Ruling A Question about Prism Energy's Ruling..


Chronically tired

Prism Energy


Typhlosion Prime

Now let's get on with the question. Suppose Prism energy is in the discard pile, am I allowed to use either Eelektrik's ability Dynamotor or Typhlosion's Afterburner to get it out of the discard and attach it to a Basic? Or does Prism energy have to actually be attached to a Pokemon before it takes effect?

You may not use abilities like dynomotor to get it back from your discard pile.

If you read the card prism states "this card provides {c} Energy." Meaning at all times it only provides one colorless. But if it is attached to a basic then it provides one of every energy type but only one at a time. So if it's in your deck/hand/discard pile it only counts as a colorless energy. If it's attached to an evolved Pokemon, it provides a colorless energy. But, like I said before, if it's attached to a basic then it would provide every type of energy but only one at a time.