All “Space-Time Smackdown” Cards Officially Revealed from “Pocket!”

On one hand, the art on the art rares is amazing (I honestly like Giratina even more than alt art from LOR). On the other, they are either stuck on digital only slop or IF they ever get printed, they will probably get some standalone casual friendly format and won't be viable for normal play, otherwise I have no idea how they would implement them. (maybe as IR to same Pokémon with different text in TCG, I don't know...)
Because I was not involved in Pokémon during the time of the 4th generation, it's one of my 2 least favorite/connected generations (still, there are a few Pokémon in there which I really like, but overall the generation doesn't mean that much to me).
But there are so many great illustrations here. Like, I have never seen anything with Combee on it I wanted and I love this card.

There's like at least 20 IR/SIR here which I'd say I'd absolutely want if it was a physical set. That's a higher ratio than in any set so far.
Guesses for Theme Collection Challenge:

1. Moon: Darkrai, Cresselia
2. Water: Manaphy, Buizel, Lumi, Shellos
3. Flower: Buneary, Shaymin, Tangela, Togepi
4. Cave: Magcargo, Rhydon, Heatran, Skarmory
5. Dimension: Lake Trio, Giratina, IR Giratina
6. Regi: Regirock, Registeel, Regice, Regigigas
Pocket is my least favorite thing to happen to the TCG

It's so rotted that every month we're getting dozens of new cards, most of them being art rares, stuck in this digital game while the physical TCG gets none of it. Especially when the physical TCG is currently suffering another surge of scalping frenzy partially triggered by the launch of Pocket.
I mean, it’s not necessarily a negative or is hurting the game. It’s like how Japan gets exclusive cards sometimes and everyone else doesn’t. Does it suck? Ye but it doesn’t run the game itself. We can atleast appreciate that the art itself was created for this
I feel like they are pumping those like crazy now
and then in 6months everone moved on because there is to much to collect.
I could see Gallade ex and Lucario being a good combination for damage boosting/energy punishment.

So many good arts in this set as well, the Shinx art rare is adorable 😍
lmao. i have specifically wanted a card with all the regis / the whole lake trio for SO long, and here they are casually revealed in the worst possible unobtainable way. stop showing me cards i can’t hold in my hand i hate this game so much
I mean, it’s not necessarily a negative or is hurting the game. It’s like how Japan gets exclusive cards sometimes and everyone else doesn’t. Does it suck? Ye but it doesn’t run the game itself. We can atleast appreciate that the art itself was created for this

Kind of hard to appreciate something that's dangled in front of us like a carrot on a string despite not being able to own said carrot.

Japanese exclusive art is not analogous here as I can still buy those cards. I would buy Pocket's but they don't care to release them. Even if they get around to making a physical Pocket set at some point, we're three months in and there's already more exclusive Pocket art than they would ever release physically.

And considering Pocket got a ton of eyes on the TCG again and is one component of the current scalping hell we've been in since November, I'd say it has indeed hurt the game in its own way.
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TPC needs to fire all their artists and make Shinji Kanda full time. That spirit tomb is wild looking.