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absolga (absol g, dialga g) masters, any tournament

Aburame Yuki

Nothing to say...
Mostly planed as a anti mewgar/lostgar deck since absol 1 hit gengar and dialga can block stadiums. But i want to make it so that it has decent matchups vs most decks.

Pokemon: 19
2-2 absol g
2-1 dialga g
1-1 umbreon UD
1 roserade gl
1 chatot g
1 crobat g
1 bronzong g
1 lucario gl
2-1 uxie LA
1 azelf LA
1 unown q

T/S/S: 28
1 luxury ball
1 expert belt
1 junk arm
2 energy exchanger
1 bebe's search
2 aaron's collection
2 pokemon collector
1 professor oak's new theory
4 cyrus's conspiracy
3 sp radar
4 poke turn
4 energy gain
2 power spray

Energy: 13
1 psychic energy
1 metal energy
2 dark energy
3 special metal energy
4 special dark energy
1 warp energy
1 sp energy

The strategy? Ehem.. I'm not sure...
I can semi tank with dialga and disrupt and attack with absol g. Umbreon is a wall vs donphan mostly but it works vs much. Roserade gl helps me vs donphan too and other pokemon that i can lock in the active slot.

If you have some advice to the deck then comment suggestions that will alter or make a new/altered strategy to the deck are also welcome, but i will keep absol and dialga.

if you want an anti lostgar deck i would say

drop:1 crobat g, 1 roserade gl, 1 unown q and 1 ts-2.
add: 1-1 lucario from call of legends and 2 judge. lucario can do alot of damage with all the pokemon in your lost zone and judge will make them shuffle any lost world stadiums in your opponents hand into there deck.
Isn't 1hitting gengar with absol and deafen with dialga enough? Since those 2 pokemon don't really have much synergy i need something to help me vs other deck, like gyarados or donphan. And call of legend ins't released yet so i can't put lucario in anyway (right now).

I can drop roserade gl and ts-2. But not for the cards you suggested since i got that covered (i think).

i can understand if you dont want to put the cards in but for lucario's dimension sphere attack (x30 times the number of pokemon in your lost zone) it would be great with absol (unless im confusing absol g with absol prime) and it only requires 2 colorless energy. (or 1 dce)
@the aura is with me8: I think your thinking of absol prime (sends pokemon from your own hand). But lucario might be worth it, but since it's not yet released i wont put it in.

How could i improve my T/S/S line? I'm kind of tired right now and can't think that good...

For the T/S/S, the ones you have one of should have at least 2 or not run at all. Bebe's is OK IMO to take out because you have a bunch of search engines already. Expert Belt, meh. Unless you know Absol/Umbreon/Dialga will stick around, I advise to dump it. I suppose, however, PONT and Junk Arm SHOULD stay at 1, but the Bebe's and EB can be taken out for another collector, and another free space, which is up to you. I recommend Luxury Ball. I can see why you may not agree with the ideas, but I hope I helped.
^ Thanks for reminding me of luxury ball. I'll take the ts-2 out for 1 luxury ball. Bebe's search is great sine it's a supporter and can't be locked, so it's mostly used when i'm up vs some trainer lock and need to get dialga x out.

@the aura is with me8: I don't really like judge in this deck since i need cards to discard with absol X. And if i use judge then play some of the 4 cards i might not be able to discard the card(s) have left, might want to use them next turn.