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ARCEUS!!! (Seniors/Cities)


Can I please have some help on my Arceus decklist? All suggestions are appreciated! Thanks :D


-2 Colorless Arceus
-1 Dark Arceus
-1 Metal Arceus
-1 Psychic Arceus
-1 Fire Arceus
-1 Fighting Arceus
-1 Electric Arceus
-1 Water Arceus
-1 Grass Arceus
-3 Arceus Lv.X (Omniscient)


-4 Pokemon Collector
-4 Beginning Door
-4 Great Ball
-4 Pokemon Rescue
-4 Ultimate Zone
-3 Bebe's Search
-3 Warp Point
-3 Professor Oak's New Theory
-2 Judge
-1 Palmer's Contribubtion
-1 Luxury Ball


-4 Rainbow Energy
-4 {C}{C}
-1 {G}
-1 {W}
-1 {L}
-1 {F}
-1 {R}
-1 {P}
-1 {M}
-1 {D}
I would recommend taking out a Bebe's Search (because you have beginning door to look for the lvl X) and a PONT for 2 Interviewer's Questions. Other than that, this looks like a pretty solid list. Good luck, man! :D
Wow, that is a very low number of basic pokemon, tho I guess the trainer speed will make up for it.
Trainer lock will destory this completely.
You could look at adding 3 more basic Arceus according to your taste. Say fire, fighting and psychic. This way the attacks can be more consistent.
Also, the energy line is unfocused. With 4 rainbow energy, you should maybe consider running the most important basic energy x2 or x3. If you add a few more basics, then you can remove less used energy types to better match what you run.
Ditch the Bebe's completely. There is no reason for Arceus to waste a Supporter and a card in hand to search for an Arceus.
Interviewer's is only good if you aren't going for ripple swell ASAP, which it appears you are. Run more Pont instead to help you get Ultimate Zone and other non-energy cards you'll need.

You may also want to consider warp energy as oppossed to warp point to help reduce the number of trainers and increase energy. With Ultimate Zone in play you can play warp energy, then move it up to your new active Arceus.
X4 pokemon collectors is quite a lot for this many basics, especially considering the rest of your trainer line. Maybe consider Copycat or another hand refresh card instead.

It appear to recycle a lot, but I think it'll get tripped up with that few Pokemon.

My suggestions.
+3 Basic Arceus.
+3 Basic energy to match added basic Arceus
+1 Pont
+1 Copycat
+3 Warp Energy

-3 Bebe's
-3 basic energy that aren't used as much (such as metal)
-3 warp point
-1 Pokemon Collector
-1 Great Ball

I've been running Arceus for a few months now in masters. I have found much better success with focused Arceus than the general version. I run way fewer trainers in mine (6-7) and 5 Omni LvX. Remember, the LvX can go on any active Arceus w/o a LvX. Its a +30-50 HP gain, a weakness remover and in some cases a retreat cost reducer. More LvXs may also be something to give thought to.
I've been playing arceus for a while now and I've even won with it and all I can say is you DON'T need every type of arceus. I've never been in a situation where grass on metal could have helped me win the game. Also your energy line is. . .awful XD.
If you run more of the better arceus and more of the energies needed for the better attacks then recovery is less of a problem. I run 4 DCE, 4 calls(NEEDED),2 rainbow,3 water, 2 fire, 2 dark,and one fighting. the fighting is kinda ify but hey. running these kind of energies mean that you can go straight to the big hitting attacks and save the others till later game and you have a rainbow. Also why so many warps. Arceus has one retreat cost when leveled up. Unless your meta has glistomb or somthing like that then retreating easily is not really a concern. Also between beginning door, collector, calls and bebes search why do you need great balls.
Also DON'T ditch the bebes if theres even a slight chance you'll face any genplume decks. Its happened to me so often that my beginning doors and communications(took those out :p) just sit in my hand actually helping my opponent out more than me. 4x collector and 4x calls is needed if you want your deck to be consistent. I get T2 ripple 90% of the time. Also lux ball. ewwwwwwww. your running 4 cards that are better than it in every way. Why a 5th. As for the arceus lines go with you meta. If its machamp central go for more psy ones. Lotsa kingdra, an extra electric. Dialga centered, more fires. I think you get the point. Still I've never needed metal, just saying :/.I don't disagree with the more LvX the better part but I personally find 3 to be enough. I don't really like the rescues, but I cant entirely disagree with them. I just think that 1 palmers is enough if you run multiples of the good ones and lotsa energies. Love the judge seeing as how arceus doesn't need a huge hand while SPs do and most other decks. With claydol gone a good judge can be fatal.
That's the great thing about Arceus, it can be played a number of ways to suit the players skills and styles. Personally, I like grass and metal. With an expert belt and a Omni LvX with type advantage, you can 1 hit Ko weaker pokemon and heal. Metal can really mess up an opponents plans. It is a total save if they X machamp. Its situational, but has helped me a lot.

But yeah, it'll all depend on your flow and what you like/dislike.