2024 Illustration Contest Promos and Sylveon Promo to Be Given Out for “Pokemon Day!”

Water Pokémon Master

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As usual, select Pokemon Leagues will be holding a “Pokemon Day” celebration on February 27th! The event varies by League, but can include tournaments, friendly battles, and how-to-play sessions. TPCi always sends prizes to award.
This year the 2024 Illustration Contest promos will be given out: Feraligatr (SVP 213), Pikachu (SVP 214), and Toxtricity ex (SVP 215). All of them will be non-holo. This is the first time Illustration Contest promos have been sent to Leagues.




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Bro why is the toxtricity not garbage like these illustration promos usually are??? With generator and miraidon you could lowkey have a half decent deck
Dunno how I feel about these being distributed at League, but hopefully I can still get a set without them being way overpriced
I think it’s good they distribute promos through LGSs as they are more likely to not scalp them and makes it easier for those who know or interested in the PTCG to play
I think it’s good they distribute promos through LGSs as they are more likely to not scalp them and makes it easier for those who know or interested in the PTCG to play
I got some bad news for you if you arent considering LGS as scalpers now. Honestly the S now stands for scalpers.
Dunno how I feel about these being distributed at League, but hopefully I can still get a set without them being way overpriced
If they are store ran they will probably be sold after the first day. Might be better if professor owned. But varies from place to place.
I got some bad news for you if you arent considering LGS as scalpers now. Honestly the S now stands for scalpers.
I mean, of course there is bad apples. But there are just as many if not more genuinely good one who work for the community