I like that they included all the Regis although the original 3 are from Hoenn.
Retreat or use Raichu to dump energy from discardEnergy from the discard pile? What are you talking about Volkner
the game has been keeping tabs on energy lost from retreating, attack costs and knockouts since launch (look in your discard pile when you're playing a match). There just hasn't been an effect that capitalizes on discarded energy in the first two sets, it must have been an interaction they had in mind and held off from including until the meta had a chance to formEnergy from the discard pile? What are you talking about Volkner
They should have just made Pokeon Trading Card Game for Game Boy for Switch and Phonethe game has been keeping tabs on energy lost from retreating, attack costs and knockouts since launch (look in your discard pile when you're playing a match). There just hasn't been an effect that capitalizes on discarded energy in the first two sets, it must have been an interaction they had in mind and held off from including until the meta had a chance to form
when I tell you i've been saying the same thing about tcgOnline or whatever the online service for the full tcg is called nowadays lolThey should have just made Pokeon Trading Card Game for Game Boy for Switch and Phone
When are they Live? And why are they better again?
They come out at around:At what time are they supposed to be available in the app? I don't see any of it or any update yet. In case the time zone matters, I'm in central Europe.
Using all the best art on pocket I see
We could have gotten one of those in if it weren't for the 100th Eevee card we didn't need.Missing from Sinnoh: Mothim, Cherubi, Cherrim, Froslass, Phione, Arceus and the babies Budew, Chingling, Bonsly, Mime Jr., Happiny, Munchlax and Mantyke.
Look, not to be that guy, but you do have a phone. Everyone does. Try using it.What a waste of art. More cards I'll never see.
We could have gotten another draw supporter, but if I had to guess why we didn't, I would have to look at it from a particular perspective. From looking at card design, it seems that, outside of attack-based draw, Professor's Research as a draw 2 appears to be the best they are willing to give us to keep relative power level in check. That sounds weird with cards like Darkrai EX and Dialga/Palkia EX existing. Still, apart from those niche cases, they are trying to be careful with what they give us so there aren't any broken staples running around, so everyone has to use hourglasses/buy gold, etc, to pick copies up ASAP. If there is anything I want people to take from this comment, let me ask this one question. What generic draw would be acceptable in this meta/game environment that wouldn't immediately make Research unviable?Gotta say my main gripe with this version of the tcg's card design so far is the supporters. Why?
We're 3 sets in, right? And the only draw support outside of attacks (extremely tedious) is Professor's.
That's really bad....that's genuinely awful, right? They couldn't do, like, a weaker cynthia that draws 4?