Any one go to neo?


#1 Demyx Fan!
does anyone here go to neopets?I do its great fun my username is psyblaze If youure interested drop me a neomail.
I am a member an have been for at least 5 years now and I am a million aire from playing scorchy slots meerca chase 1 and 2 destrut o match before destruct o match 2 came in and gadsgadsgame (tetris) that one replaced chute. Check my high scores and my username is _xwazupx_ and the letters are lower case and my actual jackpot winnings for slots is 179,020 but they deleted the score tables so that does not show anymore but that is my highest ever from that game so what you see there now is what I got after they deleted the score tables. That was on 01/16/2003 before they put the 3 game rule per day into effect that summer.:)