
Which Deck is the BEST Archtype?

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League Leader - Tournament Organizer - Professor
Which deck is the best Archtype out there and why.
there's no real BEST archetype. all of them have their good matches and bad matches. LBS, Flareados, Polistall, Medicham variants, Mynx, Dragtrode, Mewtric, and others are very popular right now. but none of them are the BEST.

Arcanine out.
BTW, we all agree (or almost all) that the winner of worlds won't play an archetype, so why even bother
anyways, there's still the luck factor, if anyone would have a perfect start, then LBS would have the most chance to win, if it's early in the game, T2 RK9, but nothing is certain.
yeah, i'm almost 100 percent certain that he/she won't win with a Archetype, that itll be a Rogue deck. come on win was the last time a archetype won it all?

Arcanine out.
Well, everybody's kinda prepared about most Archetypes, except by Lunarock, MAYBE...but my bench attack still pwns.
RE:   Archtypes

cute-mew said:
Arcanine 274 said:
yeah, i'm almost 100 percent certain that he/she won't win with a Archetype
about who are you talking?
uh the Worlds winner. duh.

and everybody is prepared for Lunarock, and knows how to beat it. problem is that CAN they?

Arcanine out.
I like Dustox ex's chance for a high finish at Worlds.
if you mean DustMuk, then no it doesn't have much of a chance. it's just too easy to beat. Dustox EX decks are good, but if you don't run EX's and run something like Liability, or anything NON-EX it'll die. and Typhlo-liability will make a large showing IMO if people are smart :D.

but it could you never know.

Arcanine out.
Well I have a Dustox ex deck with Eevee-evolution ex's in it that owns almost every deck I play against, even non-ex decks. My brother has a Delta Salamence/Tyrannitar deck and I've beaten that deck every time I've played it. I will also be playing this deck at the Last Chance Qualifier.
BSL 's the best ! high atk and what do u expect? T1 200 is possible if u got the luck. latias * kill's dustox, lugia ex's there to face something big, huge.

burning liability ? good too ,typhlosion have amazing rage atk, weezing..... will kill any thing with desert / cursed / burning liability

queendom is nice too, FAST atk and a fighting type, big advatage! nidoqueen still have the chance to win as long as u have at least 1 nidoqueen in ply
but every single one of those is easy to counter if you know how. that's the only problem with archetypes. EVERYBODY knows how to beat them. that's why rogue'll win.

Arcanine out.
I voted for dragtrode, which is one sick deck...t2 80-90 to anything?? And constantly??? Jesus, its just too sick and consistant. Why is MMS on there??? ;/ Its just a crappy LBS. Why isn't mynx and SD up there??? Those are really archtypes. I guess Rock-Lock should be up there too, since it did finish in 3rd at U.S. Nats.
because the dude had never heard of mynx of sd. that's why it's not up there.

Dragtrode is sick, but if you can get a BF to stick, it'll lose. . . . period.

Arcanine out.
Actually I have heard of all of those decks but I only had 10 spaces. By the way Battle Fronteir does slow down Dragtrode but that's why I play a few Scott's.