Booster Box question

No way, Lucario, its 36 packs per box. Anyone bought UFo booster box so we can see the bottom of the bos. Just scan it into the computer. My DS box says "Contains 36x product code 21350. I think UF should have it too.
ALL booster boxes contain 36 booster packs, it is the same from base set to LM. Here's a few booster boxes ranging from Unlimited to modified and they each contain 36 booster packs.

i havnt collected pokemon cards since 98 and i wanted to know some reasons why i should collect the new ones instead of the old ones. or should i collest both


It really depends on who you are...
A collector? Collect both. You know who you are.
Or a player? There's two current ways to play, Unlimited, which you are able to use older cards which is from Base Set to the current set(Legend Maker) and Modified, which follows the rotation of sets of POP.
If you want to play Unlimited, it does not matter what cards you get. Modified, you should get cards from Ex: Emerald on, as the sets will be rotated again after Worlds(Which is in August). The current Modified sets is Hidden Legends On.
If you want to get back in the game, and play in higher levels, Modified should be your choice.

Hope it helps,

i wanna collect both and play but i dont now what decks or booster packs to buy, theirs been so many since 98, is it realy goin to be that hard to get back in


If you want to play again...Just buy the current set which is Legend Maker. LM have very good cards and alot of people wants it. You could trade them with good Trainers and Pokemon cards. Just check the Deck Garage and try to find some ideas. When you know what deck you want to make, get the cards by trading. If you have older cards, trade online, as alot of people still collects them.


alright i will do that thanx, but another question i dont understand these pokemon terms like the EX and all these different numbers what do they mean, also where do i buy these cards, im from the US do they sell them at toysrus

Ex is a term for pokemon which are more powerful than normal (I think it stands for 'Extreme' or something like that). There are approximately 8 Ex pokemon per set and they are usually very valuable. When you play them though they have disadvantages like some trainer cards dont work with them, some pokemon do extra damage versing them and when an Ex is knocked out your opponent draws 2 prizes instead of 1.

I dont know what you mean by different numbers, can you give an example?

Alot of shops sell cards. Places like EB Games, Toys'r'us and shops similar to those will most likely sell cards there.

I think he means card number (such as 1/115, 44/113, 72/92, etc etc etc).
Well, each card has its rarity. Some of the newer sets include EX emerald, Unseen forces, delta Species and Legend Maker. Emerald is over 106. UF 115. DS 113. LM 92.
Each card has its own card number. Rarity is about rare, uncommon, common.
The way they arrange is
Rare Holo pokemon
Rare Pokemon
Uncommon pokemon
Common pokemon
Rare trainers
Uncommon trainers
Common traners
Special energy such as Rainbow, Multi, dark and metal.
Pokemon EX
Basic energy

try buying from emerald up, because by the time you get a good deck up (depends on how much you're gonna be buying) the modified will have changed, and i think it's gonna begin at emerald on. but that's after worlds '06 so whatever you wanta do. if you're gonna be buying alot, though, try hidden legends up. that's the current modified format. I myself in HL on like to use Hidden Legends/Fire red leaf green/Unseen forces/and legend maker. hope this helps a little. see ya around

Arcanine out.

Ur like me...but I started up again 2yrs ago....(personaly I don't like the new rules) I've nearly got entire sets for the new & old cards....and I play as well....
RE: Help

Do worry "gotsauce" I have the Older cards too.....nearly whole sets...
Cool huh?

i started (again) about 3 months ago and i still loves pokemon tcg.. but i should have known they 'll band older sets each year (i bought too much trr !!! sob)
best set you should buy are:
legend maker
unseen forces

at least thats what i think..

Emerald is the last set which you should buy, lol. All the current modified sets have good cards in them yet Emerald is the one with the poorest cards. LM, UF and upcoming MC are the best sets in the current modified, yet we'll have to wait and see what new cards HP throws out.

in-the-ra said:
i started (again) about 3 months ago and i still loves pokemon tcg.. but i should have known they 'll band older sets each year (i bought too much trr !!! sob)
best set you should buy are:
legend maker
unseen forces

at least thats what i think..

LOL...i did that with Hidden Legends...oh oh oh...u like Rave Master too? not alone!...ive only read up to book

Anyways, beack on topic. Unless you need specific cards, buy Emerald onwards.

I think Ex stands for Exemplary though who knows. Either way the newest set is the best to buy if you have access to othes with cards or arent araid to trade online. This ill bring in the most for your cards as they are high demand. As well, research what cards you are looking for. I started focusing on one deck and then slowly built up a collection. Hope this helps.