A webcam TCG battle?


How Mewtwo feels in the new format
I was watching Chaostorrent and he said something about a TCG battle through a webcam. What do you think of that? I think it's pretty cool and I wanna try it.
Yeah that's true, but it would be fun for me especially since nobody in my area plays.
I play with a friend of mine sometimes over skype. Mainly just because we prefer to play with actual cards rather than on redshark. It's kinda hard to do and its hard to remember everything that is going on in the battle, but we play honestly and we just flash all our cards to the webcam for 5 seconds so the other person knows what we are doing, so random cards don't just appear on the field.
Yeh if you have a web cam that would work very well, me and my friend LORDY JONES usually play each other over the phone twice a day, I don't see why web cams wouldn't work, you can even see the cards that way.