma, viper, and toxicroak. I didn't see a thread about this anywhere and was wondering what cards surprised you in the prerelease and which ones were a dominant? I know it's all based on pulls but were there any that you didn't even think would be a big player that ended up becoming one?
We had a lot of Tapu Fini pulls in ours. Sad to say during the actual prerelease I didn't pull anything helpful, and it was my worse pre release ever. My consolation was the extra packs at the end at our place gave me my own Tapu Fini. I saw only one Necrozema, though there were a couple Marshadow pulls. Didn't notice anything entirely awesome during play though. Toxicroak was around for obvious reasons. Mine was Zygarde, which is good for my dex but kind of crummy for the prerelease.

And for the record, never pulled a hyper/rainbow rare...of ANYTHING.
I got a holo Lycanroc, Raichu, and Kingdra. I saw one Tapu Fini, a few GardevoirGX's, a CharizardGX, A couple of MachampGX's, two Ho-oHGX's, and a SalazzleGX. Probably more GX's, but hard to see all 20 something players that attended pulls.
Pulled a full art Golisopod GX out of prize packs but that's about it. Very playable card though so i'll take it. Didn't do well in prerelease play. Just not good at playing in a format like that where the deck is just bleh. Went 1-2.
I ended up taking my nephew with me to learn how to and help me obtain some new cards. We both ended up 2-0-1 at the pre-lease and received 4 extra packs in total. I pulled one holofoil from the pre-lease pack ( Diancie and Zygarde) with a hyper rare Marshadow. The notable pull was from my newphew, hyper rare Darkrai. I ended up pulling off the wins using Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Rhyperior, Rattata, Raticate, and Wobbufett.
I ended up being 14 out of 16, but I pulled a Choice band sr, yesterday I sold it and I paid to play another prerelease this weekend to see if I can have better results haha :)
There were a lot of Marshadow pulls...I think in total there were 6 including two hyper rare. I pulled Necrozma and my son a hyper rare Fini. I pulled 3 Acerola and used them in my build, a very useful card as I was able to pull up my damaged Pokemon. Everyone played Alolan Raticate as it could attack 60 damage with no energy. I played against a Crabominable build which is surprisingly good. A stage 1 with 80 damage for 1 energy. With 3# energy could do up to 160 damage....and its hp at 140 is decent.
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I collect F/A Supporters and pulled a F/A Plumeria so I was happy. Didn't get any big hitters in my initial pulls so I went 1-2. Everyone I played had at least one GX (Fini, Alolan Muk, & Golisopod). Pulled out my win with Wobb against Muk. There were several regular Charizards, Ho Ohs, & Finis pulled. Few Hypers, but more Secret Rares & F/A Supporters pulled. With 52 attending the PreRelease, it was the biggest I had been too. Lotta fun!
I pulled a Ho-Oh GX, and the guy next to me pulled the full-art Ho-Oh GX.

I played a grass energy deck, but threw in 5 fire energies and Kiawe, and won 2 of 3 games with Ho-Oh, never even using my Vileplume evolution line from the prerelease pack.

I pulled a full art kiawe but didn't pull any good fire type in my prerelease box which was a bummer. i ended up going 1-2 but it was a blast.
I pulled a FA Lycanroc and SR fire energy. Got pretty bad pulls when it came to deck building and went 1-2, but had a lot if fun! Pulled FA A Muk and Necrozma. I'd say Definitely worth it!
I didn't pull a single GX, but I did manage to cop a Full Art Guzma <3.
I got first place by using my Crabominable Promo to turn two "donk" my opponents with the one energy attack. It happened 4 times somehow. I also threw in some more Toxicroak and Ryperior lines to make the deck much more consistent!
Somehow I had too much draw? I decked out in two matches and was super surprised.